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// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
// License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.
#pragma once
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "_mgp.hpp"
#include "mg_procedure.h"
namespace mgp {
class IndexException : public std::exception {
explicit IndexException(const std::string &message) : message_(message) {}
const char *what() const noexcept override { return message_.c_str(); }
std::string message_;
class ValueException : public std::exception {
explicit ValueException(const std::string &message) : message_(message) {}
const char *what() const noexcept override { return message_.c_str(); }
std::string message_;
class NotFoundException : public std::exception {
explicit NotFoundException(const std::string &message) : message_(message) {}
const char *what() const noexcept override { return message_.c_str(); }
std::string message_;
class NotEnoughMemoryException : public std::exception {
const char *what() const throw() { return "Not enough memory!"; }
class MustAbortException : public std::exception {
explicit MustAbortException(const std::string &message) : message_(message) {}
const char *what() const noexcept override { return message_.c_str(); }
std::string message_;
// Forward declarations
class Nodes;
using GraphNodes = Nodes;
class GraphRelationships;
class Relationships;
class Node;
class Relationship;
struct MapItem;
class Duration;
class Value;
struct StealType {};
inline constexpr StealType steal{};
inline mgp_memory *memory{nullptr};
/* #region Graph (Id, Graph, Nodes, GraphRelationships, Relationships & Labels) */
/// Wrapper for int64_t IDs to prevent dangerous implicit conversions.
class Id {
Id() = default;
/// Construct Id from uint64_t
static Id FromUint(uint64_t id);
/// Construct Id from int64_t
static Id FromInt(int64_t id);
int64_t AsInt() const;
uint64_t AsUint() const;
bool operator==(const Id &other) const;
bool operator!=(const Id &other) const;
bool operator<(const Id &other) const;
explicit Id(int64_t id);
int64_t id_;
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_graph.
class Graph {
friend class Node;
friend class Relationship;
explicit Graph(mgp_graph *graph);
/// @brief Returns the graph order (number of nodes).
int64_t Order() const;
/// @brief Returns the graph size (number of relationships).
int64_t Size() const;
/// @brief Returns an iterable structure of the graphs nodes.
GraphNodes Nodes() const;
/// @brief Returns an iterable structure of the graphs relationships.
GraphRelationships Relationships() const;
/// @brief Returns the graph node with the given ID.
Node GetNodeById(const Id node_id) const;
/// @brief Returns whether the graph contains a node with the given ID.
bool ContainsNode(const Id node_id) const;
/// @brief Returns whether the graph contains the given node.
bool ContainsNode(const Node &node) const;
/// @brief Returns whether the graph contains a relationship with the given ID.
bool ContainsRelationship(const Id relationship_id) const;
/// @brief Returns whether the graph contains the given relationship.
bool ContainsRelationship(const Relationship &relationship) const;
/// @brief Returns whether the graph is mutable.
bool IsMutable() const;
/// @brief Creates a node and adds it to the graph.
Node CreateNode();
/// @brief Deletes a node from the graph.
void DeleteNode(const Node &node);
/// @brief Deletes a node and all its incident edges from the graph.
void DetachDeleteNode(const Node &node);
/// @brief Creates a relationship of type `type` between nodes `from` and `to` and adds it to the graph.
Relationship CreateRelationship(const Node &from, const Node &to, const std::string_view type);
/// @brief Deletes a relationship from the graph.
void DeleteRelationship(const Relationship &relationship);
bool MustAbort() const;
void CheckMustAbort() const;
mgp_graph *graph_;
/// @brief View of graph nodes; wrapper class for @ref mgp_vertices_iterator.
class Nodes {
explicit Nodes(mgp_vertices_iterator *nodes_iterator);
class Iterator {
friend class Nodes;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = const Node;
using pointer = value_type *;
using reference = value_type &;
explicit Iterator(mgp_vertices_iterator *nodes_iterator);
Iterator(const Iterator &other) noexcept;
Iterator &operator=(const Iterator &other) = delete;
Iterator &operator++();
Iterator operator++(int);
bool operator==(Iterator other) const;
bool operator!=(Iterator other) const;
const Node operator*() const;
mgp_vertices_iterator *nodes_iterator_ = nullptr;
size_t index_ = 0;
Iterator begin() const;
Iterator end() const;
Iterator cbegin() const;
Iterator cend() const;
mgp_vertices_iterator *nodes_iterator_ = nullptr;
/// @brief View of graph relationships.
// NB: Necessary because of the MGP API not having a method that returns a mgp_edges_iterator over all graph
// relationships.
class GraphRelationships {
explicit GraphRelationships(mgp_graph *graph);
class Iterator {
friend class GraphRelationships;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = const Relationship;
using pointer = value_type *;
using reference = value_type &;
explicit Iterator(mgp_vertices_iterator *nodes_iterator);
Iterator(const Iterator &other) noexcept;
Iterator &operator=(const Iterator &other) = delete;
Iterator &operator++();
Iterator operator++(int);
bool operator==(Iterator other) const;
bool operator!=(Iterator other) const;
const Relationship operator*() const;
mgp_vertices_iterator *nodes_iterator_ = nullptr;
mgp_edges_iterator *out_relationships_iterator_ = nullptr;
size_t index_ = 0;
Iterator begin() const;
Iterator end() const;
Iterator cbegin() const;
Iterator cend() const;
mgp_graph *graph_;
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_edges_iterator.
class Relationships {
explicit Relationships(mgp_edges_iterator *relationships_iterator);
class Iterator {
friend class Relationships;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = const Relationship;
using pointer = value_type *;
using reference = value_type &;
explicit Iterator(mgp_edges_iterator *relationships_iterator);
Iterator(const Iterator &other) noexcept;
Iterator &operator=(const Iterator &other) = delete;
Iterator &operator++();
Iterator operator++(int);
bool operator==(Iterator other) const;
bool operator!=(Iterator other) const;
const Relationship operator*() const;
mgp_edges_iterator *relationships_iterator_ = nullptr;
size_t index_ = 0;
Iterator begin() const;
Iterator end() const;
Iterator cbegin() const;
Iterator cend() const;
mgp_edges_iterator *relationships_iterator_ = nullptr;
/// @brief View of node labels.
class Labels {
explicit Labels(mgp_vertex *node_ptr);
Labels(const Labels &other) noexcept;
Labels(Labels &&other) noexcept;
Labels &operator=(const Labels &other) noexcept;
Labels &operator=(Labels &&other) noexcept;
/// @brief Returns the number of the labels, i.e. the size of their list.
size_t Size() const;
/// @brief Return the nodes label at position `index`.
std::string_view operator[](size_t index) const;
class Iterator {
friend class Labels;
bool operator==(const Iterator &other) const;
bool operator!=(const Iterator &other) const;
Iterator &operator++();
const std::string_view operator*() const;
Iterator(const Labels *iterable, size_t index);
const Labels *iterable_;
size_t index_;
Iterator begin();
Iterator end();
Iterator cbegin();
Iterator cend();
mgp_vertex *node_ptr_;
/* #endregion */
/* #region Types */
/* #region Containers (List, Map) */
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_list.
class List {
friend class Value;
friend class Record;
friend class Result;
friend class Parameter;
/// @brief Creates a List from the copy of the given @ref mgp_list.
explicit List(mgp_list *ptr);
/// @brief Creates a List from the copy of the given @ref mgp_list.
explicit List(const mgp_list *const_ptr);
/// @brief Creates an empty List.
explicit List();
/// @brief Creates a List with the given `capacity`.
explicit List(size_t capacity);
/// @brief Creates a List from the given vector.
explicit List(const std::vector<Value> &values);
/// @brief Creates a List from the given vector.
explicit List(std::vector<Value> &&values);
/// @brief Creates a List from the given initializer_list.
explicit List(const std::initializer_list<Value> list);
List(const List &other) noexcept;
List(List &&other) noexcept;
List &operator=(const List &other) noexcept;
List &operator=(List &&other) noexcept;
/// @brief Returns the size of the list.
size_t Size() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the list is empty.
bool Empty() const;
/// @brief Returns the value at the given `index`.
const Value operator[](size_t index) const;
class Iterator {
friend class List;
bool operator==(const Iterator &other) const;
bool operator!=(const Iterator &other) const;
Iterator &operator++();
const Value operator*() const;
Iterator(const List *iterable, size_t index);
const List *iterable_;
size_t index_;
Iterator begin() const;
Iterator end() const;
Iterator cbegin() const;
Iterator cend() const;
/// @brief Appends the given `value` to the list. The `value` is copied.
void Append(const Value &value);
/// @brief Appends the given `value` to the list.
/// @note Takes the ownership of `value` by moving it. The behavior of accessing `value` after performing this
/// operation is undefined.
void Append(Value &&value);
/// @brief Extends the list and appends the given `value` to it. The `value` is copied.
void AppendExtend(const Value &value);
/// @brief Extends the list and appends the given `value` to it.
/// @note Takes the ownership of `value` by moving it. The behavior of accessing `value` after performing this
/// operation is undefined.
void AppendExtend(Value &&value);
// Value Pop(); // not implemented (requires mgp_list_pop in the MGP API):
/// @exception std::runtime_error List contains value of unknown type.
bool operator==(const List &other) const;
/// @exception std::runtime_error List contains value of unknown type.
bool operator!=(const List &other) const;
mgp_list *ptr_;
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_map.
class Map {
friend class Value;
friend class Record;
friend class Result;
friend class Parameter;
/// @brief Creates a Map from the copy of the given @ref mgp_map.
explicit Map(mgp_map *ptr);
/// @brief Creates a Map from the copy of the given @ref mgp_map.
explicit Map(const mgp_map *const_ptr);
/// @brief Creates an empty Map.
explicit Map();
/// @brief Creates a Map from the given vector.
explicit Map(const std::map<std::string_view, Value> &items);
/// @brief Creates a Map from the given vector.
explicit Map(std::map<std::string_view, Value> &&items);
/// @brief Creates a Map from the given initializer_list (map items correspond to initializer list pairs).
Map(const std::initializer_list<std::pair<std::string_view, Value>> items);
Map(const Map &other) noexcept;
Map(Map &&other) noexcept;
Map &operator=(const Map &other) noexcept;
Map &operator=(Map &&other) noexcept;
/// @brief Returns the size of the map.
size_t Size() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the map is empty.
bool Empty() const;
/// @brief Returns the value at the given `key`.
Value const operator[](std::string_view key) const;
/// @brief Returns the value at the given `key`.
Value const At(std::string_view key) const;
class Iterator {
friend class Map;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = const MapItem;
using pointer = value_type *;
using reference = value_type &;
explicit Iterator(mgp_map_items_iterator *map_items_iterator);
Iterator(const Iterator &other) noexcept;
Iterator &operator=(const Iterator &other) = delete;
Iterator &operator++();
Iterator operator++(int);
bool operator==(Iterator other) const;
bool operator!=(Iterator other) const;
const MapItem operator*() const;
mgp_map_items_iterator *map_items_iterator_ = nullptr;
Iterator begin() const;
Iterator end() const;
Iterator cbegin() const;
Iterator cend() const;
/// @brief Inserts the given `key`-`value` pair into the map. The `value` is copied.
void Insert(std::string_view key, const Value &value);
/// @brief Inserts the given `key`-`value` pair into the map.
