The fields of ROUTE message were not read from the input buffer, thus the input buffer got corrupted. Sending a new message to the server would result reading the remaining fields from the buffer, which means reading some values instead of message signature. Because of this unmet expectation, Memgraph closed the connection. With this fix, the fields of the ROUTE message are properly read and ignored.
360 lines
13 KiB
360 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <vector>
#include "gflags/gflags.h"
#include "utils/rw_lock.hpp"
#include "long_running_common.hpp"
std::atomic<int64_t> num_pos;
std::atomic<int64_t> num_cards;
std::atomic<int64_t> num_transactions;
std::atomic<int64_t> max_tx_id;
memgraph::utils::RWLock world_lock(memgraph::utils::RWLock::Priority::WRITE);
DEFINE_string(config, "", "test config");
enum class Role { WORKER, ANALYTIC, CLEANUP };
int64_t NumNodesWithLabel(Client &client, std::string label) {
std::string query = fmt::format("MATCH (u :{}) RETURN count(u)", label);
auto result = ExecuteNTimesTillSuccess(client, query, {}, MAX_RETRIES);
return result.first.records[0][0].ValueInt();
int64_t MaxIdForLabel(Client &client, std::string label) {
std::string query = fmt::format("MATCH (u :{}) RETURN max(", label);
auto result = ExecuteNTimesTillSuccess(client, query, {}, MAX_RETRIES);
return result.first.records[0][0].ValueInt();
void CreateIndex(Client &client, const std::string &label, const std::string &property) {
spdlog::info("Creating indexes for :{}({})...", label, property);
ExecuteNTimesTillSuccess(client, fmt::format("CREATE INDEX ON :{}({});", label, property), {}, MAX_RETRIES);
try {
spdlog::info("Trying to sync indexes...");
ExecuteNTimesTillSuccess(client, "CALL db.awaitIndexes(14400);", {}, MAX_RETRIES);
} catch (memgraph::utils::BasicException &e) {
spdlog::warn("Index sync failed: {}", e.what());
class CardFraudClient : public TestClient {
CardFraudClient(int id, nlohmann::json config, Role role = Role::WORKER)
: TestClient(), rg_(id), role_(role), config_(config) {}
std::mt19937 rg_;
Role role_;
nlohmann::json config_;
void GetFraudulentTransactions() {
auto result = Execute(
"MATCH (t:Transaction {fraud_reported: true}) "
"RETURN as id",
{}, "GetFraudulentTransactions");
MG_ASSERT(result, "Read-only query should not fail!");
/* This query could be rewritten into an equivalent one:
* 'MATCH (t:Transaction {fraud_reported: true}) RETURN t LIMIT 1'.
* When written like this it causes a lot of network traffic between
* distributed workers because they have to return all their data to master
* instead of just one node, but doesn't overload the client because it has to
* process just one return value.
void HeavyRead() {
auto result = Execute(
"MATCH (t:Transaction {fraud_reported: true}) "
"WITH COLLECT( as ids "
"RETURN head(ids)",
{}, "HeavyRead");
MG_ASSERT(result, "Read-only query should not fail");
/* If a card was used in a fraudulent transaction, we mark all POS it was used
* on as possibly fraudulent (having a connected fraud). This query counts
* connected frauds for each POS and orders them by that number.
