#include #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "database/graph_db.hpp" #include "distributed/coordination.hpp" #include "distributed/coordination_master.hpp" #include "distributed/coordination_worker.hpp" #include "distributed/data_rpc_clients.hpp" #include "distributed/data_rpc_server.hpp" #include "distributed/plan_consumer.hpp" #include "distributed/plan_dispatcher.hpp" #include "distributed/pull_rpc_clients.hpp" #include "distributed_common.hpp" #include "io/network/endpoint.hpp" #include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp" #include "query/frontend/ast/cypher_main_visitor.hpp" #include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_generator.hpp" #include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp" #include "query/interpreter.hpp" #include "query/plan/distributed_ops.hpp" #include "query/plan/planner.hpp" #include "query/typed_value.hpp" #include "query_common.hpp" #include "query_plan_common.hpp" DECLARE_int32(query_execution_time_sec); using namespace distributed; using namespace database; using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals; ExpandTuple MakeDistributedExpand( AstStorage &storage, SymbolTable &symbol_table, std::shared_ptr input, Symbol input_symbol, const std::string &edge_identifier, EdgeAtom::Direction direction, const std::vector &edge_types, const std::string &node_identifier, bool existing_node, GraphView graph_view) { auto edge = EDGE(edge_identifier, direction); auto edge_sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(edge_identifier, true); symbol_table[*edge->identifier_] = edge_sym; auto node = NODE(node_identifier); auto node_sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(node_identifier, true); symbol_table[*node->identifier_] = node_sym; auto op = std::make_shared(node_sym, edge_sym, direction, edge_types, input, input_symbol, existing_node, graph_view); return ExpandTuple{edge, edge_sym, node, node_sym, op}; } class DistributedQueryPlan : public DistributedGraphDbTest { protected: DistributedQueryPlan() : DistributedGraphDbTest("query_plan") {} }; TEST_F(DistributedQueryPlan, PullProduceRpc) { auto dba = master().Access(); Context ctx{*dba}; SymbolGenerator symbol_generator{ctx.symbol_table_}; AstStorage storage; // Query plan for: UNWIND [42, true, "bla", 1, 2] as x RETURN x using namespace query; auto list = LIST(LITERAL(42), LITERAL(true), LITERAL("bla"), LITERAL(1), LITERAL(2)); auto x = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("x", true); auto unwind = std::make_shared(nullptr, list, x); auto x_expr = IDENT("x"); ctx.symbol_table_[*x_expr] = x; auto x_ne = NEXPR("x", x_expr); ctx.symbol_table_[*x_ne] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("x_ne", true); auto produce = MakeProduce(unwind, x_ne); // Test that the plan works locally. auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), ctx.symbol_table_, *dba); ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 5); const int plan_id = 42; master().plan_dispatcher().DispatchPlan(plan_id, produce, ctx.symbol_table_); tx::CommandId command_id = dba->transaction().cid(); EvaluationContext evaluation_context; std::vector symbols{ctx.symbol_table_[*x_ne]}; auto remote_pull = [this, &command_id, &evaluation_context, &symbols]( GraphDbAccessor &dba, int worker_id) { return master().pull_clients().Pull(&dba, worker_id, plan_id, command_id, evaluation_context, symbols, false, 3); }; auto expect_first_batch = [](auto &batch) { EXPECT_EQ(batch.pull_state, distributed::PullState::CURSOR_IN_PROGRESS); ASSERT_EQ(batch.frames.size(), 3); ASSERT_EQ(batch.frames[0].size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(batch.frames[0][0].ValueInt(), 