/// @note Takes the ownership of `value` by moving it. The behavior of accessing `value` after performing this
/// operation is undefined.
void Insert(std::string_view key, Value &&value);
// void Erase(std::string_view key); // not implemented (requires mgp_map_erase in the MGP API)
// void Clear(); // not implemented (requires mgp_map_clear in the MGP API)
/// @exception std::runtime_error Map contains value of unknown type.
bool operator==(const Map &other) const;
/// @exception std::runtime_error Map contains value of unknown type.
bool operator!=(const Map &other) const;
mgp_map *ptr_;
/* #endregion */
/* #region Graph elements (Node, Relationship & Path) */
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_vertex.
class Node {
friend class Graph;
friend class Path;
friend class Value;
friend class Record;
friend class Result;
friend class Parameter;
/// @brief Creates a Node from the copy of the given @ref mgp_vertex.
explicit Node(mgp_vertex *ptr);
/// @brief Creates a Node from the copy of the given @ref mgp_vertex.
explicit Node(const mgp_vertex *const_ptr);
Node(const Node &other) noexcept;
Node(Node &&other) noexcept;
Node &operator=(const Node &other) noexcept;
Node &operator=(Node &&other) noexcept;
/// @brief Returns the nodes ID.
mgp::Id Id() const;
/// @brief Returns an iterable & indexable structure of the nodes labels.
mgp::Labels Labels() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the node has the given `label`.
bool HasLabel(std::string_view label) const;
/// @brief Returns an std::map of the nodes properties.
std::map<std::string, Value> Properties() const;
/// @brief Sets the chosen property to the given value.
void SetProperty(std::string property, Value value);
/// @brief Retrieves the value of the chosen property.
Value GetProperty(const std::string &property) const;
/// @brief Returns an iterable structure of the nodes inbound relationships.
Relationships InRelationships() const;
/// @brief Returns an iterable structure of the nodes outbound relationships.
Relationships OutRelationships() const;
/// @brief Adds a label to the node.
void AddLabel(const std::string_view label);
bool operator<(const Node &other) const;
/// @exception std::runtime_error Node properties contain value(s) of unknown type.
bool operator==(const Node &other) const;
/// @exception std::runtime_error Node properties contain value(s) of unknown type.
bool operator!=(const Node &other) const;
mgp_vertex *ptr_;
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_edge.
class Relationship {
friend class Graph;
friend class Path;
friend class Value;
friend class Record;
friend class Result;
friend class Parameter;
/// @brief Creates a Relationship from the copy of the given @ref mgp_edge.
explicit Relationship(mgp_edge *ptr);
/// @brief Creates a Relationship from the copy of the given @ref mgp_edge.
explicit Relationship(const mgp_edge *const_ptr);
Relationship(const Relationship &other) noexcept;
Relationship(Relationship &&other) noexcept;
Relationship &operator=(const Relationship &other) noexcept;
Relationship &operator=(Relationship &&other) noexcept;
/// @brief Returns the relationships ID.
mgp::Id Id() const;
/// @brief Returns the relationships type.
std::string_view Type() const;
/// @brief Returns an std::map of the relationships properties.
std::map<std::string, Value> Properties() const;
/// @brief Sets the chosen property to the given value.
void SetProperty(std::string property, Value value);
/// @brief Retrieves the value of the chosen property.
Value GetProperty(const std::string &property) const;
/// @brief Returns the relationships source node.
Node From() const;
/// @brief Returns the relationships destination node.
Node To() const;
bool operator<(const Relationship &other) const;
/// @exception std::runtime_error Relationship properties contain value(s) of unknown type.
bool operator==(const Relationship &other) const;
/// @exception std::runtime_error Relationship properties contain value(s) of unknown type.
bool operator!=(const Relationship &other) const;
mgp_edge *ptr_;
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_path.
class Path {
friend class Value;
friend class Record;
friend class Result;
friend class Parameter;
/// @brief Creates a Path from the copy of the given @ref mgp_path.
explicit Path(mgp_path *ptr);
/// @brief Creates a Path from the copy of the given @ref mgp_path.
explicit Path(const mgp_path *const_ptr);
/// @brief Creates a Path starting with the given `start_node`.
explicit Path(const Node &start_node);
Path(const Path &other) noexcept;
Path(Path &&other) noexcept;
Path &operator=(const Path &other) noexcept;
Path &operator=(Path &&other) noexcept;
/// Returns the path length (number of relationships).
size_t Length() const;
/// @brief Returns the node at the given `index`.
/// @pre The `index` must be less than or equal to length of the path.
Node GetNodeAt(size_t index) const;
/// @brief Returns the relationship at the given `index`.
/// @pre The `index` must be less than length of the path.
Relationship GetRelationshipAt(size_t index) const;
/// @brief Adds a relationship continuing from the last node on the path.
void Expand(const Relationship &relationship);
/// @exception std::runtime_error Path contains element(s) with unknown value.
bool operator==(const Path &other) const;
/// @exception std::runtime_error Path contains element(s) with unknown value.
bool operator!=(const Path &other) const;
mgp_path *ptr_;
/* #endregion */
/* #region Temporal types (Date, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, Duration) */
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_date.
class Date {
friend class Duration;
friend class Value;
friend class Record;
friend class Result;
friend class Parameter;
/// @brief Creates a Date object from the copy of the given @ref mgp_date.
explicit Date(mgp_date *ptr);
/// @brief Creates a Date object from the copy of the given @ref mgp_date.
explicit Date(const mgp_date *const_ptr);
/// @brief Creates a Date object from the given string representing a date in the ISO 8601 format (`YYYY-MM-DD`,
/// `YYYYMMDD`, or `YYYY-MM`).
explicit Date(std::string_view string);
/// @brief Creates a Date object with the given `year`, `month`, and `day` properties.
Date(int year, int month, int day);
Date(const Date &other) noexcept;
Date(Date &&other) noexcept;
Date &operator=(const Date &other) noexcept;
Date &operator=(Date &&other) noexcept;
/// @brief Returns the current Date.
static Date Now();
/// @brief Returns the dates year property.
int Year() const;
/// @brief Returns the dates month property.
int Month() const;
/// @brief Returns the dates day property.
int Day() const;
/// @brief Returns the dates timestamp (microseconds from the Unix epoch).
int64_t Timestamp() const;
bool operator==(const Date &other) const;
Date operator+(const Duration &dur) const;
Date operator-(const Duration &dur) const;
Duration operator-(const Date &other) const;
bool operator<(const Date &other) const;
mgp_date *ptr_;
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_local_time.
class LocalTime {
friend class Duration;
friend class Value;
friend class Record;
friend class Result;
friend class Parameter;
/// @brief Creates a LocalTime object from the copy of the given @ref mgp_local_time.
explicit LocalTime(mgp_local_time *ptr);
/// @brief Creates a LocalTime object from the copy of the given @ref mgp_local_time.
explicit LocalTime(const mgp_local_time *const_ptr);
/// @brief Creates a LocalTime object from the given string representing a date in the ISO 8601 format ([T]hh:mm:ss,
/// `[T]hh:mm`, `[T]hhmmss`, `[T]hhmm`, or `[T]hh`).
explicit LocalTime(std::string_view string);
/// @brief Creates a LocalTime object with the given `hour`, `minute`, `second`, `millisecond`, and `microsecond`
/// properties.
LocalTime(int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, int microsecond);
LocalTime(const LocalTime &other) noexcept;
LocalTime(LocalTime &&other) noexcept;
LocalTime &operator=(const LocalTime &other) noexcept;
LocalTime &operator=(LocalTime &&other) noexcept;
/// @brief Returns the current LocalTime.
static LocalTime Now();
/// @brief Returns the objects `hour` property.
int Hour() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects `minute` property.
int Minute() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects `second` property.
int Second() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects `millisecond` property.
int Millisecond() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects `microsecond` property.
int Microsecond() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects timestamp (microseconds from the Unix epoch).
int64_t Timestamp() const;
bool operator==(const LocalTime &other) const;
LocalTime operator+(const Duration &dur) const;
LocalTime operator-(const Duration &dur) const;
Duration operator-(const LocalTime &other) const;
bool operator<(const LocalTime &other) const;
mgp_local_time *ptr_;
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_local_date_time.
class LocalDateTime {
friend class Duration;
friend class Value;
friend class Record;
friend class Result;
friend class Parameter;
/// @brief Creates a LocalDateTime object from the copy of the given @ref mgp_local_date_time.
explicit LocalDateTime(mgp_local_date_time *ptr);
/// @brief Creates a LocalDateTime object from the copy of the given @ref mgp_local_date_time.
explicit LocalDateTime(const mgp_local_date_time *const_ptr);
/// @brief Creates a LocalDateTime object from the given string representing a date in the ISO 8601 format
/// (`YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss`, `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm`, `YYYYMMDDThhmmss`, `YYYYMMDDThhmm`, or `YYYYMMDDThh`).
explicit LocalDateTime(std::string_view string);
/// @brief Creates a LocalDateTime object with the given `year`, `month`, `day`, `hour`, `minute`, `second`,
/// `millisecond`, and `microsecond` properties.
LocalDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, int microsecond);
LocalDateTime(const LocalDateTime &other) noexcept;
LocalDateTime(LocalDateTime &&other) noexcept;
LocalDateTime &operator=(const LocalDateTime &other) noexcept;
LocalDateTime &operator=(LocalDateTime &&other) noexcept;
/// @brief Returns the current LocalDateTime.
static LocalDateTime Now();
/// @brief Returns the objects `year` property.
int Year() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects `month` property.
int Month() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects `day` property.
int Day() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects `hour` property.
int Hour() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects `minute` property.
int Minute() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects `second` property.
int Second() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects `millisecond` property.
int Millisecond() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects `microsecond` property.
int Microsecond() const;
/// @brief Returns the objects timestamp (microseconds from the Unix epoch).
int64_t Timestamp() const;
bool operator==(const LocalDateTime &other) const;
LocalDateTime operator+(const Duration &dur) const;
LocalDateTime operator-(const Duration &dur) const;
Duration operator-(const LocalDateTime &other) const;
bool operator<(const LocalDateTime &other) const;
mgp_local_date_time *ptr_;
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_duration.
class Duration {
friend class Date;
friend class LocalTime;
friend class LocalDateTime;
friend class Value;
friend class Record;
friend class Result;
friend class Parameter;
/// @brief Creates a Duration from the copy of the given @ref mgp_duration.
explicit Duration(mgp_duration *ptr);
/// @brief Creates a Duration from the copy of the given @ref mgp_duration.
explicit Duration(const mgp_duration *const_ptr);
/// @brief Creates a Duration object from the given string in the following format: `P[nD]T[nH][nM][nS]`, where (1)
/// `n` stands for a number, (2) capital letters are used as a separator, (3) each field in `[]` is optional, and (4)
/// only the last field may be a non-integer.
explicit Duration(std::string_view string);
/// @brief Creates a Duration object from the given number of microseconds.
explicit Duration(int64_t microseconds);
/// @brief Creates a Duration object with the given `day`, `hour`, `minute`, `second`, `millisecond`, and
/// `microsecond` properties.
Duration(double day, double hour, double minute, double second, double millisecond, double microsecond);
Duration(const Duration &other) noexcept;
Duration(Duration &&other) noexcept;
Duration &operator=(const Duration &other) noexcept;
Duration &operator=(Duration &&other) noexcept;
/// @brief Returns the duration as microseconds.
int64_t Microseconds() const;
bool operator==(const Duration &other) const;
Duration operator+(const Duration &other) const;
Duration operator-(const Duration &other) const;
Duration operator-() const;
bool operator<(const Duration &other) const;
mgp_duration *ptr_;
/* #endregion */
/* #endregion */
/* #region Value */
enum class Type : uint8_t {
/// @brief Wrapper class for @ref mgp_value.
class Value {
friend class List;
friend class Map;
friend class Date;
friend class LocalTime;
friend class LocalDateTime;
friend class Duration;
friend class Record;
friend class Result;
explicit Value(mgp_value *ptr);
explicit Value(StealType /*steal*/, mgp_value *ptr);
// Null constructor:
explicit Value();
// Primitive type constructors:
explicit Value(const bool value);
explicit Value(const int64_t value);
explicit Value(const double value);
// String constructors:
explicit Value(const char *value);
explicit Value(const std::string_view value);
// Container constructors:
/// @brief Constructs a List value from the copy of the given `list`.
explicit Value(const List &list);
/// @note The behavior of accessing `list` after performing this operation is undefined.
explicit Value(List &&list);
/// @brief Constructs a Map value from the copy of the given `map`.
explicit Value(const Map &map);
/// @brief Constructs a Map value and takes ownership of the given `map`.
