2022-09-18 09:05:29 +02:00

249 lines
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// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
/// @file
/// API for loading and registering modules providing custom oC procedures
#pragma once
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "query/procedure/cypher_types.hpp"
#include "query/procedure/mg_procedure_impl.hpp"
#include "utils/memory.hpp"
#include "utils/rw_lock.hpp"
class CypherMainVisitorTest;
namespace memgraph::query::procedure {
class Module {
Module() {}
virtual ~Module();
Module(const Module &) = delete;
Module(Module &&) = delete;
Module &operator=(const Module &) = delete;
Module &operator=(Module &&) = delete;
/// Invokes the (optional) shutdown function and closes the module.
virtual bool Close() = 0;
/// Returns registered procedures of this module
virtual const std::map<std::string, mgp_proc, std::less<>> *Procedures() const = 0;
/// Returns registered transformations of this module
virtual const std::map<std::string, mgp_trans, std::less<>> *Transformations() const = 0;
// /// Returns registered functions of this module
virtual const std::map<std::string, mgp_func, std::less<>> *Functions() const = 0;
virtual std::optional<std::filesystem::path> Path() const = 0;
/// Proxy for a registered Module, acquires a read lock from ModuleRegistry.
class ModulePtr final {
const Module *module_{nullptr};
std::shared_lock<utils::RWLock> lock_;
ModulePtr() = default;
ModulePtr(std::nullptr_t) {}
ModulePtr(const Module *module, std::shared_lock<utils::RWLock> lock) : module_(module), lock_(std::move(lock)) {}
explicit operator bool() const { return static_cast<bool>(module_); }
const Module &operator*() const { return *module_; }
const Module *operator->() const { return module_; }
/// Thread-safe registration of modules from libraries, uses utils::RWLock.
class ModuleRegistry final {
friend CypherMainVisitorTest;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Module>, std::less<>> modules_;
mutable utils::RWLock lock_{utils::RWLock::Priority::WRITE};
std::unique_ptr<utils::MemoryResource> shared_{std::make_unique<utils::ResourceWithOutOfMemoryException>()};
bool RegisterModule(std::string_view name, std::unique_ptr<Module> module);
void DoUnloadAllModules();
/// Loads the module if it's in the modules_dir directory
/// @return Whether the module was loaded
bool LoadModuleIfFound(const std::filesystem::path &modules_dir, std::string_view name);
void LoadModulesFromDirectory(const std::filesystem::path &modules_dir);
/// Set the modules directories that will be used when (re)loading modules.
void SetModulesDirectory(std::vector<std::filesystem::path> modules_dir, const std::filesystem::path &data_directory);
const std::vector<std::filesystem::path> &GetModulesDirectory() const;
/// Atomically load or reload a module with a particular name from the given
/// directory.
/// Takes a write lock. If the module exists it is reloaded. Otherwise, the
/// module is loaded from the file whose filename, without the extension,
/// matches the module's name. If multiple such files exist, only one is
/// chosen, in an unspecified manner. If loading of the chosen file fails, no
/// other files are tried.
/// Return true if the module was loaded or reloaded successfully, false
/// otherwise.
bool LoadOrReloadModuleFromName(std::string_view name);
/// Atomically unload all modules and then load all possible modules from the
/// set directories.
/// Takes a write lock.
void UnloadAndLoadModulesFromDirectories();
/// Find a module with given name or return nullptr.
/// Takes a read lock.
ModulePtr GetModuleNamed(std::string_view name) const;
/// Remove all loaded (non-builtin) modules.
/// Takes a write lock.
void UnloadAllModules();
/// Returns the shared memory allocator used by modules
utils::MemoryResource &GetSharedMemoryResource() noexcept;
bool RegisterMgProcedure(std::string_view name, mgp_proc proc);
const std::filesystem::path &InternalModuleDir() const noexcept;
class SharedLibraryHandle {
SharedLibraryHandle(const std::string &shared_library, int mode) : handle_{dlopen(shared_library.c_str(), mode)} {}
SharedLibraryHandle(const SharedLibraryHandle &) = delete;
SharedLibraryHandle(SharedLibraryHandle &&) = delete;
SharedLibraryHandle operator=(const SharedLibraryHandle &) = delete;
SharedLibraryHandle operator=(SharedLibraryHandle &&) = delete;
~SharedLibraryHandle() {
if (handle_) {
void *handle_;
// TODO: Figure out for both clang and GCC
// #if __has_feature(address_sanitizer)
#if defined(__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__)
// This is why we need RTLD_NODELETE and we must not use RTLD_DEEPBIND with
// ASAN:
SharedLibraryHandle libstd_handle{"", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_NODELETE};
// The reason behind opening share library during runtime is to avoid issues
// with loading symbols from stdlib. We have encounter issues with locale
// that cause std::cout not being printed and issues when python libraries
// would call stdlib (e.g. pytorch).
