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// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#pragma once
#include <concepts>
#include <functional>
namespace memgraph::utils {
* Calls a function in it's destructor (on scope exit).
* Example usage:
* void long_function() {
* resource.enable();
* // long block of code, might throw an exception
* resource.disable(); // we want this to happen for sure, and function end
* }
* Can be nicer and safer:
* void long_function() {
* resource.enable();
* OnScopeExit on_exit([&resource] { resource.disable(); });
* // long block of code, might throw an exception
* }
template <std::invocable Callable>
class [[nodiscard]] OnScopeExit {
template <typename U>
requires std::constructible_from<Callable, U>
explicit OnScopeExit(U &&function) : function_{std::forward<U>(function)}, doCall_{true} {}
OnScopeExit(OnScopeExit const &) = delete;
OnScopeExit(OnScopeExit &&) = delete;
OnScopeExit &operator=(OnScopeExit const &) = delete;
OnScopeExit &operator=(OnScopeExit &&) = delete;
~OnScopeExit() {
if (doCall_) std::invoke(std::move(function_));
void Disable() { doCall_ = false; }
std::function<void()> function_;
bool doCall_;
template <typename Callable>
OnScopeExit(Callable &&) -> OnScopeExit<Callable>;
} // namespace memgraph::utils