#include #include #include "database/dbms.hpp" #include "query/frontend/ast/ast.hpp" #include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp" #include "query/plan/cost_estimator.hpp" #include "query/plan/operator.hpp" #include "storage/vertex_accessor.hpp" using namespace query; using namespace query::plan; using CardParam = CostEstimator::CardParam; using CostParam = CostEstimator::CostParam; using MiscParam = CostEstimator::MiscParam; /** A fixture for cost estimation. Sets up the database * and accessor (adds some vertices). Provides convenience * functions for creating the logical plan. Note that the * resulting plan is NOT fit for execution, only for cost * estimation testing. */ class QueryCostEstimator : public ::testing::Test { protected: Dbms dbms; std::unique_ptr dba = dbms.active(); GraphDbTypes::Label label = dba->Label("label"); GraphDbTypes::Property property = dba->Property("property"); // we incrementally build the logical operator plan // start it off with Once std::shared_ptr last_op_ = std::make_shared(); AstTreeStorage storage_; SymbolTable symbol_table_; Parameters parameters_; int symbol_count = 0; void SetUp() { // create the index in the current db accessor and then swap it to a new one dba->BuildIndex(label, property); auto new_dba = dbms.active(); dba.swap(new_dba); } Symbol NextSymbol() { return symbol_table_.CreateSymbol("Symbol" + std::to_string(symbol_count++), true); } /** Adds the given number of vertices to the DB, of which * the given numbers are labeled and have a property set. */ void AddVertices(int vertex_count, int labeled_count, int property_count = 0) { for (int i = 0; i < vertex_count; i++) { auto vertex = dba->InsertVertex(); if (i < labeled_count) vertex.add_label(label); if (i < property_count) vertex.PropsSet(property, i); } dba->AdvanceCommand(); } auto Cost() { CostEstimator cost_estimator(*dba, parameters_); last_op_->Accept(cost_estimator); return cost_estimator.cost(); } template void MakeOp(TArgs... args) { last_op_ = std::make_shared(args...); } template Expression *Literal(TValue value) { return storage_.Create(value); } Expression *Parameter(const TypedValue &value) { int token_position = parameters_.size(); parameters_.Add(token_position, value); return storage_.Create(token_position); } auto InclusiveBound(Expression *expression) { return std::experimental::make_optional( utils::MakeBoundInclusive(expression)); }; const std::experimental::nullopt_t nullopt = std::experimental::nullopt; }; // multiply with 1 to avoid linker error (possibly fixed in CLang >= 3.81) #define EXPECT_COST(COST) EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(Cost(), 1 * COST) TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, Once) { EXPECT_COST(0); } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ScanAll) { AddVertices(100, 30, 20); MakeOp(last_op_, NextSymbol()); EXPECT_COST(100 * CostParam::kScanAll); } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ScanAllByLabelCardinality) { AddVertices(100, 30, 20); MakeOp(last_op_, NextSymbol(), label); EXPECT_COST(30 * CostParam::kScanAllByLabel); } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ScanAllByLabelPropertyValueConstant) { AddVertices(100, 30, 20); for (auto const_val : {Literal(12), Parameter(12)}) { MakeOp(nullptr, NextSymbol(), label, property, const_val); EXPECT_COST(1 * CostParam::MakeScanAllByLabelPropertyValue); } } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ScanAllByLabelPropertyValueConstExpr) { AddVertices(100, 30, 20); for (auto const_val : {Literal(12), Parameter(12)}) { MakeOp( nullptr, NextSymbol(), label, property, // once we make expression const-folding this test case will fail storage_.Create(const_val)); EXPECT_COST(20 * CardParam::kFilter * CostParam::MakeScanAllByLabelPropertyValue); } } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ScanAllByLabelPropertyRangeUpperConstant) { AddVertices(100, 30, 20); for (auto const_val : {Literal(12), Parameter(12)}) { MakeOp(nullptr, NextSymbol(), label, property, nullopt, InclusiveBound(const_val)); // cardinality estimation is exact for very small indexes EXPECT_COST(13 * CostParam::MakeScanAllByLabelPropertyRange); } } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ScanAllByLabelPropertyRangeLowerConstant) { AddVertices(100, 30, 20); for (auto const_val : {Literal(17), Parameter(17)}) { MakeOp(nullptr, NextSymbol(), label, property, InclusiveBound(const_val), nullopt); // cardinality estimation is exact for very small indexes EXPECT_COST(3 * CostParam::MakeScanAllByLabelPropertyRange); } } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ScanAllByLabelPropertyRangeConstExpr) { AddVertices(100, 30, 20); for (auto const_val : {Literal(12), Parameter(12)}) { auto bound = std::experimental::make_optional( utils::MakeBoundInclusive(static_cast( storage_.Create(const_val)))); MakeOp(nullptr, NextSymbol(), label, property, bound, nullopt); EXPECT_COST(20 * CardParam::kFilter * CostParam::MakeScanAllByLabelPropertyRange); } } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, Expand) { MakeOp(NextSymbol(), NextSymbol(), EdgeAtom::Direction::IN, nullptr, last_op_, NextSymbol(), false, false); EXPECT_COST(CardParam::kExpand * CostParam::kExpand); } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ExpandVariable) { MakeOp(NextSymbol(), NextSymbol(), EdgeAtom::Direction::IN, nullptr, false, nullptr, nullptr, last_op_, NextSymbol(), false, false); EXPECT_COST(CardParam::kExpandVariable * CostParam::kExpandVariable); } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ExpandBreadthFirst) { MakeOp( NextSymbol(), NextSymbol(), EdgeAtom::Direction::IN, nullptr, Literal(3), NextSymbol(), NextSymbol(), Literal(true), last_op_, NextSymbol(), false); EXPECT_COST(CardParam::kExpandBreadthFirst * CostParam::kExpandBreadthFirst); } // Helper for testing an operations cost and cardinality. // Only for operations that first increment cost, then modify cardinality. // Intentially a macro (instead of function) for better test feedback. #define TEST_OP(OP, OP_COST_PARAM, OP_CARD_PARAM) \ OP; \ EXPECT_COST(OP_COST_PARAM); \ OP; \ EXPECT_COST(OP_COST_PARAM + OP_CARD_PARAM * OP_COST_PARAM); TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, Filter) { TEST_OP(MakeOp(last_op_, Literal(true)), CostParam::kFilter, CardParam::kFilter); } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, ExpandUniquenessFilter) { TEST_OP(MakeOp>(last_op_, NextSymbol(), std::vector()), CostParam::kExpandUniquenessFilter, CardParam::kExpandUniquenessFilter); } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, UnwindLiteral) { TEST_OP( MakeOp( last_op_, storage_.Create(std::vector(7, nullptr)), NextSymbol()), CostParam::kUnwind, 7); } TEST_F(QueryCostEstimator, UnwindNoLiteral) { TEST_OP(MakeOp(last_op_, nullptr, NextSymbol()), CostParam::kUnwind, MiscParam::kUnwindNoLiteral); } #undef TEST_OP #undef EXPECT_COST // // TODO test cost when ScanAll, Expand, Accumulate, Limit // vs cost for SA, Expand, Limit