Teon Banek 5a41478789 Add maintainer scripts for DEB package
Add postinst script for DEB package

The script creates a 'memgraph' group and sets permission on installed
'/var/*/memgraph' directories. Only the group is created, while
'memgraph' user is not. It seems more sane only to require group
membership for using memgraph.

Add conffiles for DEB package

This allows for `dpkg` to detect changes in configuration files and
present them to the user. Therefore, we don't need to care whether the
configuration merges are handled correctly nor if we accidentally
overwrite them.

Add postrm script for DEB packaging

The script is only used so that `dpkg --purge` removes '/var/*/memgraph'
directories, even if they contain something.

Add email, longer description and license file to DEB packaging, as well
as a systemd service.

Provide a logrotate configuration and support it in memgraph.

Use DEB package for Docker installation

This way, the whole installation process and testing should go through

Generate release archives in Apollo with standard names

Reviewers: buda, mferencevic

Reviewed By: mferencevic

Subscribers: pullbot

Differential Revision:
2017-11-22 16:41:25 +01:00

325 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
# paths
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
BASE_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "..", ".."))
WORKSPACE_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ".."))
BASE_DIR_NAME = os.path.basename(BASE_DIR)
BUILD_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "build")
LIBS_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "libs")
TESTS_DIR = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "tests")
TOOLS_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tools")
TOOLS_BUILD_DIR = os.path.join(TOOLS_DIR, "build")
OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "apollo")
# output lists
RUNS = []
# generation mode
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
mode = sys.argv[1]
mode = "diff"
# helper functions
def run_cmd(cmd, cwd):
ret =, cwd = cwd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, check = True)
return ret.stdout.decode("utf-8")
def find_memgraph_binary(loc):
return run_cmd(["find", ".", "-maxdepth", "1", "-executable", "-type",
"f", "-name", "memgraph*"], loc).split("\n")[0][2:]
def generate_run(name, typ = "run", supervisor = "", commands = "",
arguments = "", enable_network = False,
outfile_paths = "", infile = "", slave_group = "local"):
if not commands.endswith("\n"): commands += "\n"
return dict(name = name, type = typ, supervisor = supervisor,
commands = commands, arguments = arguments,
enable_network = enable_network, outfile_paths = outfile_paths,
infile = infile, slave_group = slave_group)
def generate_archive(name, short_name, archive):
return dict(name = name, short_name = short_name, archive = archive)
def create_archive(name, files, cwd):
oname = name + ".tar.gz"
ofile = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, oname)
print("Creating archive:", name)
for i in range(len(files)):
files[i] = os.path.relpath(files[i], cwd)["tar", "-cpzf", ofile, "-C", cwd] + files, check = True)
return oname
def store_metadata(cwd, name, data):
json.dump(data, open(os.path.join(cwd, name + ".json"), "w"))
# create output directory
if os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR):
# store memgraph binary to archive
binary_name = find_memgraph_binary(BUILD_DIR)
binary_path = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, binary_name)
binary_link_path = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "memgraph")
config_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "config")
config_copy_path = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "config")
if os.path.exists(config_copy_path):
shutil.copytree(config_path, config_copy_path)
archive = create_archive("binary", [binary_path, config_copy_path], BUILD_DIR)
ARCHIVES.append(generate_archive("Binary", "binary", archive))
# store documentation to archive
docs_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "docs", "doxygen", "html")
archive = create_archive("doxygen_documentation", [docs_path], docs_path)
ARCHIVES.append(generate_archive("Doxygen documentation", "doxygen_documentation", archive))
# store release deb and tarball to archive
if mode == "release":
print("Copying release packages")
build_output_dir = os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, "output")
deb_name = run_cmd(["find", ".", "-maxdepth", "1", "-type", "f",
"-name", "memgraph*.deb"], build_output_dir).split("\n")[0][2:]
arch = run_cmd(["dpkg", "--print-architecture"], build_output_dir).split("\n")[0]
version = binary_name.split("-")[1]
# Generate Debian package file name as expected by Debian Policy.
standard_deb_name = "memgraph_{}-1_{}.deb".format(version, arch)