42); EXPECT_EQ(batch.frames[1][0].ValueBool(), true); EXPECT_EQ(batch.frames[2][0].ValueString(), "bla"); }; auto expect_second_batch = [](auto &batch) { EXPECT_EQ(batch.pull_state, distributed::PullState::CURSOR_EXHAUSTED); ASSERT_EQ(batch.frames.size(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(batch.frames[0].size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(batch.frames[0][0].ValueInt(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(batch.frames[1][0].ValueInt(), 2); }; auto dba_1 = master().Access(); auto dba_2 = master().Access(); for (int worker_id : {1, 2}) { // TODO flor, proper test async here. auto tx1_batch1 = remote_pull(*dba_1, worker_id).get(); expect_first_batch(tx1_batch1); auto tx2_batch1 = remote_pull(*dba_2, worker_id).get(); expect_first_batch(tx2_batch1); auto tx2_batch2 = remote_pull(*dba_2, worker_id).get(); expect_second_batch(tx2_batch2); auto tx1_batch2 = remote_pull(*dba_1, worker_id).get(); expect_second_batch(tx1_batch2); } } TEST_F(DistributedQueryPlan, PullProduceRpcWithGraphElements) { // Create some data on the master and both workers. Eeach edge (3 of them) and // vertex (6 of them) will be uniquely identified with their worker id and // sequence ID, so we can check we retrieved all. storage::Property prop; { auto dba = master().Access(); prop = dba->Property("prop"); auto create_data = [prop](GraphDbAccessor &dba, int worker_id) { auto v1 = dba.InsertVertex(); v1.PropsSet(prop, worker_id * 10); auto v2 = dba.InsertVertex(); v2.PropsSet(prop, worker_id * 10 + 1); auto e12 = dba.InsertEdge(v1, v2, dba.EdgeType("et")); e12.PropsSet(prop, worker_id * 10 + 2); }; create_data(*dba, 0); auto dba_w1 = worker(1).Access(dba->transaction_id()); create_data(*dba_w1, 1); auto dba_w2 = worker(2).Access(dba->transaction_id()); create_data(*dba_w2, 2); dba->Commit(); } auto dba = master().Access(); Context ctx{*dba}; SymbolGenerator symbol_generator{ctx.symbol_table_}; AstStorage storage; // Query plan for: MATCH p = (n)-[r]->(m) return [n, r], m, p // Use this query to test graph elements are transferred correctly in // collections too. auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, ctx.symbol_table_, "n"); auto r_m = MakeDistributedExpand(storage, ctx.symbol_table_, n.op_, n.sym_, "r", EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT, {}, "m", false, GraphView::OLD); auto p_sym = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("p", true); auto p = std::make_shared( r_m.op_, p_sym, std::vector{n.sym_, r_m.edge_sym_, r_m.node_sym_}); auto return_n = IDENT("n"); ctx.symbol_table_[*return_n] = n.sym_; auto return_r = IDENT("r"); ctx.symbol_table_[*return_r] = r_m.edge_sym_; auto return_n_r = NEXPR("[n, r]", LIST(return_n, return_r)); ctx.symbol_table_[*return_n_r] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("", true); auto return_m = NEXPR("m", IDENT("m")); ctx.symbol_table_[*return_m->expression_] = r_m.node_sym_; ctx.symbol_table_[*return_m] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("", true); auto return_p = NEXPR("p", IDENT("p")); ctx.symbol_table_[*return_p->expression_] = p_sym; ctx.symbol_table_[*return_p] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("", true); auto produce = MakeProduce(p, return_n_r, return_m, return_p); auto check_result = [prop](int worker_id, const std::vector> &frames) { int offset = worker_id * 10; ASSERT_EQ(frames.size(), 1); auto &row = frames[0]; ASSERT_EQ(row.size(), 3); auto &list = row[0].ValueList(); ASSERT_EQ(list.size(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(list[0].ValueVertex().PropsAt(prop).Value(), offset); ASSERT_EQ(list[1].ValueEdge().PropsAt(prop).Value(), offset + 2); ASSERT_EQ(row[1].ValueVertex().PropsAt(prop).Value(), offset + 1); auto &path = row[2].ValuePath(); ASSERT_EQ(path.size(), 1); ASSERT_EQ(path.vertices()[0].PropsAt(prop).Value(), offset); ASSERT_EQ(path.edges()[0].PropsAt(prop).Value(), offset + 2); ASSERT_EQ(path.vertices()[1].PropsAt(prop).Value(), offset + 1); }; // Test that the plan works locally. auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), ctx.symbol_table_, *dba); check_result(0, results); const int plan_id = 42; master().plan_dispatcher().DispatchPlan(plan_id, produce, ctx.symbol_table_); tx::CommandId command_id = dba->transaction().cid(); EvaluationContext evaluation_context; std::vector symbols{ctx.symbol_table_[*return_n_r], ctx.symbol_table_[*return_m], p_sym}; auto remote_pull = [this, &command_id, &evaluation_context, &symbols]( GraphDbAccessor &dba, int worker_id) { return master().pull_clients().Pull(&dba, worker_id, plan_id, command_id, evaluation_context, symbols, false, 3); }; auto future_w1_results = remote_pull(*dba, 1); auto future_w2_results = remote_pull(*dba, 2); check_result(1, future_w1_results.get().frames); check_result(2, future_w2_results.get().frames); } TEST_F(DistributedQueryPlan, Synchronize) { auto from = InsertVertex(worker(1)); auto to = InsertVertex(worker(2)); InsertEdge(from, to, "et"); // Query: MATCH (n)--(m) SET m.prop = 2 RETURN n.prop // This query ensures that a remote update gets applied and the local stuff // gets reconstructed. auto dba_ptr = master().Access(); auto &dba = *dba_ptr; Context ctx{dba}; SymbolGenerator symbol_generator{ctx.symbol_table_}; AstStorage storage; // MATCH auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, ctx.symbol_table_, "n"); auto r_m = MakeDistributedExpand(storage, ctx.symbol_table_, n.op_, n.sym_, "r", EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH, {}, "m", false, GraphView::OLD); // SET auto literal = LITERAL(42); auto prop = PROPERTY_PAIR("prop"); auto m_p = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("m", prop); ctx.symbol_table_[*m_p->expression_] = r_m.node_sym_; auto set_m_p = std::make_shared(r_m.op_, m_p, literal); const int plan_id = 42; master().plan_dispatcher().DispatchPlan(plan_id, set_m_p, ctx.symbol_table_); // Master-side PullRemote, Synchronize auto pull_remote = std::make_shared( nullptr, plan_id, std::vector{n.sym_}); auto synchronize = std::make_shared(set_m_p, pull_remote, true); // RETURN auto n_p = storage.Create(storage.Create("n"), prop); ctx.symbol_table_[*n_p->expression_] = n.sym_; auto return_n_p = NEXPR("n.prop", n_p); auto return_n_p_sym = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("n.p", true); ctx.symbol_table_[*return_n_p] = return_n_p_sym; auto produce = MakeProduce(synchronize, return_n_p); auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), ctx.symbol_table_, dba); ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 2); ASSERT_EQ(results[0].size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(results[0][0].ValueInt(), 42); ASSERT_EQ(results[1].size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(results[1][0].ValueInt(), 42); // TODO test without advance command? } TEST_F(DistributedQueryPlan, Create) { // Query: UNWIND range(0, 1000) as x CREATE () auto dba = master().Access(); Context ctx{*dba}; SymbolGenerator symbol_generator{ctx.symbol_table_}; AstStorage storage; auto range = FN("range", LITERAL(0), LITERAL(1000)); auto x = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("x", true); auto unwind = std::make_shared(nullptr, range, x); auto node = NODE("n"); ctx.symbol_table_[*node->identifier_] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("n", true); auto create = std::make_shared(unwind, node, true); PullAll(create, *dba, ctx.symbol_table_); dba->Commit(); EXPECT_GT(VertexCount(master()), 200); EXPECT_GT(VertexCount(worker(1)), 200); EXPECT_GT(VertexCount(worker(2)), 200); } TEST_F(DistributedQueryPlan, PullRemoteOrderBy) { // Create some data on the master and both workers. storage::Property prop; { auto dba = master().Access(); auto tx_id = dba->transaction_id(); auto dba1 = worker(1).Access(tx_id); auto dba2 = worker(2).Access(tx_id); prop = dba->Property("prop"); auto add_data = [prop](GraphDbAccessor &dba, int value) { dba.InsertVertex().PropsSet(prop, value); }; std::vector data; for (int i = 0; i < 300; ++i) data.push_back(i); std::random_shuffle(data.begin(), data.end()); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) add_data(*dba, data[i]); for (int i = 100; i < 200; ++i) add_data(*dba1, data[i]); for (int i = 200; i < 300; ++i) add_data(*dba2, data[i]); dba->Commit(); } auto dba_ptr = master().Access(); auto &dba = *dba_ptr; Context ctx{dba}; SymbolGenerator symbol_generator{ctx.symbol_table_}; AstStorage storage; // Query plan for: MATCH (n) RETURN n.prop ORDER BY n.prop; auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, ctx.symbol_table_, "n"); auto n_p = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", prop); ctx.symbol_table_[*n_p->expression_] = n.sym_; auto order_by = std::make_shared( n.op_, std::vector{{Ordering::ASC, n_p}}, std::vector{n.sym_}); const int plan_id = 42; master().plan_dispatcher().DispatchPlan(plan_id, order_by, ctx.symbol_table_); auto pull_remote_order_by = std::make_shared( order_by, plan_id, std::vector{{Ordering::ASC, n_p}}, std::vector{n.sym_}); auto n_p_ne = NEXPR("n.prop", n_p); ctx.symbol_table_[*n_p_ne] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("n.prop", true); auto produce = MakeProduce(pull_remote_order_by, n_p_ne); auto results = CollectProduce(produce.get(), ctx.symbol_table_, dba); ASSERT_EQ(results.size(), 300); for (int j = 0; j < 300; ++j) { EXPECT_TRUE(TypedValue::BoolEqual{}(results[j][0], j)); } } class DistributedTransactionTimeout : public DistributedGraphDbTest { protected: DistributedTransactionTimeout() : DistributedGraphDbTest("transaction_timeout") {} int QueryExecutionTimeSec(int) override { return 1; } }; TEST_F(DistributedTransactionTimeout, Timeout) { InsertVertex(worker(1)); InsertVertex(worker(1)); auto dba = master().Access(); Context ctx{*dba}; SymbolGenerator symbol_generator{ctx.symbol_table_}; AstStorage storage; // Make distributed plan for MATCH (n) RETURN n auto scan_all = MakeScanAll(storage, ctx.symbol_table_, "n"); auto output = NEXPR("n", IDENT("n")); auto produce = MakeProduce(scan_all.op_, output); ctx.symbol_table_[*output->expression_] = scan_all.sym_; ctx.symbol_table_[*output] = ctx.symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("named_expression_1", true); const int plan_id = 42; master().plan_dispatcher().DispatchPlan(plan_id, produce, ctx.symbol_table_); tx::CommandId command_id = dba->transaction().cid(); EvaluationContext evaluation_context; std::vector symbols{ctx.symbol_table_[*output]}; auto remote_pull = [this, &command_id, &evaluation_context, &symbols, &dba]() { return master() .pull_clients() .Pull(dba.get(), 1, plan_id, command_id, evaluation_context, symbols, false, 1) .get() .pull_state; }; ASSERT_EQ(remote_pull(), distributed::PullState::CURSOR_IN_PROGRESS); // Sleep here so the remote gets a hinted error. std::this_thread::sleep_for(2s); EXPECT_EQ(remote_pull(), distributed::PullState::HINTED_ABORT_ERROR); }