/// @note The behavior of accessing `map` after performing this operation is undefined.
explicit Value(Map &&map);
// Graph element type constructors:
/// @brief Constructs a Node value from the copy of the given `node`.
explicit Value(const Node &node);
/// @brief Constructs a Node value and takes ownership of the given `node`.
/// @note The behavior of accessing `node` after performing this operation is undefined.
explicit Value(Node &&node);
/// @brief Constructs a Relationship value from the copy of the given `node`.
explicit Value(const Relationship &relationship);
/// @brief Constructs a Relationship value and takes ownership of the given `relationship`.
/// @note The behavior of accessing `relationship` after performing this operation is undefined.
explicit Value(Relationship &&relationship);
/// @brief Constructs a Path value from the copy of the given `path`.
explicit Value(const Path &path);
/// @brief Constructs a Path value and takes ownership of the given `path`.
/// @note The behavior of accessing `path` after performing this operation is undefined.
explicit Value(Path &&path);
// Temporal type constructors:
/// @brief Constructs a Date value from the copy of the given `date`.
explicit Value(const Date &date);
/// @brief Constructs a Date value and takes ownership of the given `path`.
/// @note The behavior of accessing `date` after performing this operation is undefined.
explicit Value(Date &&date);
/// @brief Constructs a LocalTime value from the copy of the given `local_time`.
explicit Value(const LocalTime &local_time);
/// @brief Constructs a LocalTime value and takes ownership of the given `local_time`.
/// @note The behavior of accessing `local_time` after performing this operation is undefined.
explicit Value(LocalTime &&local_time);
/// @brief Constructs a LocalDateTime value from the copy of the given `local_date_time`.
explicit Value(const LocalDateTime &local_date_time);
/// @brief Constructs a LocalDateTime value and takes ownership of the given `local_date_time`.
/// @note The behavior of accessing `local_date_time` after performing this operation is undefined.
explicit Value(LocalDateTime &&local_date_time);
/// @brief Constructs a Duration value from the copy of the given `duration`.
explicit Value(const Duration &duration);
/// @brief Constructs a Duration value and takes ownership of the given `duration`.
/// @note The behavior of accessing `duration` after performing this operation is undefined.
explicit Value(Duration &&duration);
Value(const Value &other) noexcept;
Value(Value &&other) noexcept;
Value &operator=(const Value &other) noexcept;
Value &operator=(Value &&other) noexcept;
/// @brief Returns the pointer to the stored value.
mgp_value *ptr() const;
/// @brief Returns the type of the value.
/// @exception std::runtime_error The value type is unknown.
mgp::Type Type() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::Bool.
bool ValueBool() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::Int.
int64_t ValueInt() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::Double.
double ValueDouble() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::Numeric.
double ValueNumeric() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::String.
std::string_view ValueString() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::List.
const List ValueList() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::Map.
const Map ValueMap() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::Node.
const Node ValueNode() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::Relationship.
const Relationship ValueRelationship() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::Path.
const Path ValuePath() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::Date.
const Date ValueDate() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::LocalTime.
const LocalTime ValueLocalTime() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::LocalDateTime.
const LocalDateTime ValueLocalDateTime() const;
/// @pre Value type needs to be Type::Duration.
const Duration ValueDuration() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is null.
bool IsNull() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is boolean.
bool IsBool() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is an integer.
bool IsInt() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is a floating-point number.
bool IsDouble() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is numeric.
bool IsNumeric() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is a string.
bool IsString() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is a @ref List.
bool IsList() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is a @ref Map.
bool IsMap() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is a @ref Node.
bool IsNode() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is a @ref Relationship.
bool IsRelationship() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is a @ref Path.
bool IsPath() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is a @ref Date object.
bool IsDate() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is a @ref LocalTime object.
bool IsLocalTime() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is a @ref LocalDateTime object.
bool IsLocalDateTime() const;
/// @brief Returns whether the value is a @ref Duration object.
bool IsDuration() const;
/// @exception std::runtime_error Unknown value type.
bool operator==(const Value &other) const;
/// @exception std::runtime_error Unknown value type.
bool operator!=(const Value &other) const;
mgp_value *ptr_;
/// @brief Key-value pair representing @ref Map items.
struct MapItem {
const std::string_view key;
const Value value;
bool operator==(MapItem &other) const;
bool operator!=(MapItem &other) const;
bool operator<(const MapItem &other) const;
/* #endregion */
/* #region Results */
/// @brief Procedure result class
class Record {
explicit Record(mgp_result_record *record);
/// @brief Inserts a boolean value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, bool value);
/// @brief Inserts an integer value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, std::int64_t value);
/// @brief Inserts a floating-point value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, double value);
/// @brief Inserts a string value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, std::string_view value);
/// @brief Inserts a string value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, const char *value);
/// @brief Inserts a @ref List value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, const List &list);
/// @brief Inserts a @ref Map value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, const Map &map);
/// @brief Inserts a @ref Node value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, const Node &node);
/// @brief Inserts a @ref Relationship value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, const Relationship &relationship);
/// @brief Inserts a @ref Path value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, const Path &path);
/// @brief Inserts a @ref Date value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, const Date &date);
/// @brief Inserts a @ref LocalTime value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, const LocalTime &local_time);
/// @brief Inserts a @ref LocalDateTime value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, const LocalDateTime &local_date_time);
/// @brief Inserts a @ref Duration value under field `field_name`.
void Insert(const char *field_name, const Duration &duration);
mgp_result_record *record_;
/// @brief Factory class for @ref Record
class RecordFactory {
explicit RecordFactory(mgp_result *result);
const Record NewRecord() const;
void SetErrorMessage(const std::string_view error_msg) const;
void SetErrorMessage(const char *error_msg) const;
mgp_result *result_;
/// @brief Function result class
class Result {
explicit Result(mgp_func_result *result);
/// @brief Sets a boolean value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(bool value);
/// @brief Sets an integer value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(std::int64_t value);
/// @brief Sets a floating-point value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(double value);
/// @brief Sets a string value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(std::string_view value);
/// @brief Sets a string value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(const char *value);
/// @brief Sets a @ref List value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(const List &list);
/// @brief Sets a @ref Map value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(const Map &map);
/// @brief Sets a @ref Node value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(const Node &node);
/// @brief Sets a @ref Relationship value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(const Relationship &relationship);
/// @brief Sets a @ref Path value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(const Path &path);
/// @brief Sets a @ref Date value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(const Date &date);
/// @brief Sets a @ref LocalTime value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(const LocalTime &local_time);
/// @brief Sets a @ref LocalDateTime value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(const LocalDateTime &local_date_time);
/// @brief Sets a @ref Duration value to be returned.
inline void SetValue(const Duration &duration);
void SetErrorMessage(const std::string_view error_msg) const;
void SetErrorMessage(const char *error_msg) const;
mgp_func_result *result_;
/* #endregion */
/* #region Module */
/// @brief Represents a procedures parameter. Parameters are defined by their name, type, and (if optional) default
/// value.
class Parameter {
std::string_view name;
Type type_;
Type list_item_type_;
bool optional = false;
Value default_value;
/// @brief Creates a non-optional parameter with the given `name` and `type`.
Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type);
/// @brief Creates an optional boolean parameter with the given `name` and `default_value`.
Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, bool default_value);
/// @brief Creates an optional integer parameter with the given `name` and `default_value`.
Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, int64_t default_value);
/// @brief Creates an optional floating-point parameter with the given `name` and `default_value`.
Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, double default_value);
/// @brief Creates an optional string parameter with the given `name` and `default_value`.
Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, std::string_view default_value);
/// @brief Creates an optional string parameter with the given `name` and `default_value`.
Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, const char *default_value);
/// @brief Creates an optional parameter with the given `name` and `default_value`.
Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, Value default_value);
/// @brief Creates a non-optional ListParameter with the given `name` and `item_type`.
Parameter(std::string_view name, std::pair<Type, Type> list_type);
/// @brief Creates an optional List parameter with the given `name`, `item_type`, and `default_value`.
Parameter(std::string_view name, std::pair<Type, Type> list_type, Value default_value);
mgp_type *GetMGPType() const;
/// @brief Represents a procedures return value. The values are defined by their name and type.
class Return {
std::string_view name;
Type type_;
Type list_item_type_;
/// @brief Creates a return value with the given `name` and `type`.
Return(std::string_view name, Type type);
Return(std::string_view name, std::pair<Type, Type> list_type);
mgp_type *GetMGPType() const;
enum class ProcedureType : uint8_t {
/// @brief Adds a procedure to the query module.
/// @param callback - procedure callback
/// @param name - procedure name
/// @param proc_type - procedure type (read/write)
/// @param parameters - procedure parameters
/// @param returns - procedure return values
/// @param module - the query module that the procedure is added to
/// @param memory - access to memory
inline void AddProcedure(mgp_proc_cb callback, std::string_view name, ProcedureType proc_type,
std::vector<Parameter> parameters, std::vector<Return> returns, mgp_module *module,
mgp_memory *memory);
/// @brief Adds a function to the query module.
/// @param callback - function callback
/// @param name - function name
/// @param parameters - function parameters
/// @param module - the query module that the function is added to
/// @param memory - access to memory
inline void AddFunction(mgp_func_cb callback, std::string_view name, std::vector<Parameter> parameters,
mgp_module *module, mgp_memory *memory);
/* #endregion */
namespace util {
// uint to int conversion in C++ is a bit tricky. Take a look here
// for more details.
template <typename TDest, typename TSrc>
TDest MemcpyCast(TSrc src) {
TDest dest;
static_assert(sizeof(dest) == sizeof(src), "MemcpyCast expects source and destination to be of the same size");
static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<TSrc>::value, "MemcpyCast expects source to be an arithmetic type");
static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<TDest>::value, "MemcpyCast expects destination to be an arithmetic type");
std::memcpy(&dest, &src, sizeof(src));
return dest;
/// @brief Returns whether two MGP API values are equal.
inline bool ValuesEqual(mgp_value *value1, mgp_value *value2);
/// @brief Returns whether two MGP API lists are equal.
inline bool ListsEqual(mgp_list *list1, mgp_list *list2) {
if (list1 == list2) {
return true;
if (mgp::list_size(list1) != mgp::list_size(list2)) {
return false;
const size_t len = mgp::list_size(list1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (!util::ValuesEqual(mgp::list_at(list1, i), mgp::list_at(list2, i))) {
return false;
return true;
/// @brief Returns whether two MGP API maps are equal.
inline bool MapsEqual(mgp_map *map1, mgp_map *map2) {
if (map1 == map2) {
return true;
if (mgp::map_size(map1) != mgp::map_size(map2)) {
return false;
auto items_it = mgp::map_iter_items(map1, memory);
for (auto item = mgp::map_items_iterator_get(items_it); item; item = mgp::map_items_iterator_next(items_it)) {
if (mgp::map_item_key(item) == mgp::map_item_key(item)) {
return false;
if (!util::ValuesEqual(mgp::map_item_value(item), mgp::map_item_value(item))) {
return false;
return true;
/// @brief Returns whether two MGP API nodes are equal.