tarball_name = run_cmd(["find", ".", "-maxdepth", "1", "-type", "f",
"-name", "memgraph*.tar.gz"], build_output_dir).split("\n")[0][2:]
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(build_output_dir, deb_name),
os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, standard_deb_name))
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(build_output_dir, tarball_name),
os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, tarball_name))
ARCHIVES.append(generate_archive("Release (deb package)", standard_deb_name, standard_deb_name))
ARCHIVES.append(generate_archive("Release (tarball)", tarball_name, tarball_name))
# store user documentation to archive
if mode == "release":
print("Copying release documentation")
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "docs", "user_technical",
"docs.tar.gz"), os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, "release_user_docs.tar.gz"))
ARCHIVES.append(generate_archive("Release (user docs)", "release_user_docs",
# cppcheck run
cppcheck = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tools", "apollo", "cppcheck")
check_dirs = list(map(lambda x: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, x), ["src", "tests",
"poc", ".git"])) + [cppcheck]
archive = create_archive("cppcheck", check_dirs, WORKSPACE_DIR)
cmd = os.path.relpath(cppcheck, WORKSPACE_DIR)
outfile_paths = "\./" + cmd.replace("cppcheck", ".cppcheck_errors").replace(".", "\\.")
RUNS.append(generate_run("cppcheck", commands = 'TIMEOUT=1000 ./{} {}'.format(cmd, mode),
infile = archive, outfile_paths = outfile_paths))
# ctest tests
ctest_output = run_cmd(["ctest", "-N"], TESTS_DIR)
tests = []
# test ordering: first unit, then concurrent, then everything else
CTEST_ORDER = {"unit": 0, "concurrent": 1}
for row in ctest_output.split("\n"):
# filter rows to find tests, ctest prefixes all test names with BASE_DIR_NAME
if row.count(BASE_DIR_NAME + CTEST_DELIMITER) == 0: continue
name = row.split(":")[1].strip().replace(BASE_DIR_NAME + CTEST_DELIMITER, "")
path = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, name.replace(CTEST_DELIMITER, "/", 1))
order = CTEST_ORDER.get(name.split(CTEST_DELIMITER)[0], len(CTEST_ORDER))
tests.append((order, name, path))
for test in tests:
order, name, path = test
dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
cmakedir = os.path.join(dirname, "CMakeFiles",
files = [path, cmakedir]
# extra files for specific tests
if name == "unit__fswatcher":
files.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirname, "..", "data")))
# skip benchmark tests on diffs
if name.startswith("benchmark") and mode == "diff":
# larger timeout for benchmark tests
prefix = ""
if name.startswith("benchmark"):
prefix = "TIMEOUT=600 "
cwd = os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR)
infile = create_archive(name, files, cwd = cwd)
exepath = os.path.relpath(path, cwd)
commands = "cd {}\n{}./{}\n".format(os.path.dirname(exepath),
prefix, os.path.basename(exepath))
outfile_paths = ""
if name.startswith("unit"):
cmakedir_rel = os.path.relpath(cmakedir, WORKSPACE_DIR)
outfile_paths = "\./" + cmakedir_rel.replace(".", "\\.") + ".+\n"
run = generate_run(name, commands = commands, infile = infile,
outfile_paths = outfile_paths)
# quality assurance tests
qa_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tests", "qa")
infile = create_archive("quality_assurance", [qa_path, binary_path,
binary_link_path, config_path], cwd = WORKSPACE_DIR)
commands = "cd {}/tests/qa\n./continuous_integration\n".format(
RUNS.append(generate_run("quality_assurance", commands = commands,
infile = infile, outfile_paths = "\./{}/tests/qa/"
# build release paths
if mode == "release":
BUILD_RELEASE_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "build")
BUILD_RELEASE_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "build_release")
binary_release_name = find_memgraph_binary(BUILD_RELEASE_DIR)
binary_release_path = os.path.join(BUILD_RELEASE_DIR, binary_release_name)
binary_release_link_path = os.path.join(BUILD_RELEASE_DIR, "memgraph")
# macro benchmark tests
"QuerySuite MemgraphRunner "
"--groups aggregation 1000_create unwind_create dense_expand match "
"--no-strict --database-cpu-ids 1 --client-cpu-ids 2")
"QueryParallelSuite MemgraphRunner --groups aggregation_parallel "
"create_parallel bfs_parallel --database-cpu-ids 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "
"--client-cpu-ids 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 "
"--num-database-workers 9 --num-clients-workers 30 --no-strict")
macro_bench_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tests", "macro_benchmark")
harness_client_binaries = os.path.join(BUILD_RELEASE_DIR, "tests",
postgresql_lib_dir = os.path.join(LIBS_DIR, "postgresql", "lib")
infile = create_archive("macro_benchmark", [binary_release_path,
binary_release_link_path, macro_bench_path, config_path,
