607 lines
21 KiB
607 lines
21 KiB
// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include "query/dump.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "dbms/database.hpp"
#include "query/db_accessor.hpp"
#include "query/exceptions.hpp"
#include "query/stream.hpp"
#include "query/trigger_context.hpp"
#include "query/typed_value.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/property_value.hpp"
#include "storage/v2/storage.hpp"
#include "utils/algorithm.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
#include "utils/string.hpp"
#include "utils/temporal.hpp"
namespace memgraph::query {
namespace {
// Property that is used to make a difference among vertices. It is added to
// property set of vertices to match edges and removed after the entire graph
// is built.
const char *kInternalPropertyId = "__mg_id__";
// Label that is attached to each vertex and is used for easier creation of
// index on internal property id.
const char *kInternalVertexLabel = "__mg_vertex__";
/// A helper function that escapes label, edge type and property names.
std::string EscapeName(const std::string_view value) {
std::string out;
out.reserve(value.size() + 2);
out.append(1, '`');
for (auto c : value) {
if (c == '`') {
} else {
out.append(1, c);
out.append(1, '`');
return out;
void DumpPreciseDouble(std::ostream *os, double value) {
// A temporary stream is used to keep precision of the original output
// stream unchanged.
std::ostringstream temp_oss;
temp_oss << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10) << value;
*os << temp_oss.str();
namespace {
void DumpDate(std::ostream &os, const storage::TemporalData &value) {
utils::Date date(value.microseconds);
os << "DATE(\"" << date << "\")";
void DumpLocalTime(std::ostream &os, const storage::TemporalData &value) {
utils::LocalTime lt(value.microseconds);
os << "LOCALTIME(\"" << lt << "\")";
void DumpLocalDateTime(std::ostream &os, const storage::TemporalData &value) {
utils::LocalDateTime ldt(value.microseconds);
os << "LOCALDATETIME(\"" << ldt << "\")";
void DumpDuration(std::ostream &os, const storage::TemporalData &value) {
utils::Duration dur(value.microseconds);
os << "DURATION(\"" << dur << "\")";
void DumpTemporalData(std::ostream &os, const storage::TemporalData &value) {
switch (value.type) {
case storage::TemporalType::Date: {
DumpDate(os, value);
case storage::TemporalType::LocalTime: {
DumpLocalTime(os, value);
case storage::TemporalType::LocalDateTime: {
DumpLocalDateTime(os, value);
case storage::TemporalType::Duration: {
DumpDuration(os, value);
} // namespace
void DumpPropertyValue(std::ostream *os, const storage::PropertyValue &value) {
switch (value.type()) {
case storage::PropertyValue::Type::Null:
*os << "Null";
case storage::PropertyValue::Type::Bool:
*os << (value.ValueBool() ? "true" : "false");
case storage::PropertyValue::Type::String:
*os << utils::Escape(value.ValueString());
case storage::PropertyValue::Type::Int:
*os << value.ValueInt();
case storage::PropertyValue::Type::Double:
DumpPreciseDouble(os, value.ValueDouble());
case storage::PropertyValue::Type::List: {
*os << "[";
const auto &list = value.ValueList();
utils::PrintIterable(*os, list, ", ", [](auto &os, const auto &item) { DumpPropertyValue(&os, item); });
*os << "]";
case storage::PropertyValue::Type::Map: {
*os << "{";
const auto &map = value.ValueMap();
utils::PrintIterable(*os, map, ", ", [](auto &os, const auto &kv) {
os << EscapeName(kv.first) << ": ";
DumpPropertyValue(&os, kv.second);
*os << "}";
case storage::PropertyValue::Type::TemporalData: {
DumpTemporalData(*os, value.ValueTemporalData());
void DumpProperties(std::ostream *os, query::DbAccessor *dba,
const std::map<storage::PropertyId, storage::PropertyValue> &store,
std::optional<int64_t> property_id = std::nullopt) {
*os << "{";
if (property_id) {