inline bool NodesEqual(mgp_vertex *node1, mgp_vertex *node2) {
// With query modules, two nodes are identical if their IDs are equal
if (node1 == node2) {
return true;
if (mgp::vertex_get_id(node1).as_int != mgp::vertex_get_id(node2).as_int) {
return false;
return true;
/// @brief Returns whether two MGP API relationships are equal.
inline bool RelationshipsEqual(mgp_edge *relationship1, mgp_edge *relationship2) {
// With query modules, two relationships are identical if their IDs are equal
if (relationship1 == relationship2) {
return true;
if (mgp::edge_get_id(relationship1).as_int != mgp::edge_get_id(relationship2).as_int) {
return false;
return true;
/// @brief Returns whether two MGP API paths are equal.
inline bool PathsEqual(mgp_path *path1, mgp_path *path2) {
// With query modules, two paths are identical if their elements are pairwise identical
if (path1 == path2) {
return true;
if (mgp::path_size(path1) != mgp::path_size(path2)) {
return false;
const auto path_size = mgp::path_size(path1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < path_size; ++i) {
if (!util::NodesEqual(mgp::path_vertex_at(path1, i), mgp::path_vertex_at(path2, i))) {
return false;
if (!util::RelationshipsEqual(mgp::path_edge_at(path1, i), mgp::path_edge_at(path2, i))) {
return false;
return util::NodesEqual(mgp::path_vertex_at(path1, path_size), mgp::path_vertex_at(path2, path_size));
/// @brief Returns whether two MGP API date objects are equal.
inline bool DatesEqual(mgp_date *date1, mgp_date *date2) { return mgp::date_equal(date1, date2); }
/// @brief Returns whether two MGP API local time objects are equal.
inline bool LocalTimesEqual(mgp_local_time *local_time1, mgp_local_time *local_time2) {
return mgp::local_time_equal(local_time1, local_time2);
/// @brief Returns whether two MGP API local datetime objects are equal.
inline bool LocalDateTimesEqual(mgp_local_date_time *local_date_time1, mgp_local_date_time *local_date_time2) {
return mgp::local_date_time_equal(local_date_time1, local_date_time2);
/// @brief Returns whether two MGP API duration objects are equal.
inline bool DurationsEqual(mgp_duration *duration1, mgp_duration *duration2) {
return mgp::duration_equal(duration1, duration2);
/// @brief Returns whether two MGP API values are equal.
inline bool ValuesEqual(mgp_value *value1, mgp_value *value2) {
if (value1 == value2) {
return true;
if (mgp::value_get_type(value1) != mgp::value_get_type(value2)) {
return false;
switch (mgp::value_get_type(value1)) {
return true;
return mgp::value_get_bool(value1) == mgp::value_get_bool(value2);
return mgp::value_get_int(value1) == mgp::value_get_int(value2);
return mgp::value_get_double(value1) == mgp::value_get_double(value2);
return std::string_view(mgp::value_get_string(value1)) == std::string_view(mgp::value_get_string(value2));
return util::ListsEqual(mgp::value_get_list(value1), mgp::value_get_list(value2));
return util::MapsEqual(mgp::value_get_map(value1), mgp::value_get_map(value2));
return util::NodesEqual(mgp::value_get_vertex(value1), mgp::value_get_vertex(value2));
return util::RelationshipsEqual(mgp::value_get_edge(value1), mgp::value_get_edge(value2));
return util::PathsEqual(mgp::value_get_path(value1), mgp::value_get_path(value2));
return util::DatesEqual(mgp::value_get_date(value1), mgp::value_get_date(value2));
return util::LocalTimesEqual(mgp::value_get_local_time(value1), mgp::value_get_local_time(value2));
return util::LocalDateTimesEqual(mgp::value_get_local_date_time(value1), mgp::value_get_local_date_time(value2));
return util::DurationsEqual(mgp::value_get_duration(value1), mgp::value_get_duration(value2));
throw ValueException("Invalid value; does not match any Memgraph type.");
/// @brief Converts C++ API types to their MGP API equivalents.
inline mgp_type *ToMGPType(Type type) {
switch (type) {
case Type::Bool:
return mgp::type_bool();
case Type::Int:
return mgp::type_int();
case Type::Double:
return mgp::type_float();
case Type::String:
return mgp::type_string();
case Type::List:
return mgp::type_list(mgp::type_any());
case Type::Map:
return mgp::type_map();
case Type::Node:
return mgp::type_node();
case Type::Relationship:
return mgp::type_relationship();
case Type::Path:
return mgp::type_path();
case Type::Date:
return mgp::type_date();
case Type::LocalTime:
return mgp::type_local_time();
case Type::LocalDateTime:
return mgp::type_local_date_time();
case Type::Duration:
return mgp::type_duration();
throw ValueException("Unknown type error!");
/// @brief Converts MGP API types to their C++ API equivalents.
inline Type ToAPIType(mgp_value_type type) {
switch (type) {
return Type::Null;
return Type::Bool;
return Type::Int;
return Type::Double;
return Type::String;
return Type::List;
return Type::Map;
return Type::Node;
return Type::Relationship;
return Type::Path;
return Type::Date;
return Type::LocalTime;
return Type::LocalDateTime;
return Type::Duration;
throw ValueException("Unknown type error!");
} // namespace util
/* #region Graph (Id, Graph, Nodes, GraphRelationships, Relationships, Properties & Labels) */
// Id:
inline Id Id::FromUint(uint64_t id) { return Id(util::MemcpyCast<int64_t>(id)); }
inline Id Id::FromInt(int64_t id) { return Id(id); }
inline int64_t Id::AsInt() const { return id_; }
inline uint64_t Id::AsUint() const { return util::MemcpyCast<uint64_t>(id_); }
inline bool Id::operator==(const Id &other) const { return id_ == other.id_; }
inline bool Id::operator!=(const Id &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
inline bool Id::operator<(const Id &other) const { return id_ < other.id_; }
inline Id::Id(int64_t id) : id_(id) {}
// Graph:
inline Graph::Graph(mgp_graph *graph) : graph_(graph) {}
inline bool Graph::MustAbort() const { return must_abort(graph_); }
inline void Graph::CheckMustAbort() const {
if (MustAbort()) {
throw MustAbortException("Query was asked to abort.");
inline int64_t Graph::Order() const {
int64_t i = 0;
for (const auto _ : Nodes()) {
return i;
inline int64_t Graph::Size() const {
int64_t i = 0;
for (const auto _ : Relationships()) {
return i;
inline GraphNodes Graph::Nodes() const {
auto nodes_it = mgp::graph_iter_vertices(graph_, memory);
if (nodes_it == nullptr) {
throw mg_exception::NotEnoughMemoryException();
return GraphNodes(nodes_it);
inline GraphRelationships Graph::Relationships() const { return GraphRelationships(graph_); }
inline Node Graph::GetNodeById(const Id node_id) const {
auto mgp_node = mgp::graph_get_vertex_by_id(graph_, mgp_vertex_id{.as_int = node_id.AsInt()}, memory);
if (mgp_node == nullptr) {
throw NotFoundException("Node with ID " + std::to_string(node_id.AsUint()) + " not found!");
auto node = Node(mgp_node);
return node;
inline bool Graph::ContainsNode(const Id node_id) const {
auto mgp_node = mgp::graph_get_vertex_by_id(graph_, mgp_vertex_id{.as_int = node_id.AsInt()}, memory);
if (mgp_node == nullptr) {
return false;
return true;
inline bool Graph::ContainsNode(const Node &node) const { return ContainsNode(node.Id()); }
inline bool Graph::ContainsRelationship(const Id relationship_id) const {
for (const auto &graph_relationship : Relationships()) {
if (graph_relationship.Id() == relationship_id) {
return true;
return false;
inline bool Graph::ContainsRelationship(const Relationship &relationship) const {
for (const auto &graph_relationship : Relationships()) {
if (relationship == graph_relationship) {
return true;
return false;
inline bool Graph::IsMutable() const { return mgp::graph_is_mutable(graph_); }
inline Node Graph::CreateNode() {
auto *vertex = mgp::graph_create_vertex(graph_, memory);
auto node = Node(vertex);
return node;
inline void Graph::DeleteNode(const Node &node) { mgp::graph_delete_vertex(graph_, node.ptr_); }
inline void Graph::DetachDeleteNode(const Node &node) { mgp::graph_detach_delete_vertex(graph_, node.ptr_); };
inline Relationship Graph::CreateRelationship(const Node &from, const Node &to, const std::string_view type) {
auto *edge = mgp::graph_create_edge(graph_, from.ptr_, to.ptr_, mgp_edge_type{.name =}, memory);
auto relationship = Relationship(edge);
return relationship;
inline void Graph::DeleteRelationship(const Relationship &relationship) {
mgp::graph_delete_edge(graph_, relationship.ptr_);
// Nodes:
inline Nodes::Nodes(mgp_vertices_iterator *nodes_iterator) : nodes_iterator_(nodes_iterator) {}
inline Nodes::Iterator::Iterator(mgp_vertices_iterator *nodes_iterator) : nodes_iterator_(nodes_iterator) {
if (nodes_iterator_ == nullptr) {
if (mgp::vertices_iterator_get(nodes_iterator_) == nullptr) {
nodes_iterator_ = nullptr;
inline Nodes::Iterator::Iterator(const Iterator &other) noexcept : Iterator(other.nodes_iterator_) {}
inline Nodes::Iterator::~Iterator() {
if (nodes_iterator_ != nullptr) {
inline Nodes::Iterator &Nodes::Iterator::operator++() {
if (nodes_iterator_ != nullptr) {
auto next = mgp::vertices_iterator_next(nodes_iterator_);
if (next == nullptr) {
nodes_iterator_ = nullptr;
return *this;
return *this;
inline Nodes::Iterator Nodes::Iterator::operator++(int) {
auto retval = *this;
return retval;
inline bool Nodes::Iterator::operator==(Iterator other) const {
if (nodes_iterator_ == nullptr && other.nodes_iterator_ == nullptr) {
return true;
if (nodes_iterator_ == nullptr || other.nodes_iterator_ == nullptr) {
return false;
return mgp::vertex_equal(mgp::vertices_iterator_get(nodes_iterator_),
mgp::vertices_iterator_get(other.nodes_iterator_)) &&
index_ == other.index_;
inline bool Nodes::Iterator::operator!=(Iterator other) const { return !(*this == other); }
inline const Node Nodes::Iterator::operator*() const {
if (nodes_iterator_ == nullptr) {
return Node((const mgp_vertex *)nullptr);
return Node(mgp::vertices_iterator_get(nodes_iterator_));
inline Nodes::Iterator Nodes::begin() const { return Iterator(nodes_iterator_); }
inline Nodes::Iterator Nodes::end() const { return Iterator(nullptr); }
inline Nodes::Iterator Nodes::cbegin() const { return Iterator(nodes_iterator_); }
inline Nodes::Iterator Nodes::cend() const { return Iterator(nullptr); }
// GraphRelationships:
inline GraphRelationships::GraphRelationships(mgp_graph *graph) : graph_(graph) {}
inline GraphRelationships::Iterator::Iterator(mgp_vertices_iterator *nodes_iterator) : nodes_iterator_(nodes_iterator) {
// Positions the iterator over the first existing relationship
if (nodes_iterator_ == nullptr) {
// Go through each graph nodes adjacent nodes
for (auto node = mgp::vertices_iterator_get(nodes_iterator_); node;
node = mgp::vertices_iterator_next(nodes_iterator_)) {
// Check if node exists
if (node == nullptr) {
nodes_iterator_ = nullptr;
// Check if node has out-relationships
out_relationships_iterator_ = mgp::vertex_iter_out_edges(node, memory);
auto relationship = mgp::edges_iterator_get(out_relationships_iterator_);
if (relationship != nullptr) {
out_relationships_iterator_ = nullptr;
inline GraphRelationships::Iterator::Iterator(const Iterator &other) noexcept : Iterator(other.nodes_iterator_) {}
inline GraphRelationships::Iterator::~Iterator() {
if (nodes_iterator_ != nullptr) {
if (out_relationships_iterator_ != nullptr) {
inline GraphRelationships::Iterator &GraphRelationships::Iterator::operator++() {
// Moves the iterator onto the next existing relationship
// 1. Check if the current node has remaining relationships to iterate over
if (out_relationships_iterator_ != nullptr) {
auto next = mgp::edges_iterator_next(out_relationships_iterator_);
if (next != nullptr) {
return *this;
out_relationships_iterator_ = nullptr;
// 2. Move onto the next nodes
if (nodes_iterator_ != nullptr) {
for (auto node = mgp::vertices_iterator_next(nodes_iterator_); node;
node = mgp::vertices_iterator_next(nodes_iterator_)) {
// Check if node exists - if it doesnt, weve reached the end of the iterator
if (node == nullptr) {
nodes_iterator_ = nullptr;
return *this;
// Check if node has out-relationships
out_relationships_iterator_ = mgp::vertex_iter_out_edges(node, memory);
auto relationship = mgp::edges_iterator_get(out_relationships_iterator_);
