#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "import/base_import.hpp" #include "import/element_skeleton.hpp" #include "import/fillings/array.hpp" #include "import/fillings/bool.hpp" #include "import/fillings/double.hpp" #include "import/fillings/filler.hpp" #include "import/fillings/float.hpp" #include "import/fillings/from.hpp" #include "import/fillings/id.hpp" #include "import/fillings/int32.hpp" #include "import/fillings/int64.hpp" #include "import/fillings/label.hpp" #include "import/fillings/skip.hpp" #include "import/fillings/string.hpp" #include "import/fillings/to.hpp" #include "import/fillings/type.hpp" #include "storage/model/properties/all.hpp" #include "storage/model/properties/flags.hpp" #include "storage/vertex_accessor.hpp" #include "utils/option.hpp" using namespace std; bool equal_str(const char *a, const char *b) { return strcasecmp(a, b) == 0; } // CSV importer for importing multiple files regarding same graph. // CSV format of file should be following: // class CSVImporter : public BaseImporter { public: using BaseImporter::BaseImporter; // Loads data from stream and returns number of loaded vertexes. size_t import_vertices(std::fstream &file) { return import(file, create_vertex, true); } // Loads data from stream and returns number of loaded edges. size_t import_edges(std::fstream &file) { return import(file, create_edge, false); } private: // Loads data from file and returns number of loaded name. template size_t import(std::fstream &file, F f, bool vertex) { string line; vector sub_str; vector> fillers; vector tmp; // HEADERS if (!getline(file, line)) { err("No lines"); return 0; } if (!split(line, parts_mark, sub_str)) { err("Illegal headers"); return 0; } for (auto p : sub_str) { auto o = get_filler(p, tmp, vertex); if (o.is_present()) { fillers.push_back(o.take()); } else { return 0; } } sub_str.clear(); // LOAD DATA LINES size_t count = 0; size_t line_no = 1; ElementSkeleton es(db); while (std::getline(file, line)) { // if (line_no % 1000 == 0) { // cout << line_no << endl; // } // cout << line << endl; sub_str.clear(); es.clear(); if (split(line, parts_mark, sub_str)) { check_for_part_count(sub_str.size() - fillers.size(), line_no); int n = min(sub_str.size(), fillers.size()); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { auto er = fillers[i]->fill(es, sub_str[i]); if (er.is_present()) { err(er.get(), " on line: ", line_no); } } if (f(this, es, line_no)) { count++; } } line_no++; } return count; } static bool create_vertex(CSVImporter *im, ElementSkeleton &es, size_t line_no) { auto va = es.add_vertex(); auto id = es.element_id(); if (id.is_present()) { if (im->vertices.size() <= id.get()) { Option empty = make_option(); im->vertices.insert(im->vertices.end(), id.get() - im->vertices.size() + 1, empty); } if (im->vertices[id.get()].is_present()) { im->err("Vertex on line: ", line_no, " has same id with another previously loaded vertex"); return false; } else { im->vertices[id.get()] = make_option(std::move(va)); return true; } } else { im->warn("Missing import local vertex id for vertex on " "line: ", line_no); } return true; } static bool create_edge(CSVImporter *im, ElementSkeleton &es, size_t line_no) { auto o = es.add_edge(); if (!o.is_present()) { return true; } else { im->err(o.get(), " on line: ", line_no); return false; } } // Returns filler for name:type in header_part. None if error occured. Option> get_filler(char *header_part, vector &tmp_vec, bool vertex) { tmp_vec.clear(); split(header_part, type_mark, tmp_vec); if (tmp_vec.size() > 2) { err("To much sub parts in header part"); return make_option>(); } else if (tmp_vec.size() < 2) { if (tmp_vec.size() == 1) { warn( "Column ", tmp_vec[0], " doesn't have specified type so string type will be used"); tmp_vec.push_back("string"); } else { warn("Empty colum definition, skiping column."); std::unique_ptr f(new SkipFiller()); return make_option(std::move(f)); } } const char *name = tmp_vec[0]; const char *type = tmp_vec[1]; // cout << name << " # " << type << endl; auto prop_key = [&](auto name, auto type) -> auto { if (vertex) { return db.vertex_property_key(name, Type(type)); } else { return db.edge_property_key(name, Type(type)); } }; if (equal_str(type, "id")) { std::unique_ptr f( name[0] == '\0' ? new IdFiller() : new IdFiller(make_option(prop_key(name, Flags::Int64)))); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "start_id") || equal_str(type, "from_id")) { std::unique_ptr f(new FromFiller(*this)); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "label")) { std::unique_ptr f(new LabelFiller(*this)); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "end_id") || equal_str(type, "to_id")) { std::unique_ptr f(new ToFiller(*this)); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "type")) { std::unique_ptr f(new TypeFiller(*this)); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (name[0] == '\0') { // OTHER FILLERS REQUIRE NAME warn("Unnamed column of type: ", type, " will be skipped."); std::unique_ptr f(new SkipFiller()); return make_option(std::move(f)); // *********************** PROPERTIES } else if (equal_str(type, "bool")) { std::unique_ptr f( new BoolFiller(prop_key(name, Flags::Bool))); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "double")) { std::unique_ptr f( new DoubleFiller(prop_key(name, Flags::Double))); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "float")) { std::unique_ptr f( new FloatFiller(prop_key(name, Flags::Float))); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "int")) { std::unique_ptr f( new Int32Filler(prop_key(name, Flags::Int32))); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "long")) { std::unique_ptr f( new Int64Filler(prop_key(name, Flags::Int64))); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "string")) { std::unique_ptr f( new StringFiller(prop_key(name, Flags::String))); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "bool[]")) { std::unique_ptr f(make_array_filler( *this, prop_key(name, Flags::ArrayBool), to_bool)); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "float[]")) { std::unique_ptr f(make_array_filler( *this, prop_key(name, Flags::ArrayFloat), to_float)); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "double[]")) { std::unique_ptr f(make_array_filler( *this, prop_key(name, Flags::ArrayDouble), to_double)); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "int[]")) { std::unique_ptr f(make_array_filler( *this, prop_key(name, Flags::ArrayInt32), to_int32)); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "long[]")) { std::unique_ptr f(make_array_filler( *this, prop_key(name, Flags::ArrayInt64), to_int64)); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else if (equal_str(type, "string[]")) { std::unique_ptr f(make_array_filler( *this, prop_key(name, Flags::ArrayString), to_string)); return make_option(std::move(f)); } else { err("Unknown type: ", type); return make_option>(); } } void check_for_part_count(long diff, long line_no) { if (diff != 0) { if (diff < 0) { // warn("Line no: ", line_no, " has less parts then " // "specified in header. Missing ", // diff, " parts"); } else { warn("Line no: ", line_no, " has more parts then specified in header. Extra ", diff, " parts"); } } } };