*os << kInternalPropertyId << ": " << *property_id;
if (!store.empty()) *os << ", ";
utils::PrintIterable(*os, store, ", ", [&dba](auto &os, const auto &kv) {
os << EscapeName(dba->PropertyToName(kv.first)) << ": ";
DumpPropertyValue(&os, kv.second);
*os << "}";
void DumpVertex(std::ostream *os, query::DbAccessor *dba, const query::VertexAccessor &vertex) {
*os << "CREATE (";
*os << ":" << kInternalVertexLabel;
auto maybe_labels = vertex.Labels(storage::View::OLD);
if (maybe_labels.HasError()) {
switch (maybe_labels.GetError()) {
case storage::Error::DELETED_OBJECT:
throw query::QueryRuntimeException("Trying to get labels from a deleted node.");
case storage::Error::NONEXISTENT_OBJECT:
throw query::QueryRuntimeException("Trying to get labels from a node that doesn't exist.");
case storage::Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR:
case storage::Error::VERTEX_HAS_EDGES:
case storage::Error::PROPERTIES_DISABLED:
throw query::QueryRuntimeException("Unexpected error when getting labels.");
for (const auto &label : *maybe_labels) {
*os << ":" << EscapeName(dba->LabelToName(label));
*os << " ";
auto maybe_props = vertex.Properties(storage::View::OLD);
if (maybe_props.HasError()) {
switch (maybe_props.GetError()) {
case storage::Error::DELETED_OBJECT:
throw query::QueryRuntimeException("Trying to get properties from a deleted object.");
case storage::Error::NONEXISTENT_OBJECT:
throw query::QueryRuntimeException("Trying to get properties from a node that doesn't exist.");
case storage::Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR:
case storage::Error::VERTEX_HAS_EDGES:
case storage::Error::PROPERTIES_DISABLED:
throw query::QueryRuntimeException("Unexpected error when getting properties.");
DumpProperties(os, dba, *maybe_props, vertex.CypherId());
*os << ");";
void DumpEdge(std::ostream *os, query::DbAccessor *dba, const query::EdgeAccessor &edge) {
*os << "MATCH ";
*os << "(u:" << kInternalVertexLabel << "), ";
*os << "(v:" << kInternalVertexLabel << ")";
*os << " WHERE ";
*os << "u." << kInternalPropertyId << " = " << edge.From().CypherId();
*os << " AND ";
*os << "v." << kInternalPropertyId << " = " << edge.To().CypherId() << " ";
*os << "CREATE (u)-[";
*os << ":" << EscapeName(dba->EdgeTypeToName(edge.EdgeType()));
auto maybe_props = edge.Properties(storage::View::OLD);
if (maybe_props.HasError()) {
switch (maybe_props.GetError()) {
case storage::Error::DELETED_OBJECT:
throw query::QueryRuntimeException("Trying to get properties from a deleted object.");
case storage::Error::NONEXISTENT_OBJECT:
throw query::QueryRuntimeException("Trying to get properties from an edge that doesn't exist.");
case storage::Error::SERIALIZATION_ERROR:
case storage::Error::VERTEX_HAS_EDGES:
case storage::Error::PROPERTIES_DISABLED:
throw query::QueryRuntimeException("Unexpected error when getting properties.");
if (!maybe_props->empty()) {
*os << " ";
DumpProperties(os, dba, *maybe_props);
*os << "]->(v);";
void DumpLabelIndex(std::ostream *os, query::DbAccessor *dba, const storage::LabelId label) {
*os << "CREATE INDEX ON :" << EscapeName(dba->LabelToName(label)) << ";";
void DumpEdgeTypeIndex(std::ostream *os, query::DbAccessor *dba, const storage::EdgeTypeId edge_type) {
*os << "CREATE EDGE INDEX ON :" << EscapeName(dba->EdgeTypeToName(edge_type)) << ";";
void DumpLabelPropertyIndex(std::ostream *os, query::DbAccessor *dba, storage::LabelId label,
storage::PropertyId property) {
*os << "CREATE INDEX ON :" << EscapeName(dba->LabelToName(label)) << "(" << EscapeName(dba->PropertyToName(property))
<< ");";
void DumpExistenceConstraint(std::ostream *os, query::DbAccessor *dba, storage::LabelId label,
storage::PropertyId property) {
*os << "CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (u:" << EscapeName(dba->LabelToName(label)) << ") ASSERT EXISTS (u."