if (relationship != nullptr) {
return *this;
out_relationships_iterator_ = nullptr;
nodes_iterator_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline GraphRelationships::Iterator GraphRelationships::Iterator::operator++(int) {
auto retval = *this;
return retval;
inline bool GraphRelationships::Iterator::operator==(Iterator other) const {
if (out_relationships_iterator_ == nullptr && other.out_relationships_iterator_ == nullptr) {
return true;
if (out_relationships_iterator_ == nullptr || other.out_relationships_iterator_ == nullptr) {
return false;
return mgp::edge_equal(mgp::edges_iterator_get(out_relationships_iterator_),
mgp::edges_iterator_get(other.out_relationships_iterator_)) &&
index_ == other.index_;
inline bool GraphRelationships::Iterator::operator!=(Iterator other) const { return !(*this == other); }
inline const Relationship GraphRelationships::Iterator::operator*() const {
if (out_relationships_iterator_ != nullptr) {
return Relationship(mgp::edges_iterator_get(out_relationships_iterator_));
return Relationship((mgp_edge *)nullptr);
inline GraphRelationships::Iterator GraphRelationships::begin() const {
return Iterator(mgp::graph_iter_vertices(graph_, memory));
inline GraphRelationships::Iterator GraphRelationships::end() const { return Iterator(nullptr); }
inline GraphRelationships::Iterator GraphRelationships::cbegin() const {
return Iterator(mgp::graph_iter_vertices(graph_, memory));
inline GraphRelationships::Iterator GraphRelationships::cend() const { return Iterator(nullptr); }
// Relationships:
inline Relationships::Relationships(mgp_edges_iterator *relationships_iterator)
: relationships_iterator_(relationships_iterator) {}
inline Relationships::Iterator::Iterator(mgp_edges_iterator *relationships_iterator)
: relationships_iterator_(relationships_iterator) {
if (relationships_iterator_ == nullptr) {
if (mgp::edges_iterator_get(relationships_iterator_) == nullptr) {
relationships_iterator_ = nullptr;
inline Relationships::Iterator::Iterator(const Iterator &other) noexcept : Iterator(other.relationships_iterator_) {}
inline Relationships::Iterator::~Iterator() {
if (relationships_iterator_ != nullptr) {
inline Relationships::Iterator &Relationships::Iterator::operator++() {
if (relationships_iterator_ != nullptr) {
auto next = mgp::edges_iterator_next(relationships_iterator_);
if (next == nullptr) {
relationships_iterator_ = nullptr;
return *this;
return *this;
inline Relationships::Iterator Relationships::Iterator::operator++(int) {
auto retval = *this;
return retval;
inline bool Relationships::Iterator::operator==(Iterator other) const {
if (relationships_iterator_ == nullptr && other.relationships_iterator_ == nullptr) {
return true;
if (relationships_iterator_ == nullptr || other.relationships_iterator_ == nullptr) {
return false;
return mgp::edge_equal(mgp::edges_iterator_get(relationships_iterator_),
mgp::edges_iterator_get(other.relationships_iterator_)) &&
index_ == other.index_;
inline bool Relationships::Iterator::operator!=(Iterator other) const { return !(*this == other); }
inline const Relationship Relationships::Iterator::operator*() const {
if (relationships_iterator_ == nullptr) {
return Relationship((mgp_edge *)nullptr);
auto relationship = Relationship(mgp::edges_iterator_get(relationships_iterator_));
return relationship;
inline Relationships::Iterator Relationships::begin() const { return Iterator(relationships_iterator_); }
inline Relationships::Iterator Relationships::end() const { return Iterator(nullptr); }
inline Relationships::Iterator Relationships::cbegin() const { return Iterator(relationships_iterator_); }
inline Relationships::Iterator Relationships::cend() const { return Iterator(nullptr); }
// Labels:
inline Labels::Labels(mgp_vertex *node_ptr) : node_ptr_(mgp::vertex_copy(node_ptr, memory)) {}
inline Labels::Labels(const Labels &other) noexcept : Labels(other.node_ptr_) {}
inline Labels::Labels(Labels &&other) noexcept : node_ptr_(other.node_ptr_) { other.node_ptr_ = nullptr; }
inline Labels &Labels::operator=(const Labels &other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
node_ptr_ = mgp::vertex_copy(other.node_ptr_, memory);
return *this;
inline Labels &Labels::operator=(Labels &&other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
node_ptr_ = other.node_ptr_;
other.node_ptr_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline Labels::~Labels() {
if (node_ptr_ != nullptr) {
inline bool Labels::Iterator::operator==(const Iterator &other) const {
return iterable_ == other.iterable_ && index_ == other.index_;
inline bool Labels::Iterator::operator!=(const Iterator &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
inline Labels::Iterator &Labels::Iterator::operator++() {
return *this;
inline const std::string_view Labels::Iterator::operator*() const { return (*iterable_)[index_]; }
inline Labels::Iterator::Iterator(const Labels *iterable, size_t index) : iterable_(iterable), index_(index) {}
inline size_t Labels::Size() const { return mgp::vertex_labels_count(node_ptr_); }
inline std::string_view Labels::operator[](size_t index) const { return mgp::vertex_label_at(node_ptr_, index).name; }
inline Labels::Iterator Labels::begin() { return Iterator(this, 0); }
inline Labels::Iterator Labels::end() { return Iterator(this, Size()); }
inline Labels::Iterator Labels::cbegin() { return Iterator(this, 0); }
inline Labels::Iterator Labels::cend() { return Iterator(this, Size()); }
/* #endregion */
/* #region Types */
/* #region Containers (List, Map) */
// List:
inline List::List(mgp_list *ptr) : ptr_(mgp::list_copy(ptr, memory)) {}
inline List::List(const mgp_list *const_ptr) : ptr_(mgp::list_copy(const_cast<mgp_list *>(const_ptr), memory)) {}
inline List::List() : ptr_(mgp::list_make_empty(0, memory)) {}
inline List::List(size_t capacity) : ptr_(mgp::list_make_empty(capacity, memory)) {}
inline List::List(const std::vector<Value> &values) : ptr_(mgp::list_make_empty(values.size(), memory)) {
for (const auto &value : values) {
inline List::List(std::vector<Value> &&values) : ptr_(mgp::list_make_empty(values.size(), memory)) {
for (auto &value : values) {
inline List::List(const std::initializer_list<Value> values) : ptr_(mgp::list_make_empty(values.size(), memory)) {
for (const auto &value : values) {
inline List::List(const List &other) noexcept : List(other.ptr_) {}
inline List::List(List &&other) noexcept : ptr_(other.ptr_) { other.ptr_ = nullptr; }
inline List &List::operator=(const List &other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = mgp::list_copy(other.ptr_, memory);
return *this;
inline List &List::operator=(List &&other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = other.ptr_;
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline List::~List() {
if (ptr_ != nullptr) {
inline size_t List::Size() const { return mgp::list_size(ptr_); }
inline bool List::Empty() const { return Size() == 0; }
inline const Value List::operator[](size_t index) const { return Value(mgp::list_at(ptr_, index)); }
inline bool List::Iterator::operator==(const Iterator &other) const {
return iterable_ == other.iterable_ && index_ == other.index_;
inline bool List::Iterator::operator!=(const Iterator &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
inline List::Iterator &List::Iterator::operator++() {
return *this;
inline const Value List::Iterator::operator*() const { return (*iterable_)[index_]; }
inline List::Iterator::Iterator(const List *iterable, size_t index) : iterable_(iterable), index_(index) {}
inline List::Iterator List::begin() const { return Iterator(this, 0); }
inline List::Iterator List::end() const { return Iterator(this, Size()); }
inline List::Iterator List::cbegin() const { return Iterator(this, 0); }
inline List::Iterator List::cend() const { return Iterator(this, Size()); }
inline void List::Append(const Value &value) { mgp::list_append(ptr_, value.ptr_); }
inline void List::Append(Value &&value) {
mgp::list_append(ptr_, value.ptr_);
value.ptr_ = nullptr;
inline void List::AppendExtend(const Value &value) { mgp::list_append_extend(ptr_, value.ptr_); }
inline void List::AppendExtend(Value &&value) { mgp::list_append_extend(ptr_, value.ptr_); }
inline bool List::operator==(const List &other) const { return util::ListsEqual(ptr_, other.ptr_); }
inline bool List::operator!=(const List &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
// MapItem:
inline bool MapItem::operator==(MapItem &other) const { return key == other.key && value == other.value; }
inline bool MapItem::operator!=(MapItem &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
inline bool MapItem::operator<(const MapItem &other) const { return key < other.key; }
// Map:
inline Map::Map(mgp_map *ptr) : ptr_(mgp::map_copy(ptr, memory)) {}
inline Map::Map(const mgp_map *const_ptr) : ptr_(mgp::map_copy(const_cast<mgp_map *>(const_ptr), memory)) {}
inline Map::Map() : ptr_(mgp::map_make_empty(memory)) {}
inline Map::Map(const std::map<std::string_view, Value> &items) : ptr_(mgp::map_make_empty(memory)) {
for (const auto &[key, value] : items) {
Insert(key, value);
inline Map::Map(std::map<std::string_view, Value> &&items) : ptr_(mgp::map_make_empty(memory)) {
for (auto &[key, value] : items) {
Insert(key, value);
inline Map::Map(const std::initializer_list<std::pair<std::string_view, Value>> items)
: ptr_(mgp::map_make_empty(memory)) {
for (const auto &[key, value] : items) {
Insert(key, value);
inline Map::Map(const Map &other) noexcept : Map(other.ptr_) {}
inline Map::Map(Map &&other) noexcept : ptr_(other.ptr_) { other.ptr_ = nullptr; }
inline Map &Map::operator=(const Map &other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = mgp::map_copy(other.ptr_, memory);
return *this;
inline Map &Map::operator=(Map &&other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = other.ptr_;
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline Map::~Map() {
if (ptr_ != nullptr) {
inline size_t Map::Size() const { return mgp::map_size(ptr_); }
inline bool Map::Empty() const { return Size() == 0; }
inline const Value Map::operator[](std::string_view key) const { return Value(mgp::map_at(ptr_,; }
inline const Value Map::At(std::string_view key) const { return Value(mgp::map_at(ptr_,; }
inline Map::Iterator::Iterator(mgp_map_items_iterator *map_items_iterator) : map_items_iterator_(map_items_iterator) {
if (map_items_iterator_ == nullptr) return;
if (mgp::map_items_iterator_get(map_items_iterator_) == nullptr) {
map_items_iterator_ = nullptr;
inline Map::Iterator::Iterator(const Iterator &other) noexcept : Iterator(other.map_items_iterator_) {}
inline Map::Iterator::~Iterator() {
if (map_items_iterator_ != nullptr) {
inline Map::Iterator &Map::Iterator::operator++() {
if (map_items_iterator_ != nullptr) {
auto next = mgp::map_items_iterator_next(map_items_iterator_);
if (next == nullptr) {
map_items_iterator_ = nullptr;
return *this;
return *this;
inline Map::Iterator Map::Iterator::operator++(int) {
auto retval = *this;
return retval;
inline bool Map::Iterator::operator==(Iterator other) const {
if (map_items_iterator_ == nullptr && other.map_items_iterator_ == nullptr) {
return true;
if (map_items_iterator_ == nullptr || other.map_items_iterator_ == nullptr) {
return false;
return mgp::map_items_iterator_get(map_items_iterator_) == mgp::map_items_iterator_get(other.map_items_iterator_);
inline bool Map::Iterator::operator!=(Iterator other) const { return !(*this == other); }
inline const MapItem Map::Iterator::operator*() const {
if (map_items_iterator_ == nullptr) {
throw ValueException("Empty map item!");
auto raw_map_item = mgp::map_items_iterator_get(map_items_iterator_);
auto map_key = mgp::map_item_key(raw_map_item);
auto map_value = Value(mgp::map_item_value(raw_map_item));
return MapItem{.key = map_key, .value = map_value};
inline Map::Iterator Map::begin() const { return Iterator(mgp::map_iter_items(ptr_, memory)); }
inline Map::Iterator Map::end() const { return Iterator(nullptr); }
