Marko Barišić b0cdcd3483
Run CI in mgbuilder containers (#1749)
* Update deployment files for mgbuilders because of toolchain upgrade
* Fix args parameter in builder yaml files
* Add fedora 38, 39 and rockylinux 9.3 mgbuilder Dockerfiles
* Change format of ARG TOOLCHAIN_VERSION from toolchain-vX to vX
* Add function to check supported arch, build type, os and toolchain
* Add options to init subcommand
* Add image names to mgbuilders
* Add v2 of the script
* Add testing to
* Add option for threads --thread
* Add options for enterprise license and organization name
* Make stop mgbuild container step run always
* Add --ci flag to init script
* Move init conditionals under build-memgraph flags
* Add --community flag to build-memgraph
* Change target dir inside mgbuild container
* Add node fix to debian 11, ubuntu 20.04 and ubuntu 22.04
* rm memgraph repo after installing deps
* Add mg user in Dockerfile
* Add step to install rust on all OSs
* Chown files copied into mgbuild container
* Add e2e tests
* Add jepsen test
* Bugfix: Using reference in a callback
* Bugfix: Broad target for e2e tests
* Up db info test limit
* Disable e2e streams tests
* Fix default THREADS
* Prioretize docker compose over docker-compose
* Improve selection between docker compose and docker-compose
* Install PyYAML as mg user
* Fix doxygen install for rocky linux 9.3
* Fix rocky-9.3 environment script to properly install sbcl
* Rename all rocky-9 mentions to rocky-9.3
* Add mgdeps-cache and benchgraph-api hostnames to mgbuild images
* Add logic to pull mgbuild image if missing
* Fix build errors on toolchain-v5 (#1806)
* Rename run2 script, remove run script, add small features to
* Add --no-copy flag to build-memgraph to resolve TODO
* Add timeouts to diff jobs
* Fix asio flaky clone, try mgdeps-cache first


Co-authored-by: Andreja Tonev <>
Co-authored-by: Ante Pušić <>
Co-authored-by: antoniofilipovic <>
2024-03-14 12:19:59 +01:00

281 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2024 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <mgclient.hpp>
#include "utils/file.hpp"
#include "utils/logging.hpp"
#include "utils/timer.hpp"
DEFINE_uint64(bolt_port, 7687, "Bolt port");
DEFINE_uint64(timeout, 120, "Timeout seconds");
DEFINE_bool(multi_db, false, "Run test in multi db environment");
namespace {
auto GetClient() {
auto client =
mg::Client::Connect({.host = "", .port = static_cast<uint16_t>(FLAGS_bolt_port), .use_ssl = false});
MG_ASSERT(client, "Failed to connect!");
return client;
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> GetModuleFiles(auto &client) {
MG_ASSERT(client->Execute("CALL mg.get_module_files() YIELD path"));
const auto result_rows = client->FetchAll();
MG_ASSERT(result_rows, "Failed to get results");
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> result;
for (const auto &row : *result_rows) {
MG_ASSERT(row.size() == 1, "Invalid result received from mg.get_module_files");
return result;
bool ModuleFileExists(auto &client, const auto &path) {
const auto module_files = GetModuleFiles(client);
return std::any_of(module_files.begin(), module_files.end(),
[&](const auto &module_file) { return module_file == path; });
void AssertModuleFileExists(auto &client, const auto &path) {
MG_ASSERT(ModuleFileExists(client, path), "Module file {} is missing", path);
void AssertModuleFileNotExists(auto &client, const auto &path) {
MG_ASSERT(!ModuleFileExists(client, path), "Invalid module file {} is present", path);
bool ProcedureExists(auto &client, const std::string_view procedure_name,
std::optional<std::filesystem::path> path = std::nullopt) {
MG_ASSERT(client->Execute("CALL mg.procedures() YIELD name, path"));
const auto result_rows = client->FetchAll();
MG_ASSERT(result_rows, "Failed to get results for mg.procedures()");
return std::find_if(result_rows->begin(), result_rows->end(), [&, procedure_name](const auto &row) {