/* TODO(mtomic): this would make more sense if the data was timestamped. */
auto GetCompromisedPos(int pos_limit) {
auto result = Execute(
"MATCH (t:Transaction {fraud_reported: true})-[:Using]->(:Card)"
"<-[:Using]-(:Transaction)-[:At]->(p:Pos) "
"WITH as pos, count(t) as connected_frauds "
"WHERE connected_frauds > 1 "
"RETURN pos, connected_frauds "
"ORDER BY connected_frauds DESC LIMIT $pos_limit",
{{"pos_limit", pos_limit}}, "GetCompromisedPos");
MG_ASSERT(result, "Read-only query should not fail");
/* The following two queries approximate the above one. `UpdateFraudScores`
* computes the number of connected frauds for each POS incrementally, as
* transactions are added, and `GetCompromisedPosInc` just orders them by that
* value. Both queries should execute reasonably fast, while the above one can
* take a lot of time if the dataset is large. The `fraud_score` value
* computed is not equal to `connected_frauds` computed in the above query
* because there could be multiple paths from a transaction to a POS. */
void UpdateFraudScores(int64_t tx_id) {
auto result = Execute(
"MATCH (t:Transaction {id: "
"$tx_id})-[:Using]->(:Card)<-[:Using]-(:Transaction)-[:At]->(p:Pos) "
"SET p.connected_frauds = p.connected_frauds + 1",
{{"tx_id", tx_id}}, "UpdateFraudScores");
if (!result) {
spdlog::warn("`UpdateFraudScores` failed too many times!");
void GetCompromisedPosInc(int64_t pos_limit) {
auto result = Execute(
"MATCH (p:Pos) "
"RETURN p, p.connected_frauds "
"ORDER BY p.connected_frauds DESC "
"LIMIT $pos_limit",
{{"pos_limit", pos_limit}}, "GetCompromisedPosInc");
MG_ASSERT(result, "Read-only query should not fail");
/* This is used to approximate Memgraph's TEPS (traversed edges per seconds)
* metric by multiplying the throughput with the size of the dataset. */
void TepsQuery() {
auto result = Execute("MATCH (u)--(v) RETURN count(1)", {}, "TepsQuery");
MG_ASSERT(result, "Read-only query should not fail");
MG_ASSERT(result->records[0][0].ValueInt() == num_transactions * 4, "Wrong count returned from TEPS query");
/* Simple point lookup. */
void GetTransaction(int64_t id) {
auto result = Execute("MATCH (t:Transaction {id: $id}) RETURN (t)", {{"id", id}}, "GetTransaction");
MG_ASSERT(result, "Read-only query should not fail");
MG_ASSERT(result->records[0][0].ValueVertex().properties["id"].ValueInt() == id,
"Transaction with wrong ID returned from point lookup");
void CreateTransaction(int64_t pos_id, int64_t card_id, int64_t tx_id, bool is_fraud) {
auto result = Execute(
"MATCH (p:Pos {id: $pos_id}), (c:Card {id: $card_id}) "
"CREATE (c)<-[:Using]-(t:Transaction {id: $tx_id, fraud_reported: "
"$is_fraud})-[:At]->(p) RETURN t",
{{"pos_id", pos_id}, {"card_id", card_id}, {"tx_id", tx_id}, {"is_fraud", is_fraud}}, "CreateTransaction");
if (!result) {
spdlog::warn("`CreateTransaction` failed too many times!");
MG_ASSERT(result->records.size() == 1,
"Failed to create transaction: (:Card {{id: {}}})<-(:Transaction "
"{{id: {}}})->(:Pos {{id: {}}})",
card_id, tx_id, pos_id);
int64_t UniformInt(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
std::uniform_int_distribution<int64_t> dist(a, b);
return dist(rg_);
double UniformDouble(double a, double b) {
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(a, b);
return dist(rg_);
void AnalyticStep() {
std::shared_lock<memgraph::utils::RWLock> lock(world_lock);
void WorkerStep() {
std::shared_lock<memgraph::utils::RWLock> lock(world_lock);
bool is_fraud = UniformDouble(0, 1) < config_["fraud_probability"];
int64_t pos_id = UniformInt(0, num_pos - 1);
int64_t pos_worker = pos_id / config_["pos_per_worker"].get<int64_t>();
int64_t card_worker = pos_worker;
if (config_["num_workers"] > 1 && UniformDouble(0, 1) < config_["hop_probability"]) {
card_worker = UniformInt(0, config_["num_workers"].get<int64_t>() - 2);
if (card_worker >= pos_worker) {
int64_t card_id = card_worker * config_["cards_per_worker"].get<int64_t>() +
UniformInt(0, config_["cards_per_worker"].get<int64_t>() - 1);
int64_t tx_id = ++max_tx_id;
