Teon Banek 7091be1891 Don't pass MEMGRAPH_ALL_LIBS to all cmake targets
CMake is smart enough to transitively detect dependencies and link them
appropriately. Therefore, it is enough that we put all libraries that
memgraph uses to the dependency list of memgraph_lib and memgraph_pic

Patch the fmt library for C++14 and higher

fmt library would detect that C++11 is supported and then put the
compiler flag. This flag was set so it overrides parent project compiler
flags. This override from fmt would prevent us from using C++14
features. New version (3.1) of fmt resolves this issue, but it hasn't
been released yet. Therefore, this commit updates the script which
clones fmt to use the released 3.0.1 version and apply the fix on that.

Reviewers: dgleich, buda

Reviewed By: buda

Subscribers: pullbot

Differential Revision:
2017-06-08 14:14:01 +02:00

37 lines
1.3 KiB

find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
# set current directory name as a test type
get_filename_component(test_type ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME)
# get all cpp abs file names recursively starting from current directory
file(GLOB_RECURSE test_type_cpps *.cpp)
message(STATUS "Available ${test_type} cpp files are: ${test_type_cpps}")
# for each cpp file build binary and register test
foreach(test_cpp ${test_type_cpps})
# get exec name (remove extension from the abs path)
get_filename_component(exec_name ${test_cpp} NAME_WE)
# set target name in format {project_name}_{test_type}_{exec_name}
set(target_name ${project_name}_${test_type}_${exec_name})
# build exec file
add_executable(${target_name} ${test_cpp})
set_property(TARGET ${target_name} PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD ${cxx_standard})
# OUTPUT_NAME sets the real name of a target when it is built and can be
# used to help create two targets of the same name even though CMake
# requires unique logical target names
set_target_properties(${target_name} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${exec_name})
# link libraries
target_link_libraries(${target_name} memgraph_lib)
# gtest
target_link_libraries(${target_name} gtest gtest_main)
# register test
add_test(${target_name} ${exec_name})