MATCH (person:Person {id:"17592186053137"})<-[:HAS_CREATOR]-(message)<-[like:LIKES]-(liker:Person) WITH liker, message, like.creationDate AS likeTime, person ORDER BY likeTime DESC, toInt( ASC WITH liker, head(collect({msg: message, likeTime: likeTime})) AS latestLike, person RETURN AS personId, liker.firstName AS personFirstName, liker.lastName AS personLastName, latestLike.likeTime AS likeTime, AS messageId, CASE exists(latestLike.msg.content) WHEN true THEN latestLike.msg.content ELSE latestLike.msg.imageFile END AS messageContent, latestLike.likeTime - latestLike.msg.creationDate AS latencyAsMilli, not((liker)-[:KNOWS]-(person)) AS isNew ORDER BY likeTime DESC, toInt(personId) ASC LIMIT 10;