inline Map::Iterator Map::cbegin() const { return Iterator(mgp::map_iter_items(ptr_, memory)); }
inline Map::Iterator Map::cend() const { return Iterator(nullptr); }
inline void Map::Insert(std::string_view key, const Value &value) { mgp::map_insert(ptr_,, value.ptr_); }
inline void Map::Insert(std::string_view key, Value &&value) {
mgp::map_insert(ptr_,, value.ptr_);
value.ptr_ = nullptr;
inline bool Map::operator==(const Map &other) const { return util::MapsEqual(ptr_, other.ptr_); }
inline bool Map::operator!=(const Map &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
/* #endregion */
/* #region Graph elements (Node, Relationship & Path) */
// Node:
inline Node::Node(mgp_vertex *ptr) : ptr_(mgp::vertex_copy(ptr, memory)) {}
inline Node::Node(const mgp_vertex *const_ptr) : ptr_(mgp::vertex_copy(const_cast<mgp_vertex *>(const_ptr), memory)) {}
inline Node::Node(const Node &other) noexcept : Node(other.ptr_) {}
inline Node::Node(Node &&other) noexcept : ptr_(other.ptr_) { other.ptr_ = nullptr; }
inline Node &Node::operator=(const Node &other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = mgp::vertex_copy(other.ptr_, memory);
return *this;
inline Node &Node::operator=(Node &&other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = other.ptr_;
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline Node::~Node() {
if (ptr_ != nullptr) {
inline mgp::Id Node::Id() const { return Id::FromInt(mgp::vertex_get_id(ptr_).as_int); }
inline mgp::Labels Node::Labels() const { return mgp::Labels(ptr_); }
inline bool Node::HasLabel(std::string_view label) const {
for (const auto node_label : Labels()) {
if (label == node_label) {
return true;
return false;
inline Relationships Node::InRelationships() const {
auto relationship_iterator = mgp::vertex_iter_in_edges(ptr_, memory);
if (relationship_iterator == nullptr) {
throw NotEnoughMemoryException();
return Relationships(relationship_iterator);
inline Relationships Node::OutRelationships() const {
auto relationship_iterator = mgp::vertex_iter_out_edges(ptr_, memory);
if (relationship_iterator == nullptr) {
throw NotEnoughMemoryException();
return Relationships(relationship_iterator);
inline void Node::AddLabel(const std::string_view label) {
mgp::vertex_add_label(this->ptr_, mgp_label{.name =});
inline std::map<std::string, Value> Node::Properties() const {
mgp_properties_iterator *properties_iterator = mgp::vertex_iter_properties(ptr_, memory);
std::map<std::string, Value> property_map;
for (auto *property = mgp::properties_iterator_get(properties_iterator); property;
property = mgp::properties_iterator_next(properties_iterator)) {
property_map.emplace(std::string(property->name), Value(property->value));
return property_map;
inline void Node::SetProperty(std::string property, Value value) {
mgp::vertex_set_property(ptr_,, value.ptr());
inline Value Node::GetProperty(const std::string &property) const {
mgp_value *vertex_prop = mgp::vertex_get_property(ptr_,, memory);
return Value(steal, vertex_prop);
inline bool Node::operator<(const Node &other) const { return Id() < other.Id(); }
inline bool Node::operator==(const Node &other) const { return util::NodesEqual(ptr_, other.ptr_); }
inline bool Node::operator!=(const Node &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
// Relationship:
inline Relationship::Relationship(mgp_edge *ptr) : ptr_(mgp::edge_copy(ptr, memory)) {}
inline Relationship::Relationship(const mgp_edge *const_ptr)
: ptr_(mgp::edge_copy(const_cast<mgp_edge *>(const_ptr), memory)) {}
inline Relationship::Relationship(const Relationship &other) noexcept : Relationship(other.ptr_) {}
inline Relationship::Relationship(Relationship &&other) noexcept : ptr_(other.ptr_) { other.ptr_ = nullptr; }
inline Relationship &Relationship::operator=(const Relationship &other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = mgp::edge_copy(other.ptr_, memory);
return *this;
inline Relationship &Relationship::operator=(Relationship &&other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = other.ptr_;
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline Relationship::~Relationship() {
if (ptr_ != nullptr) {
inline mgp::Id Relationship::Id() const { return Id::FromInt(mgp::edge_get_id(ptr_).as_int); }
inline std::string_view Relationship::Type() const { return mgp::edge_get_type(ptr_).name; }
inline std::map<std::string, Value> Relationship::Properties() const {
mgp_properties_iterator *properties_iterator = mgp::edge_iter_properties(ptr_, memory);
std::map<std::string, Value> property_map;
for (mgp_property *property = mgp::properties_iterator_get(properties_iterator); property;
property = mgp::properties_iterator_next(properties_iterator)) {
property_map.emplace(property->name, Value(property->value));
return property_map;
inline void Relationship::SetProperty(std::string property, Value value) {
mgp::edge_set_property(ptr_,, value.ptr());
inline Value Relationship::GetProperty(const std::string &property) const {
mgp_value *edge_prop = mgp::edge_get_property(ptr_,, memory);
return Value(steal, edge_prop);
inline Node Relationship::From() const { return Node(mgp::edge_get_from(ptr_)); }
inline Node Relationship::To() const { return Node(mgp::edge_get_to(ptr_)); }
inline bool Relationship::operator<(const Relationship &other) const { return Id() < other.Id(); }
inline bool Relationship::operator==(const Relationship &other) const {
return util::RelationshipsEqual(ptr_, other.ptr_);
inline bool Relationship::operator!=(const Relationship &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
// Path:
inline Path::Path(mgp_path *ptr) : ptr_(mgp::path_copy(ptr, memory)) {}
inline Path::Path(const mgp_path *const_ptr) : ptr_(mgp::path_copy(const_cast<mgp_path *>(const_ptr), memory)) {}
inline Path::Path(const Node &start_node) : ptr_(mgp::path_make_with_start(start_node.ptr_, memory)) {}
inline Path::Path(const Path &other) noexcept : Path(other.ptr_) {}
inline Path::Path(Path &&other) noexcept : ptr_(other.ptr_) { other.ptr_ = nullptr; }
inline Path &Path::operator=(const Path &other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = mgp::path_copy(other.ptr_, memory);
return *this;
inline Path &Path::operator=(Path &&other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = other.ptr_;
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline Path::~Path() {
if (ptr_ != nullptr) {
inline size_t Path::Length() const { return mgp::path_size(ptr_); }
inline Node Path::GetNodeAt(size_t index) const {
auto node_ptr = mgp::path_vertex_at(ptr_, index);
if (node_ptr == nullptr) {
throw IndexException("Index value out of bounds.");
return Node(node_ptr);
inline Relationship Path::GetRelationshipAt(size_t index) const {
auto relationship_ptr = mgp::path_edge_at(ptr_, index);
if (relationship_ptr == nullptr) {
throw IndexException("Index value out of bounds.");
return Relationship(relationship_ptr);
inline void Path::Expand(const Relationship &relationship) { mgp::path_expand(ptr_, relationship.ptr_); }
inline bool Path::operator==(const Path &other) const { return util::PathsEqual(ptr_, other.ptr_); }
inline bool Path::operator!=(const Path &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
/* #endregion */
/* #region Temporal types (Date, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, Duration) */
// Date:
inline Date::Date(mgp_date *ptr) : ptr_(mgp::date_copy(ptr, memory)) {}
inline Date::Date(const mgp_date *const_ptr) : ptr_(mgp::date_copy(const_cast<mgp_date *>(const_ptr), memory)) {}
inline Date::Date(std::string_view string) : ptr_(mgp::date_from_string(, memory)) {}
inline Date::Date(int year, int month, int day) {
mgp_date_parameters params{.year = year, .month = month, .day = day};
ptr_ = mgp::date_from_parameters(&params, memory);
inline Date::Date(const Date &other) noexcept : Date(other.ptr_) {}
inline Date::Date(Date &&other) noexcept : ptr_(other.ptr_) { other.ptr_ = nullptr; }
inline Date &Date::operator=(const Date &other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = mgp::date_copy(other.ptr_, memory);
return *this;
inline Date &Date::operator=(Date &&other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = other.ptr_;
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline Date::~Date() {
if (ptr_ != nullptr) {
inline Date Date::Now() {
auto mgp_date = mgp::date_now(memory);
auto date = Date(mgp_date);
return date;
inline int Date::Year() const { return mgp::date_get_year(ptr_); }
inline int Date::Month() const { return mgp::date_get_month(ptr_); }
inline int Date::Day() const { return mgp::date_get_day(ptr_); }
inline int64_t Date::Timestamp() const { return mgp::date_timestamp(ptr_); }
inline bool Date::operator==(const Date &other) const { return util::DatesEqual(ptr_, other.ptr_); }
inline Date Date::operator+(const Duration &dur) const {
auto mgp_sum = mgp::date_add_duration(ptr_, dur.ptr_, memory);
auto sum = Date(mgp_sum);
return sum;
inline Date Date::operator-(const Duration &dur) const {
auto mgp_difference = mgp::date_add_duration(ptr_, dur.ptr_, memory);
auto difference = Date(mgp_difference);
return difference;
inline Duration Date::operator-(const Date &other) const {
auto mgp_difference = mgp::date_diff(ptr_, other.ptr_, memory);
auto difference = Duration(mgp_difference);
return difference;
inline bool Date::operator<(const Date &other) const {
auto difference = mgp::date_diff(ptr_, other.ptr_, memory);
auto is_less = (mgp::duration_get_microseconds(difference) < 0);
return is_less;
// LocalTime:
inline LocalTime::LocalTime(mgp_local_time *ptr) : ptr_(mgp::local_time_copy(ptr, memory)) {}
inline LocalTime::LocalTime(const mgp_local_time *const_ptr)
: ptr_(mgp::local_time_copy(const_cast<mgp_local_time *>(const_ptr), memory)) {}
inline LocalTime::LocalTime(std::string_view string) : ptr_(mgp::local_time_from_string(, memory)) {}
inline LocalTime::LocalTime(int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, int microsecond) {
mgp_local_time_parameters params{
.hour = hour, .minute = minute, .second = second, .millisecond = millisecond, .microsecond = microsecond};
ptr_ = mgp::local_time_from_parameters(&params, memory);
inline LocalTime::LocalTime(const LocalTime &other) noexcept : LocalTime(other.ptr_) {}
inline LocalTime::LocalTime(LocalTime &&other) noexcept : ptr_(other.ptr_) { other.ptr_ = nullptr; };
inline LocalTime &LocalTime::operator=(const LocalTime &other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = mgp::local_time_copy(other.ptr_, memory);
return *this;
inline LocalTime &LocalTime::operator=(LocalTime &&other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = other.ptr_;
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline LocalTime::~LocalTime() {
if (ptr_ != nullptr) {
inline LocalTime LocalTime::Now() {
auto mgp_local_time = mgp::local_time_now(memory);
auto local_time = LocalTime(mgp_local_time);
return local_time;
inline int LocalTime::Hour() const { return mgp::local_time_get_hour(ptr_); }
inline int LocalTime::Minute() const { return mgp::local_time_get_minute(ptr_); }
inline int LocalTime::Second() const { return mgp::local_time_get_second(ptr_); }
inline int LocalTime::Millisecond() const { return mgp::local_time_get_millisecond(ptr_); }
inline int LocalTime::Microsecond() const { return mgp::local_time_get_microsecond(ptr_); }
inline int64_t LocalTime::Timestamp() const { return mgp::local_time_timestamp(ptr_); }
inline bool LocalTime::operator==(const LocalTime &other) const { return util::LocalTimesEqual(ptr_, other.ptr_); }
inline LocalTime LocalTime::operator+(const Duration &dur) const {
auto mgp_sum = mgp::local_time_add_duration(ptr_, dur.ptr_, memory);
auto sum = LocalTime(mgp_sum);
return sum;
inline LocalTime LocalTime::operator-(const Duration &dur) const {
auto mgp_difference = mgp::local_time_sub_duration(ptr_, dur.ptr_, memory);
auto difference = LocalTime(mgp_difference);
return difference;
inline Duration LocalTime::operator-(const LocalTime &other) const {
auto mgp_difference = mgp::local_time_diff(ptr_, other.ptr_, memory);