harness_client_binaries, postgresql_lib_dir], cwd = WORKSPACE_DIR)
supervisor = "./memgraph/tests/macro_benchmark/"
outfile_paths = "\./memgraph/tests/macro_benchmark/\.harness_summary"
supervisor = supervisor,
infile = infile,
outfile_paths = outfile_paths))
supervisor = supervisor,
infile = infile,
outfile_paths = outfile_paths,
slave_group = "remote_20c140g"))
# macro benchmark parent tests
if mode == "diff":
PARENT_DIR = os.path.join(WORKSPACE_DIR, "parent")
BUILD_PARENT_DIR = os.path.join(PARENT_DIR, "build")
LIBS_PARENT_DIR = os.path.join(PARENT_DIR, "libs")
binary_parent_name = find_memgraph_binary(BUILD_PARENT_DIR)
binary_parent_path = os.path.join(BUILD_PARENT_DIR, binary_parent_name)
binary_parent_link_path = os.path.join(BUILD_PARENT_DIR, "memgraph")
parent_config_path = os.path.join(PARENT_DIR, "config")
parent_macro_bench_path = os.path.join(PARENT_DIR, "tests", "macro_benchmark")
parent_harness_client_binaries = os.path.join(BUILD_PARENT_DIR, "tests",
parent_postgresql_lib_dir = os.path.join(LIBS_PARENT_DIR, "postgresql", "lib")
infile = create_archive("macro_benchmark_parent", [binary_parent_path,
binary_parent_link_path, parent_macro_bench_path, parent_config_path,
parent_harness_client_binaries, parent_postgresql_lib_dir],
supervisor = "./parent/tests/macro_benchmark/"
args = MACRO_BENCHMARK_ARGS + " --RunnerBin " + binary_parent_path
outfile_paths = "\./parent/tests/macro_benchmark/\.harness_summary"
supervisor = supervisor,
arguments = MACRO_BENCHMARK_ARGS + " --RunnerBin " + binary_parent_path,
infile = infile,
outfile_paths = outfile_paths))
supervisor = supervisor,
arguments = MACRO_PARALLEL_BENCHMARK_ARGS + " --RunnerBin " + binary_parent_path,
infile = infile,
outfile_paths = outfile_paths,
slave_group = "remote_20c140g"))
# macro benchmark comparison data process
script_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tools", "apollo",
infile = create_archive("macro_benchmark_summary", [script_path],
cmd = "./memgraph/tools/apollo/macro_benchmark_summary " \
"--current " \
"macro_benchmark__query_suite/memgraph/tests/macro_benchmark/.harness_summary " \
"macro_benchmark__query_parallel_suite/memgraph/tests/macro_benchmark/.harness_summary " \
"--previous " \
"macro_benchmark_parent__query_suite/parent/tests/macro_benchmark/.harness_summary " \
"macro_benchmark_parent__query_parallel_suite/parent/tests/macro_benchmark/.harness_summary " \
"--output .harness_summary"
outfile_paths = "\./.harness_summary"
DATA_PROCESS.append(generate_run("macro_benchmark_summary", typ = "data process",
commands = cmd, infile = infile, outfile_paths = outfile_paths))
# stress tests
stress_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tests", "stress")
stress_binary_path = os.path.join(BUILD_RELEASE_DIR, "tests", "stress")
infile = create_archive("stress", [binary_release_path,
binary_release_link_path, stress_path, stress_binary_path,
cmd = "cd memgraph/tests/stress\nTIMEOUT=600 ./continuous_integration"
RUNS.append(generate_run("stress", commands = cmd, infile = infile))
# stress tests for daily release (large dataset)
if mode == "release":
cmd = "cd memgraph/tests/stress\nTIMEOUT=43200 ./continuous_integration" \
" --large-dataset"
RUNS.append(generate_run("stress_large", commands = cmd, infile = infile,
slave_group = "remote_16c56g"))
# public_benchmark/ldbc tests
if mode == "release":
ldbc_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tests", "public_benchmark", "ldbc")
neo4j_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "libs", "neo4j")
mg_import_csv_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tools", "mg_import_csv")
plot_ldbc_latency_path = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "tools", "plot_ldbc_latency")
infile = create_archive("ldbc", [binary_release_path, ldbc_path,
binary_release_link_path, neo4j_path, config_path,
mg_import_csv_path, plot_ldbc_latency_path],
cmd = "cd memgraph/tests/public_benchmark/ldbc\n. continuous_integration\n"
outfile_paths = "\./memgraph/tests/public_benchmark/ldbc/results/.+\n" \
RUNS.append(generate_run("public_benchmark__ldbc", commands = cmd,
infile = infile, outfile_paths = outfile_paths,
slave_group = "remote_20c140g", enable_network = True))
# tools tests
ctest_output = run_cmd(["ctest", "-N"], TOOLS_BUILD_DIR)
tools_infile = create_archive("tools_test", [TOOLS_BUILD_DIR], cwd = WORKSPACE_DIR)
for row in ctest_output.split("\n"):
# Filter rows only containing tests.
if "Test #" not in row: continue
test_name = row.split(":")[1].strip()
test_dir = os.path.relpath(TOOLS_BUILD_DIR, WORKSPACE_DIR)
commands = "cd {}\nctest --output-on-failure -R \"^{}$\"".format(test_dir, test_name)
run = generate_run("tools_" + test_name, commands = commands, infile = tools_infile)
# store ARCHIVES and RUNS
store_metadata(OUTPUT_DIR, "archives", ARCHIVES)
store_metadata(OUTPUT_DIR, "runs", RUNS + DATA_PROCESS)