// The way that those issues were solved was
// by using RTLD_DEEPBIND. RTLD_DEEPBIND ensures that the lookup for the
// mentioned library will be first performed in the already existing binded
// libraries and then the global namespace.
SharedLibraryHandle libstd_handle{"", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_DEEPBIND};
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> modules_dirs_;
std::filesystem::path internal_module_dir_;
/// Single, global module registry.
extern ModuleRegistry gModuleRegistry;
/// Return the ModulePtr and `mgp_proc *` of the found procedure after resolving
/// `fully_qualified_procedure_name`. `memory` is used for temporary allocations
/// inside this function. ModulePtr must be kept alive to make sure it won't be
/// unloaded.
std::optional<std::pair<procedure::ModulePtr, const mgp_proc *>> FindProcedure(
const ModuleRegistry &module_registry, std::string_view fully_qualified_procedure_name,
utils::MemoryResource *memory);
/// Return the ModulePtr and `mgp_trans *` of the found transformation after resolving
/// `fully_qualified_transformation_name`. `memory` is used for temporary allocations
/// inside this function. ModulePtr must be kept alive to make sure it won't be
/// unloaded.
std::optional<std::pair<procedure::ModulePtr, const mgp_trans *>> FindTransformation(
const ModuleRegistry &module_registry, std::string_view fully_qualified_transformation_name,
utils::MemoryResource *memory);
/// Return the ModulePtr and `mgp_func *` of the found function after resolving
/// `fully_qualified_function_name` if found. If there is no such function
/// std::nullopt is returned. `memory` is used for temporary allocations
/// inside this function. ModulePtr must be kept alive to make sure it won't be unloaded.
std::optional<std::pair<procedure::ModulePtr, const mgp_func *>> FindFunction(
const ModuleRegistry &module_registry, std::string_view fully_qualified_function_name,
utils::MemoryResource *memory);
template <typename T>
concept IsCallable = utils::SameAsAnyOf<T, mgp_proc, mgp_func>;
template <IsCallable TCall>
void ConstructArguments(const std::vector<TypedValue> &args, const TCall &callable,
const std::string_view fully_qualified_name, mgp_list &args_list, mgp_graph &graph) {
const auto n_args = args.size();
const auto c_args_sz = callable.args.size();
const auto c_opt_args_sz = callable.opt_args.size();
if (n_args < c_args_sz || (n_args - c_args_sz > c_opt_args_sz)) {
if (callable.args.empty() && callable.opt_args.empty()) {
throw QueryRuntimeException("'{}' requires no arguments.", fully_qualified_name);
if (callable.opt_args.empty()) {
throw QueryRuntimeException("'{}' requires exactly {} {}.", fully_qualified_name, c_args_sz,
c_args_sz == 1U ? "argument" : "arguments");
throw QueryRuntimeException("'{}' requires between {} and {} arguments.", fully_qualified_name, c_args_sz,
c_args_sz + c_opt_args_sz);
auto is_not_optional_arg = [c_args_sz](int i) { return c_args_sz > i; };
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_args; ++i) {
auto arg = args[i];
std::string_view name;
const query::procedure::CypherType *type;
if (is_not_optional_arg(i)) {
name = callable.args[i].first;
type = callable.args[i].second;
} else {
name = std::get<0>(callable.opt_args[i - c_args_sz]);
type = std::get<1>(callable.opt_args[i - c_args_sz]);
if (!type->SatisfiesType(arg)) {
throw QueryRuntimeException("'{}' argument named '{}' at position {} must be of type {}.", fully_qualified_name,
name, i, type->GetPresentableName());
args_list.elems.emplace_back(std::move(arg), &graph);
// Fill missing optional arguments with their default values.
const size_t passed_in_opt_args = n_args - c_args_sz;
for (size_t i = passed_in_opt_args; i < c_opt_args_sz; ++i) {
args_list.elems.emplace_back(std::get<2>(callable.opt_args[i]), &graph);
} // namespace memgraph::query::procedure