auto difference = Duration(mgp_difference);
return difference;
inline bool LocalTime::operator<(const LocalTime &other) const {
auto difference = mgp::local_time_diff(ptr_, other.ptr_, memory);
auto is_less = (mgp::duration_get_microseconds(difference) < 0);
return is_less;
// LocalDateTime:
inline LocalDateTime::LocalDateTime(mgp_local_date_time *ptr) : ptr_(mgp::local_date_time_copy(ptr, memory)) {}
inline LocalDateTime::LocalDateTime(const mgp_local_date_time *const_ptr)
: ptr_(mgp::local_date_time_copy(const_cast<mgp_local_date_time *>(const_ptr), memory)) {}
inline LocalDateTime::LocalDateTime(std::string_view string)
: ptr_(mgp::local_date_time_from_string(, memory)) {}
inline LocalDateTime::LocalDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond,
int microsecond) {
struct mgp_date_parameters date_params {
.year = year, .month = month, .day = day
struct mgp_local_time_parameters local_time_params {
.hour = hour, .minute = minute, .second = second, .millisecond = millisecond, .microsecond = microsecond
mgp_local_date_time_parameters params{.date_parameters = &date_params, .local_time_parameters = &local_time_params};
ptr_ = mgp::local_date_time_from_parameters(&params, memory);
inline LocalDateTime::LocalDateTime(const LocalDateTime &other) noexcept : LocalDateTime(other.ptr_) {}
inline LocalDateTime::LocalDateTime(LocalDateTime &&other) noexcept : ptr_(other.ptr_) { other.ptr_ = nullptr; };
inline LocalDateTime &LocalDateTime::operator=(const LocalDateTime &other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = mgp::local_date_time_copy(other.ptr_, memory);
return *this;
inline LocalDateTime &LocalDateTime::operator=(LocalDateTime &&other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = other.ptr_;
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline LocalDateTime::~LocalDateTime() {
if (ptr_ != nullptr) {
inline LocalDateTime LocalDateTime::Now() {
auto mgp_local_date_time = mgp::local_date_time_now(memory);
auto local_date_time = LocalDateTime(mgp_local_date_time);
return local_date_time;
inline int LocalDateTime::Year() const { return mgp::local_date_time_get_year(ptr_); }
inline int LocalDateTime::Month() const { return mgp::local_date_time_get_month(ptr_); }
inline int LocalDateTime::Day() const { return mgp::local_date_time_get_day(ptr_); }
inline int LocalDateTime::Hour() const { return mgp::local_date_time_get_hour(ptr_); }
inline int LocalDateTime::Minute() const { return mgp::local_date_time_get_minute(ptr_); }
inline int LocalDateTime::Second() const { return mgp::local_date_time_get_second(ptr_); }
inline int LocalDateTime::Millisecond() const { return mgp::local_date_time_get_millisecond(ptr_); }
inline int LocalDateTime::Microsecond() const { return mgp::local_date_time_get_microsecond(ptr_); }
inline int64_t LocalDateTime::Timestamp() const { return mgp::local_date_time_timestamp(ptr_); }
inline bool LocalDateTime::operator==(const LocalDateTime &other) const {
return util::LocalDateTimesEqual(ptr_, other.ptr_);
inline LocalDateTime LocalDateTime::operator+(const Duration &dur) const {
auto mgp_sum = mgp::local_date_time_add_duration(ptr_, dur.ptr_, memory);
auto sum = LocalDateTime(mgp_sum);
return sum;
inline LocalDateTime LocalDateTime::operator-(const Duration &dur) const {
auto mgp_difference = mgp::local_date_time_sub_duration(ptr_, dur.ptr_, memory);
auto difference = LocalDateTime(mgp_difference);
return difference;
inline Duration LocalDateTime::operator-(const LocalDateTime &other) const {
auto mgp_difference = mgp::local_date_time_diff(ptr_, other.ptr_, memory);
auto difference = Duration(mgp_difference);
return difference;
inline bool LocalDateTime::operator<(const LocalDateTime &other) const {
auto difference = mgp::local_date_time_diff(ptr_, other.ptr_, memory);
auto is_less = (mgp::duration_get_microseconds(difference) < 0);
return is_less;
// Duration:
inline Duration::Duration(mgp_duration *ptr) : ptr_(mgp::duration_copy(ptr, memory)) {}
inline Duration::Duration(const mgp_duration *const_ptr)
: ptr_(mgp::duration_copy(const_cast<mgp_duration *>(const_ptr), memory)) {}
inline Duration::Duration(std::string_view string) : ptr_(mgp::duration_from_string(, memory)) {}
inline Duration::Duration(int64_t microseconds) : ptr_(mgp::duration_from_microseconds(microseconds, memory)) {}
inline Duration::Duration(double day, double hour, double minute, double second, double millisecond,
double microsecond) {
mgp_duration_parameters params{.day = day,
.hour = hour,
.minute = minute,
.second = second,
.millisecond = millisecond,
.microsecond = microsecond};
ptr_ = mgp::duration_from_parameters(&params, memory);
inline Duration::Duration(const Duration &other) noexcept : Duration(other.ptr_) {}
inline Duration::Duration(Duration &&other) noexcept : ptr_(other.ptr_) { other.ptr_ = nullptr; };
inline Duration &Duration::operator=(const Duration &other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = mgp::duration_copy(other.ptr_, memory);
return *this;
inline Duration &Duration::operator=(Duration &&other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = other.ptr_;
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline Duration::~Duration() {
if (ptr_ != nullptr) {
inline int64_t Duration::Microseconds() const { return mgp::duration_get_microseconds(ptr_); }
inline bool Duration::operator==(const Duration &other) const { return util::DurationsEqual(ptr_, other.ptr_); }
inline Duration Duration::operator+(const Duration &other) const {
auto mgp_sum = mgp::duration_add(ptr_, other.ptr_, memory);
auto sum = Duration(mgp_sum);
return sum;
inline Duration Duration::operator-(const Duration &other) const {
auto mgp_difference = mgp::duration_sub(ptr_, other.ptr_, memory);
auto difference = Duration(mgp_difference);
return difference;
inline Duration Duration::operator-() const {
auto mgp_neg = mgp::duration_neg(ptr_, memory);
auto neg = Duration(mgp_neg);
return neg;
inline bool Duration::operator<(const Duration &other) const {
auto difference = mgp::duration_sub(ptr_, other.ptr_, memory);
auto is_less = (mgp::duration_get_microseconds(difference) < 0);
return is_less;
/* #endregion */
/* #endregion */
/* #region Value */
inline Value::Value(mgp_value *ptr) : ptr_(mgp::value_copy(ptr, memory)) {}
inline Value::Value(StealType /*steal*/, mgp_value *ptr) : ptr_{ptr} {}
inline Value::Value() : ptr_(mgp::value_make_null(memory)) {}
inline Value::Value(const bool value) : ptr_(mgp::value_make_bool(value, memory)) {}
inline Value::Value(const int64_t value) : ptr_(mgp::value_make_int(value, memory)) {}
inline Value::Value(const double value) : ptr_(mgp::value_make_double(value, memory)) {}
inline Value::Value(const char *value) : ptr_(mgp::value_make_string(value, memory)) {}
inline Value::Value(const std::string_view value) : ptr_(mgp::value_make_string(, memory)) {}
inline Value::Value(const List &list) : ptr_(mgp::value_make_list(mgp::list_copy(list.ptr_, memory))) {}
inline Value::Value(List &&list) {
ptr_ = mgp::value_make_list(list.ptr_);
list.ptr_ = nullptr;
inline Value::Value(const Map &map) : ptr_(mgp::value_make_map(mgp::map_copy(map.ptr_, memory))) {}
inline Value::Value(Map &&map) {
ptr_ = mgp::value_make_map(map.ptr_);
map.ptr_ = nullptr;
inline Value::Value(const Node &node) : ptr_(mgp::value_make_vertex(mgp::vertex_copy(node.ptr_, memory))) {}
inline Value::Value(Node &&node) {
ptr_ = mgp::value_make_vertex(const_cast<mgp_vertex *>(node.ptr_));
node.ptr_ = nullptr;
inline Value::Value(const Relationship &relationship)
: ptr_(mgp::value_make_edge(mgp::edge_copy(relationship.ptr_, memory))) {}
inline Value::Value(Relationship &&relationship) {
ptr_ = mgp::value_make_edge(const_cast<mgp_edge *>(relationship.ptr_));
relationship.ptr_ = nullptr;
inline Value::Value(const Path &path) : ptr_(mgp::value_make_path(mgp::path_copy(path.ptr_, memory))) {}
inline Value::Value(Path &&path) {
ptr_ = mgp::value_make_path(path.ptr_);
path.ptr_ = nullptr;
inline Value::Value(const Date &date) : ptr_(mgp::value_make_date(mgp::date_copy(date.ptr_, memory))) {}
inline Value::Value(Date &&date) {
ptr_ = mgp::value_make_date(date.ptr_);
date.ptr_ = nullptr;
inline Value::Value(const LocalTime &local_time)
: ptr_(mgp::value_make_local_time(mgp::local_time_copy(local_time.ptr_, memory))) {}
inline Value::Value(LocalTime &&local_time) {
ptr_ = mgp::value_make_local_time(local_time.ptr_);
local_time.ptr_ = nullptr;
inline Value::Value(const LocalDateTime &local_date_time)
: ptr_(mgp::value_make_local_date_time(mgp::local_date_time_copy(local_date_time.ptr_, memory))) {}
inline Value::Value(LocalDateTime &&local_date_time) {
ptr_ = mgp::value_make_local_date_time(local_date_time.ptr_);
local_date_time.ptr_ = nullptr;
inline Value::Value(const Duration &duration)
: ptr_(mgp::value_make_duration(mgp::duration_copy(duration.ptr_, memory))) {}
inline Value::Value(Duration &&duration) {
ptr_ = mgp::value_make_duration(duration.ptr_);
duration.ptr_ = nullptr;
inline Value::Value(const Value &other) noexcept : Value(other.ptr_) {}
inline Value::Value(Value &&other) noexcept : ptr_(other.ptr_) { other.ptr_ = nullptr; }
inline Value &Value::operator=(const Value &other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = mgp::value_copy(other.ptr_, memory);
return *this;
inline Value &Value::operator=(Value &&other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
ptr_ = other.ptr_;
other.ptr_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline Value::~Value() {
if (ptr_ != nullptr) {
inline mgp_value *Value::ptr() const { return ptr_; }
inline mgp::Type Value::Type() const { return util::ToAPIType(mgp::value_get_type(ptr_)); }
inline bool Value::ValueBool() const {
if (Type() != Type::Bool) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected Bool.");
return mgp::value_get_bool(ptr_);
inline std::int64_t Value::ValueInt() const {
if (Type() != Type::Int) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected Int.");
return mgp::value_get_int(ptr_);
inline double Value::ValueDouble() const {
if (Type() != Type::Double) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected Double.");
return mgp::value_get_double(ptr_);
inline double Value::ValueNumeric() const {
if (Type() != Type::Int && Type() != Type::Double) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected Int or Double.");
if (Type() == Type::Int) {
return static_cast<double>(mgp::value_get_int(ptr_));
return mgp::value_get_double(ptr_);
inline std::string_view Value::ValueString() const {
if (Type() != Type::String) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected String.");
return mgp::value_get_string(ptr_);
inline const List Value::ValueList() const {
if (Type() != Type::List) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected List.");
return List(mgp::value_get_list(ptr_));
inline const Map Value::ValueMap() const {
if (Type() != Type::Map) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected Map.");
return Map(mgp::value_get_map(ptr_));
inline const Node Value::ValueNode() const {
if (Type() != Type::Node) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected Node.");
return Node(mgp::value_get_vertex(ptr_));
inline const Relationship Value::ValueRelationship() const {
if (Type() != Type::Relationship) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected Relationship.");
return Relationship(mgp::value_get_edge(ptr_));
inline const Path Value::ValuePath() const {
if (Type() != Type::Path) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected Path.");
return Path(mgp::value_get_path(ptr_));
inline const Date Value::ValueDate() const {
if (Type() != Type::Date) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected Date.");
return Date(mgp::value_get_date(ptr_));
inline const LocalTime Value::ValueLocalTime() const {
if (Type() != Type::LocalTime) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected LocalTime.");
return LocalTime(mgp::value_get_local_time(ptr_));
inline const LocalDateTime Value::ValueLocalDateTime() const {