CreateTransaction(pos_id, card_id, tx_id, is_fraud);
if (is_fraud) {
int64_t NumTransactions() {
auto result = Execute("MATCH (t:Transaction) RETURN count(1)", {}, "NumTransactions");
MG_ASSERT(result, "Read-only query should not fail!");
return result->records[0][0].ValueInt();
void CleanupStep() {
if (num_transactions >= config_["cleanup"]["tx_hi"].get<int64_t>()) {
spdlog::info("Trying to obtain world lock...");
std::unique_lock<memgraph::utils::RWLock> lock(world_lock);
int64_t id_limit = max_tx_id - config_["cleanup"]["tx_lo"].get<int>() + 1;
"Transaction cleanup started, deleting transactions "
"with ids less than {}",
memgraph::utils::Timer timer;
auto result = Execute(
"MATCH (t:Transaction) WHERE < $id_limit "
{{"id_limit", id_limit}}, "TransactionCleanup");
int64_t deleted = 0;
if (result) {
deleted = result->records[0][0].ValueInt();
} else {
spdlog::error("Transaction cleanup failed");
spdlog::info("Deleted {} transactions in {} seconds", deleted, timer.Elapsed().count());
int64_t num_transactions_db = NumTransactions();
MG_ASSERT(num_transactions_db == num_transactions - deleted,
"Number of transactions after deletion doesn't match: "
"before = {}, after = {}, reported deleted = {}, actual = "
num_transactions, num_transactions_db, deleted, num_transactions - num_transactions_db);
num_transactions = num_transactions_db;
virtual void Step() override {
if (FLAGS_scenario == "heavy_read") {
if (FLAGS_scenario == "teps") {
if (FLAGS_scenario == "point_lookup") {
GetTransaction(UniformInt(0, num_transactions - 1));
if (FLAGS_scenario == "create_tx") {
CreateTransaction(UniformInt(0, num_pos - 1), UniformInt(0, num_cards - 1), ++max_tx_id, false);
/* Card fraud demo using incremental approach to computing fraud scores for
* POS. New transactions are created at the maximum possible rate. Analytic
* query is ran periodically. Transaction cleanup is run when the number of
* transactions exceeds provided limit to prevent memory overflow. All other
* queries are halted during transaction cleanup (synchronization by shared
* mutex).
if (FLAGS_scenario == "card_fraud_inc") {
switch (role_) {
case Role::ANALYTIC:
case Role::WORKER:
case Role::CLEANUP:
LOG_FATAL("Should not get here: unknown scenario!");
nlohmann::json LoadConfig() {
nlohmann::json config;
if (FLAGS_config != "") {
spdlog::info("Loading config from: {}", FLAGS_config);
std::ifstream is(FLAGS_config);
is >> config;
} else {
spdlog::info("No test config provided");
return config;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
memgraph::communication::SSLInit sslInit;
Endpoint endpoint(FLAGS_address, FLAGS_port);
ClientContext context(FLAGS_use_ssl);
Client client(context);
client.Connect(endpoint, FLAGS_username, FLAGS_password);
|, "Pos"));
|, "Card"));
|, "Transaction"));
|, "Transaction"));
CreateIndex(client, "Pos", "id");
CreateIndex(client, "Card", "id");
CreateIndex(client, "Transaction", "fraud_reported");
CreateIndex(client, "Transaction", "id");
spdlog::info("Done building indexes.");
auto config = LoadConfig();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TestClient>> clients;
if (FLAGS_scenario == "card_fraud_inc") {
MG_ASSERT(FLAGS_num_workers >= 2, "There should be at least 2 client workers (analytic and cleanup)");
MG_ASSERT(num_pos == config["num_workers"].get<int>() * config["pos_per_worker"].get<int>(),
"Wrong number of POS per worker");
MG_ASSERT(num_cards == config["num_workers"].get<int>() * config["cards_per_worker"].get<int>(),
"Wrong number of cards per worker");
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_num_workers - 2; ++i) {
clients.emplace_back(std::make_unique<CardFraudClient>(i, config));
clients.emplace_back(std::make_unique<CardFraudClient>(FLAGS_num_workers - 2, config, Role::ANALYTIC));
clients.emplace_back(std::make_unique<CardFraudClient>(FLAGS_num_workers - 1, config, Role::CLEANUP));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_num_workers; ++i) {
clients.emplace_back(std::make_unique<CardFraudClient>(i, config));
return 0;