MG_ASSERT(row.size() == 2, "Invalid result received from mg.procedures()");
if (row[0].ValueString() == procedure_name) {
if (path) {
return row[1].ValueString() == std::filesystem::canonical(*path).generic_string();
return true;
return false;
}) != result_rows->end();
void AssertProcedureExists(auto &client, const std::string_view procedure_name,
std::optional<std::filesystem::path> path = std::nullopt) {
MG_ASSERT(ProcedureExists(client, procedure_name, path), "Procedure {} is missing", procedure_name);
void AssertProcedureNotExists(auto &client, const std::string_view procedure_name) {
MG_ASSERT(!ProcedureExists(client, procedure_name), "Invalid procedure ('{}') is present", procedure_name);
template <typename TException>
void AssertQueryFails(auto &client, const std::string &query, std::optional<std::string> expected_message) {
spdlog::info("Asserting query '{}' fails", query);
try {
} catch (const TException &exception) {
if (expected_message) {
MG_ASSERT(*expected_message == exception.what(),
"Exception with a different message was thrown.\n\t\tExpected: {}\n\t\tActual: {}", *expected_message,
LOG_FATAL("Didn't receive expected exception");
std::string CreateModuleFileQuery(const std::string_view filename, const std::string_view content) {
return fmt::format("CALL mg.create_module_file('{}', '{}') YIELD path", filename, content);
std::filesystem::path CreateModuleFile(auto &client, const std::string_view filename, const std::string_view content) {
spdlog::info("Creating module file '{}' with content:\n{}", filename, content);
MG_ASSERT(client->Execute(CreateModuleFileQuery(filename, content)));
const auto result_row = client->FetchOne();
MG_ASSERT(result_row && result_row->size() == 1, "Received invalid result from mg.create_module_file");
MG_ASSERT(!client->FetchOne().has_value(), "Too many results received from mg.create_module_file");
return result_row->at(0).ValueString();
std::string GetModuleFileQuery(const std::filesystem::path &path) {
return fmt::format("CALL mg.get_module_file('{}') YIELD content", path);
std::string GetModuleFile(auto &client, const std::filesystem::path &path) {
spdlog::info("Getting content of module file '{}'", path);
const auto result_row = client->FetchOne();
MG_ASSERT(result_row && result_row->size() == 1, "Received invalid result from mg.get_module_file");
MG_ASSERT(!client->FetchOne().has_value(), "Too many results received from mg.get_module_file");
return std::string{result_row->at(0).ValueString()};
std::string UpdateModuleFileQuery(const std::filesystem::path &path, const std::string_view content) {
return fmt::format("CALL mg.update_module_file('{}', '{}')", path, content);
void UpdateModuleFile(auto &client, const std::filesystem::path &path, const std::string_view content) {
spdlog::info("Updating module file {} with content:\n{}", path, content);
MG_ASSERT(client->Execute(UpdateModuleFileQuery(path, content)));
std::string DeleteModuleFileQuery(const std::filesystem::path &path) {
return fmt::format("CALL mg.delete_module_file('{}')", path);
void DeleteModuleFile(auto &client, const std::filesystem::path &path) {
spdlog::info("Deleting module file {}", path);
inline constexpr std::string_view module_content1 = R"(import mgp
def simple1(ctx: mgp.ProcCtx) -> mgp.Record(result=bool):
return mgp.Record(mutable=True))";
inline constexpr std::string_view module_content2 = R"(import mgp
def simple2(ctx: mgp.ProcCtx) -> mgp.Record(result=bool):
return mgp.Record(mutable=True))";
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
google::SetUsageMessage("Memgraph E2E Isolation Levels");
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
auto client = GetClient();
if (FLAGS_multi_db) {
client->Execute("CREATE DATABASE clean;");
client->Execute("USE DATABASE clean;");
client->Execute("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;");