if (Type() != Type::LocalDateTime) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected LocalDateTime.");
return LocalDateTime(mgp::value_get_local_date_time(ptr_));
inline const Duration Value::ValueDuration() const {
if (Type() != Type::Duration) {
throw ValueException("Type of value is wrong: expected Duration.");
return Duration(mgp::value_get_duration(ptr_));
inline bool Value::IsNull() const { return mgp::value_is_null(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsBool() const { return mgp::value_is_bool(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsInt() const { return mgp::value_is_int(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsDouble() const { return mgp::value_is_double(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsNumeric() const { return IsInt() || IsDouble(); }
inline bool Value::IsString() const { return mgp::value_is_string(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsList() const { return mgp::value_is_list(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsMap() const { return mgp::value_is_map(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsNode() const { return mgp::value_is_vertex(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsRelationship() const { return mgp::value_is_edge(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsPath() const { return mgp::value_is_path(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsDate() const { return mgp::value_is_date(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsLocalTime() const { return mgp::value_is_local_time(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsLocalDateTime() const { return mgp::value_is_local_date_time(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::IsDuration() const { return mgp::value_is_duration(ptr_); }
inline bool Value::operator==(const Value &other) const { return util::ValuesEqual(ptr_, other.ptr_); }
inline bool Value::operator!=(const Value &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
/* #endregion */
/* #region Record */
// Record:
inline Record::Record(mgp_result_record *record) : record_(record) {}
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, bool value) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_bool(value, memory);
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, std::int64_t value) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_int(value, memory);
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, double value) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_double(value, memory);
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, std::string_view value) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_string(, memory);
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, const char *value) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_string(value, memory);
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, const List &list) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_list(mgp::list_copy(list.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, const Map &map) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_map(mgp::map_copy(map.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, const Node &node) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_vertex(mgp::vertex_copy(node.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, const Relationship &relationship) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_edge(mgp::edge_copy(relationship.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, const Path &path) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_path(mgp::path_copy(path.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, const Date &date) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_date(mgp::date_copy(date.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, const LocalTime &local_time) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_local_time(mgp::local_time_copy(local_time.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, const LocalDateTime &local_date_time) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_local_date_time(mgp::local_date_time_copy(local_date_time.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
inline void Record::Insert(const char *field_name, const Duration &duration) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_duration(mgp::duration_copy(duration.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::result_record_insert(record_, field_name, mgp_val); }
// RecordFactory:
inline RecordFactory::RecordFactory(mgp_result *result) : result_(result) {}
inline const Record RecordFactory::NewRecord() const {
auto record = mgp::result_new_record(result_);
if (record == nullptr) {
throw NotEnoughMemoryException();
return Record(record);
inline void RecordFactory::SetErrorMessage(const std::string_view error_msg) const {
inline void RecordFactory::SetErrorMessage(const char *error_msg) const {
mgp::result_set_error_msg(result_, error_msg);
// Result:
inline Result::Result(mgp_func_result *result) : result_(result) {}
inline void Result::SetValue(bool value) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_bool(value, memory);
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(std::int64_t value) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_int(value, memory);
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(double value) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_double(value, memory);
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(std::string_view value) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_string(, memory);
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(const char *value) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_string(value, memory);
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(const List &list) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_list(mgp::list_copy(list.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(const Map &map) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_map(mgp::map_copy(map.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(const Node &node) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_vertex(mgp::vertex_copy(node.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(const Relationship &relationship) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_edge(mgp::edge_copy(relationship.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(const Path &path) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_path(mgp::path_copy(path.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(const Date &date) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_date(mgp::date_copy(date.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(const LocalTime &local_time) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_local_time(mgp::local_time_copy(local_time.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(const LocalDateTime &local_date_time) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_local_date_time(mgp::local_date_time_copy(local_date_time.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetValue(const Duration &duration) {
auto mgp_val = mgp::value_make_duration(mgp::duration_copy(duration.ptr_, memory));
{ mgp::func_result_set_value(result_, mgp_val, memory); }
inline void Result::SetErrorMessage(const std::string_view error_msg) const {
mgp::func_result_set_error_msg(result_,, memory);
inline void Result::SetErrorMessage(const char *error_msg) const {
mgp::func_result_set_error_msg(result_, error_msg, memory);
/* #endregion */
/* #region Module */
// Parameter:
inline Parameter::Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type) : name(name), type_(type) {}
inline Parameter::Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, bool default_value)
: name(name), type_(type), optional(true), default_value(Value(default_value)) {}
inline Parameter::Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, int64_t default_value)
: name(name), type_(type), optional(true), default_value(Value(default_value)) {}
inline Parameter::Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, double default_value)
: name(name), type_(type), optional(true), default_value(Value(default_value)) {}
inline Parameter::Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, std::string_view default_value)
: name(name), type_(type), optional(true), default_value(Value(default_value)) {}
inline Parameter::Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, const char *default_value)
: name(name), type_(type), optional(true), default_value(Value(default_value)) {}
inline Parameter::Parameter(std::string_view name, Type type, Value default_value)
: name(name), type_(type), optional(true), default_value(default_value) {}
inline Parameter::Parameter(std::string_view name, std::pair<Type, Type> list_type)
: name(name), type_(list_type.first), list_item_type_(list_type.second) {}
inline Parameter::Parameter(std::string_view name, std::pair<Type, Type> list_type, Value default_value)
: name(name),
default_value(default_value) {}
inline mgp_type *Parameter::GetMGPType() const {
if (type_ == Type::List) {
return mgp::type_list(util::ToMGPType(list_item_type_));
return util::ToMGPType(type_);
// Return:
inline Return::Return(std::string_view name, Type type) : name(name), type_(type) {}
inline Return::Return(std::string_view name, std::pair<Type, Type> list_type)
: name(name), type_(list_type.first), list_item_type_(list_type.second) {}
inline mgp_type *Return::GetMGPType() const {
if (type_ == Type::List) {
return mgp::type_list(util::ToMGPType(list_item_type_));
return util::ToMGPType(type_);
void AddProcedure(mgp_proc_cb callback, std::string_view name, ProcedureType proc_type,
std::vector<Parameter> parameters, std::vector<Return> returns, mgp_module *module,
mgp_memory *memory) {
auto proc = (proc_type == ProcedureType::Read) ? mgp::module_add_read_procedure(module,, callback)
: mgp::module_add_write_procedure(module,, callback);
for (const auto &parameter : parameters) {
auto parameter_name =;
if (!parameter.optional) {
mgp::proc_add_arg(proc, parameter_name, parameter.GetMGPType());
} else {
mgp::proc_add_opt_arg(proc, parameter_name, parameter.GetMGPType(), parameter.default_value.ptr());
for (const auto return_ : returns) {
auto return_name =;
mgp::proc_add_result(proc, return_name, return_.GetMGPType());
void AddFunction(mgp_func_cb callback, std::string_view name, std::vector<Parameter> parameters, mgp_module *module,
mgp_memory *memory) {
auto func = mgp::module_add_function(module,, callback);
for (const auto &parameter : parameters) {
auto parameter_name =;
if (!parameter.optional) {
mgp::func_add_arg(func, parameter_name, parameter.GetMGPType());
} else {
mgp::func_add_opt_arg(func, parameter_name, parameter.GetMGPType(), parameter.default_value.ptr());
/* #endregion */
} // namespace mgp
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<mgp::Id> {
size_t operator()(const mgp::Id &x) const { return hash<int64_t>()(x.AsInt()); };
template <>
struct hash<mgp::Node> {
size_t operator()(const mgp::Node &x) const { return hash<int64_t>()(x.Id().AsInt()); };
template <>
struct hash<mgp::Relationship> {
size_t operator()(const mgp::Relationship &x) const { return hash<int64_t>()(x.Id().AsInt()); };
template <>
struct hash<mgp::Date> {
size_t operator()(const mgp::Date &x) const { return hash<int64_t>()(x.Timestamp()); };
template <>
struct hash<mgp::LocalTime> {
size_t operator()(const mgp::LocalTime &x) const { return hash<int64_t>()(x.Timestamp()); };
template <>
struct hash<mgp::LocalDateTime> {
size_t operator()(const mgp::LocalDateTime &x) const { return hash<int64_t>()(x.Timestamp()); };
template <>
struct hash<mgp::Duration> {
size_t operator()(const mgp::Duration &x) const { return hash<int64_t>()(x.Microseconds()); };
template <>
struct hash<mgp::MapItem> {
size_t operator()(const mgp::MapItem &x) const { return hash<std::string_view>()(x.key); };
} // namespace std