<< EscapeName(dba->PropertyToName(property)) << ");";
void DumpUniqueConstraint(std::ostream *os, query::DbAccessor *dba, storage::LabelId label,
const std::set<storage::PropertyId> &properties) {
*os << "CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (u:" << EscapeName(dba->LabelToName(label)) << ") ASSERT ";
utils::PrintIterable(*os, properties, ", ", [&dba](auto &stream, const auto &property) {
stream << "u." << EscapeName(dba->PropertyToName(property));
*os << " IS UNIQUE;";
const char *triggerPhaseToString(TriggerPhase phase) {
switch (phase) {
case TriggerPhase::BEFORE_COMMIT:
case TriggerPhase::AFTER_COMMIT:
} // namespace
PullPlanDump::PullPlanDump(DbAccessor *dba, dbms::DatabaseAccess db_acc)
: dba_(dba),
pull_chunks_{// Dump all label indices
// Dump all label property indices
// Dump all existence constraints
// Dump all unique constraints
// Create internal index for faster edge creation
// Dump all vertices
// Dump all edges
// Drop the internal index
// Internal index cleanup
// Dump all triggers
// Dump all edge-type indices
CreateEdgeTypeIndicesPullChunk()} {}
bool PullPlanDump::Pull(AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n) {
// Iterate all functions that stream some results.
// Each function should return number of results it streamed after it
// finishes. If the function did not finish streaming all the results,
// std::nullopt should be returned because n results have already been sent.
while (current_chunk_index_ < pull_chunks_.size() && (!n || *n > 0)) {
const auto maybe_streamed_count = pull_chunks_[current_chunk_index_](stream, n);
if (!maybe_streamed_count) {
// n wasn't large enough to stream all the results from the current chunk
if (n) {
// chunk finished streaming its results
// subtract number of results streamed in current pull
// so we know how many results we need to stream from future
// chunks.
*n -= *maybe_streamed_count;
return current_chunk_index_ == pull_chunks_.size();
PullPlanDump::PullChunk PullPlanDump::CreateLabelIndicesPullChunk() {
// Dump all label indices
return [this, global_index = 0U](AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n) mutable -> std::optional<size_t> {
// Delay the construction of indices vectors
if (!indices_info_) {
const auto &label = indices_info_->label;
size_t local_counter = 0;
while (global_index < label.size() && (!n || local_counter < *n)) {
std::ostringstream os;
DumpLabelIndex(&os, dba_, label[global_index]);
if (global_index == label.size()) {
return local_counter;
return std::nullopt;
PullPlanDump::PullChunk PullPlanDump::CreateEdgeTypeIndicesPullChunk() {
// Dump all label indices
return [this, global_index = 0U](AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n) mutable -> std::optional<size_t> {
// Delay the construction of indices vectors
if (!indices_info_) {
const auto &edge_type = indices_info_->edge_type;
size_t local_counter = 0;
while (global_index < edge_type.size() && (!n || local_counter < *n)) {
std::ostringstream os;
DumpEdgeTypeIndex(&os, dba_, edge_type[global_index]);
if (global_index == edge_type.size()) {
return local_counter;
return std::nullopt;
PullPlanDump::PullChunk PullPlanDump::CreateLabelPropertyIndicesPullChunk() {
return [this, global_index = 0U](AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n) mutable -> std::optional<size_t> {
// Delay the construction of indices vectors
if (!indices_info_) {
const auto &label_property = indices_info_->label_property;
size_t local_counter = 0;
while (global_index < label_property.size() && (!n || local_counter < *n)) {
std::ostringstream os;
const auto &label_property_index = label_property[global_index];
DumpLabelPropertyIndex(&os, dba_, label_property_index.first, label_property_index.second);
if (global_index == label_property.size()) {
return local_counter;
return std::nullopt;
PullPlanDump::PullChunk PullPlanDump::CreateExistenceConstraintsPullChunk() {
return [this, global_index = 0U](AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n) mutable -> std::optional<size_t> {
// Delay the construction of constraint vectors
if (!constraints_info_) {
const auto &existence = constraints_info_->existence;
size_t local_counter = 0;
while (global_index < existence.size() && (!n || local_counter < *n)) {
const auto &constraint = existence[global_index];
std::ostringstream os;
DumpExistenceConstraint(&os, dba_, constraint.first, constraint.second);
if (global_index == existence.size()) {
return local_counter;
return std::nullopt;
PullPlanDump::PullChunk PullPlanDump::CreateUniqueConstraintsPullChunk() {
return [this, global_index = 0U](AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n) mutable -> std::optional<size_t> {
// Delay the construction of constraint vectors
if (!constraints_info_) {
const auto &unique = constraints_info_->unique;
size_t local_counter = 0;
while (global_index < unique.size() && (!n || local_counter < *n)) {
const auto &constraint = unique[global_index];
std::ostringstream os;
DumpUniqueConstraint(&os, dba_, constraint.first, constraint.second);
if (global_index == unique.size()) {
return local_counter;
return std::nullopt;
PullPlanDump::PullChunk PullPlanDump::CreateInternalIndexPullChunk() {
return [this](AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int>) mutable -> std::optional<size_t> {
if (vertices_iterable_.begin() != vertices_iterable_.end()) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "CREATE INDEX ON :" << kInternalVertexLabel << "(" << kInternalPropertyId << ");";
internal_index_created_ = true;
return 1;
return 0;
PullPlanDump::PullChunk PullPlanDump::CreateVertexPullChunk() {
return [this, maybe_current_iter = std::optional<VertexAccessorIterableIterator>{}](
AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n) mutable -> std::optional<size_t> {
// Delay the call of begin() function
// If multiple begins are called before an iteration,
// one iteration will make the rest of iterators be in undefined
// states.