AssertQueryFails<mg::ClientException>(client, CreateModuleFileQuery("some.cpp", "some content"),
"mg.create_module_file: The specified file isn't in the supported format.");
AssertQueryFails<mg::ClientException>(client, CreateModuleFileQuery("../some.cpp", "some content"),
"mg.create_module_file: Invalid relative path defined. The module file cannot "
"be define outside the internal modules directory.");
AssertProcedureNotExists(client, "some.simple1");
const auto module_path = CreateModuleFile(client, "", module_content1);
AssertQueryFails<mg::ClientException>(client, CreateModuleFileQuery("", "some content"),
"mg.create_module_file: File with the same name already exists!");
AssertProcedureExists(client, "some.simple1", module_path);
AssertModuleFileExists(client, module_path);
MG_ASSERT(GetModuleFile(client, module_path) == module_content1,
"Content received from mg.get_module_file is incorrect");
AssertQueryFails<mg::ClientException>(client, GetModuleFileQuery(""),
"mg.get_module_file: The path should be an absolute path.");
AssertQueryFails<mg::ClientException>(client, GetModuleFileQuery(module_path.parent_path() / "some.cpp"),
"mg.get_module_file: The specified file isn't in the supported format.");
AssertQueryFails<mg::ClientException>(client, GetModuleFileQuery(module_path.parent_path() / ""),
"mg.get_module_file: The specified file doesn't exist.");
AssertQueryFails<mg::ClientException>(client, UpdateModuleFileQuery("", "some content"),
"mg.update_module_file: The path should be an absolute path.");
UpdateModuleFileQuery(module_path.parent_path() / "some.cpp", "some content"),
"mg.update_module_file: The specified file isn't in the supported format.");
UpdateModuleFileQuery(module_path.parent_path() / "", "some content"),
"mg.update_module_file: The specified file doesn't exist.");
UpdateModuleFile(client, module_path, module_content2);
AssertProcedureNotExists(client, "some.simple1");
AssertProcedureExists(client, "some.simple2", module_path);
AssertModuleFileExists(client, module_path);
MG_ASSERT(GetModuleFile(client, module_path) == module_content2,
"Content received from mg.get_module_file is incorrect");
AssertQueryFails<mg::ClientException>(client, DeleteModuleFileQuery(""),
"mg.delete_module_file: The path should be an absolute path.");
AssertQueryFails<mg::ClientException>(client, DeleteModuleFileQuery(module_path.parent_path() / "some.cpp"),
"mg.delete_module_file: The specified file isn't in the supported format.");
AssertQueryFails<mg::ClientException>(client, DeleteModuleFileQuery(module_path.parent_path() / ""),
"mg.delete_module_file: The specified file doesn't exist.");
DeleteModuleFile(client, module_path);
AssertProcedureNotExists(client, "some.simple1");
AssertProcedureNotExists(client, "some.simple2");
AssertModuleFileNotExists(client, module_path);
const auto non_module_directory =
std::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / "module_file_manager_e2e_non_module_directory";
const auto non_module_file_path{non_module_directory / ""};
std::ofstream non_module_file{non_module_file_path};
MG_ASSERT(non_module_file.is_open(), "Failed to open {} for writing", non_module_file_path);
static constexpr std::string_view content = "import mgp";
non_module_file.write(, content.size());
client, GetModuleFileQuery(non_module_file_path),
"mg.get_module_file: The specified file isn't contained in any of the module directories.");
client, UpdateModuleFileQuery(non_module_file_path, "some content"),
"mg.update_module_file: The specified file isn't contained in any of the module directories.");
client, DeleteModuleFileQuery(non_module_file_path),
"mg.delete_module_file: The specified file isn't contained in any of the module directories.");
MG_ASSERT(std::filesystem::remove_all(non_module_directory), "Failed to cleanup directories");
return 0;