139 lines
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139 lines
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// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "coordination/raft_state.hpp"
#include "utils/file.hpp"
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "json/json.hpp"
#include "libnuraft/nuraft.hxx"
using memgraph::coordination::CoordinatorInstanceInitConfig;
using memgraph::coordination::CoordinatorToCoordinatorConfig;
using memgraph::coordination::CoordinatorToReplicaConfig;
using memgraph::coordination::RaftState;
using memgraph::coordination::ReplicationClientInfo;
using memgraph::io::network::Endpoint;
using memgraph::replication_coordination_glue::ReplicationMode;
using nuraft::ptr;
class RaftStateTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {}
void TearDown() override {}
std::filesystem::path test_folder_{std::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / "MG_tests_unit_raft_state"};
TEST_F(RaftStateTest, RaftStateEmptyMetadata) {
auto become_leader_cb = []() {};
auto become_follower_cb = []() {};
auto const config = CoordinatorInstanceInitConfig{.coordinator_id = 1, .coordinator_port = 1234, .bolt_port = 7688};
auto raft_state = RaftState::MakeRaftState(config, std::move(become_leader_cb), std::move(become_follower_cb));
ASSERT_EQ(raft_state.InstanceName(), "coordinator_1");
ASSERT_EQ(raft_state.RaftSocketAddress(), "");
auto const coords = raft_state.GetCoordinatorInstances();
ASSERT_EQ(coords.size(), 1);
auto const &coord_instance = coords[0];
auto const &coord_config = CoordinatorToCoordinatorConfig{.coordinator_id = 1,
.bolt_server = Endpoint{"", 7688},
.coordinator_server = Endpoint{"", 1234}};
ASSERT_EQ(coord_instance.config, coord_config);
TEST_F(RaftStateTest, GetSingleRouterRoutingTable) {
auto become_leader_cb = []() {};
auto become_follower_cb = []() {};
auto const init_config =
CoordinatorInstanceInitConfig{.coordinator_id = 1, .coordinator_port = 10112, .bolt_port = 7688};
auto const raft_state =
RaftState::MakeRaftState(init_config, std::move(become_leader_cb), std::move(become_follower_cb));
auto routing_table = raft_state.GetRoutingTable();
ASSERT_EQ(routing_table.size(), 1);
auto const routers = routing_table[0];
ASSERT_EQ(routers.first, std::vector<std::string>{""});
ASSERT_EQ(routers.second, "ROUTE");
TEST_F(RaftStateTest, GetMixedRoutingTable) {
auto become_leader_cb = []() {};
auto become_follower_cb = []() {};
auto const init_config =
CoordinatorInstanceInitConfig{.coordinator_id = 1, .coordinator_port = 10113, .bolt_port = 7690};
auto leader = RaftState::MakeRaftState(init_config, std::move(become_leader_cb), std::move(become_follower_cb));
.instance_name = "instance1",
.mgt_server = Endpoint{"", 10011},
.bolt_server = Endpoint{"", 7687},
.replication_client_info = ReplicationClientInfo{.instance_name = "instance1",
.replication_mode = ReplicationMode::ASYNC,
.replication_server = Endpoint{"", 10001}}});
.instance_name = "instance2",
.mgt_server = Endpoint{"", 10012},
.bolt_server = Endpoint{"", 7688},
.replication_client_info = ReplicationClientInfo{.instance_name = "instance2",
.replication_mode = ReplicationMode::ASYNC,
.replication_server = Endpoint{"", 10002}}});
.instance_name = "instance3",
.mgt_server = Endpoint{"", 10013},
.bolt_server = Endpoint{"", 7689},
.replication_client_info = ReplicationClientInfo{.instance_name = "instance3",
.replication_mode = ReplicationMode::ASYNC,
.replication_server = Endpoint{"", 10003}}});
CoordinatorToCoordinatorConfig{.coordinator_id = 2,
.bolt_server = Endpoint{"", 7691},
.coordinator_server = Endpoint{"", 10114}});
CoordinatorToCoordinatorConfig{.coordinator_id = 3,
.bolt_server = Endpoint{"", 7692},
.coordinator_server = Endpoint{"", 10115}});
auto const routing_table = leader.GetRoutingTable();
ASSERT_EQ(routing_table.size(), 3);
auto const &mains = routing_table[0];
ASSERT_EQ(mains.second, "WRITE");
ASSERT_EQ(mains.first, std::vector<std::string>{""});
auto const &replicas = routing_table[1];
ASSERT_EQ(replicas.second, "READ");
auto const expected_replicas = std::vector<std::string>{"", ""};
ASSERT_EQ(replicas.first, expected_replicas);
auto const &routers = routing_table[2];
ASSERT_EQ(routers.second, "ROUTE");
auto const expected_routers = std::vector<std::string>{"", "", ""};
ASSERT_EQ(routers.first, expected_routers);