if (!maybe_current_iter) {
auto ¤t_iter{*maybe_current_iter};
size_t local_counter = 0;
while (current_iter != vertices_iterable_.end() && (!n || local_counter < *n)) {
std::ostringstream os;
DumpVertex(&os, dba_, *current_iter);
if (current_iter == vertices_iterable_.end()) {
return local_counter;
return std::nullopt;
PullPlanDump::PullChunk PullPlanDump::CreateEdgePullChunk() {
return [this, maybe_current_vertex_iter = std::optional<VertexAccessorIterableIterator>{},
// we need to save the iterable which contains list of accessor so
// our saved iterator is valid in the next run
maybe_edge_iterable = std::shared_ptr<EdgeAccessorIterable>{nullptr},
maybe_current_edge_iter = std::optional<EdgeAccessorIterableIterator>{}](
AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int> n) mutable -> std::optional<size_t> {
// Delay the call of begin() function
// If multiple begins are called before an iteration,
// one iteration will make the rest of iterators be in undefined
// states.
if (!maybe_current_vertex_iter) {
auto ¤t_vertex_iter{*maybe_current_vertex_iter};
size_t local_counter = 0U;
for (; current_vertex_iter != vertices_iterable_.end() && (!n || local_counter < *n); ++current_vertex_iter) {
const auto &vertex = *current_vertex_iter;
// If we have a saved iterable from a previous pull
// we need to use the same iterable
if (!maybe_edge_iterable) {
maybe_edge_iterable = std::make_shared<EdgeAccessorIterable>(vertex.OutEdges(storage::View::OLD));
auto &maybe_edges = *maybe_edge_iterable;
MG_ASSERT(maybe_edges.HasValue(), "Invalid database state!");
auto current_edge_iter = maybe_current_edge_iter ? *maybe_current_edge_iter : maybe_edges->edges.begin();
for (; current_edge_iter != maybe_edges->edges.end() && (!n || local_counter < *n); ++current_edge_iter) {
std::ostringstream os;
DumpEdge(&os, dba_, *current_edge_iter);
if (current_edge_iter != maybe_edges->edges.end()) {
return std::nullopt;
maybe_current_edge_iter = std::nullopt;
maybe_edge_iterable = nullptr;
if (current_vertex_iter == vertices_iterable_.end()) {
return local_counter;
return std::nullopt;
PullPlanDump::PullChunk PullPlanDump::CreateDropInternalIndexPullChunk() {
return [this](AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int>) {
if (internal_index_created_) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "DROP INDEX ON :" << kInternalVertexLabel << "(" << kInternalPropertyId << ");";
return 1;
return 0;
PullPlanDump::PullChunk PullPlanDump::CreateInternalIndexCleanupPullChunk() {
return [this](AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int>) {
if (internal_index_created_) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << "MATCH (u) REMOVE u:" << kInternalVertexLabel << ", u." << kInternalPropertyId << ";";
return 1;
return 0;
PullPlanDump::PullChunk PullPlanDump::CreateTriggersPullChunk() {
return [this](AnyStream *stream, std::optional<int>) {
auto triggers = db_acc_->trigger_store()->GetTriggerInfo();
for (const auto &trigger : triggers) {
std::ostringstream os;
auto trigger_statement_copy = trigger.statement;
std::replace(trigger_statement_copy.begin(), trigger_statement_copy.end(), '\n', ' ');
os << "CREATE TRIGGER " << trigger.name << " ON " << memgraph::query::TriggerEventTypeToString(trigger.event_type)
<< " " << triggerPhaseToString(trigger.phase) << " " << trigger_statement_copy << ";";
return 0;
void DumpDatabaseToCypherQueries(query::DbAccessor *dba, AnyStream *stream, dbms::DatabaseAccess db_acc) {
PullPlanDump(dba, db_acc).Pull(stream, {});
} // namespace memgraph::query