# Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd. # # Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License # included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source # License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. # # As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with # the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed # by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file # licenses/APL.txt. import atexit import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import time from functools import partial import interactive_mg_runner import mgclient import pytest from common import execute_and_fetch_all from mg_utils import mg_sleep_and_assert interactive_mg_runner.SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) interactive_mg_runner.PROJECT_DIR = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(interactive_mg_runner.SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..", "..") ) interactive_mg_runner.BUILD_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(interactive_mg_runner.PROJECT_DIR, "build")) interactive_mg_runner.MEMGRAPH_BINARY = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(interactive_mg_runner.BUILD_DIR, "memgraph")) BOLT_PORTS = {"main": 7687, "replica_1": 7688, "replica_2": 7689} REPLICATION_PORTS = {"replica_1": 10001, "replica_2": 10002} TEMP_DIR = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name def update_to_main(cursor): execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SET REPLICATION ROLE TO MAIN;") def add_user(cursor, username, password=None): if password is not None: return execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"CREATE USER {username} IDENTIFIED BY '{password}';") return execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"CREATE USER {username};") def show_users_func(cursor): def func(): return set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW USERS;")) return func def show_roles_func(cursor): def func(): return set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW ROLES;")) return func def show_users_for_role_func(cursor, rolename): def func(): return set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"SHOW USERS FOR {rolename};")) return func def show_role_for_user_func(cursor, username): def func(): return set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"SHOW ROLE FOR {username};")) return func def show_privileges_func(cursor, user_or_role): def func(): return set(execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"SHOW PRIVILEGES FOR {user_or_role};")) return func def show_database_privileges_func(cursor, user): def func(): return execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"SHOW DATABASE PRIVILEGES FOR {user};") return func def show_database_func(cursor): def func(): return execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"SHOW DATABASE;") return func def try_and_count(cursor, query): try: execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, query) except: return 1 return 0 def only_main_queries(cursor): n_exceptions = 0 n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"CREATE USER user_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"SET PASSWORD FOR user_name TO 'new_password'") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"DROP USER user_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"CREATE ROLE role_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"DROP ROLE role_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"CREATE USER user_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"CREATE ROLE role_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"SET ROLE FOR user_name TO role_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"CLEAR ROLE FOR user_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"GRANT AUTH TO role_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"DENY AUTH, INDEX TO user_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"REVOKE AUTH FROM role_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"GRANT READ ON LABELS :l TO role_name;") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"REVOKE EDGE_TYPES :e FROM user_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"GRANT DATABASE memgraph TO user_name;") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"SET MAIN DATABASE memgraph FOR user_name") n_exceptions += try_and_count(cursor, f"REVOKE DATABASE memgraph FROM user_name;") return n_exceptions def main_and_repl_queries(cursor): n_exceptions = 0 try_and_count(cursor, f"SHOW USERS") try_and_count(cursor, f"SHOW ROLES") try_and_count(cursor, f"SHOW USERS FOR ROLE role_name") try_and_count(cursor, f"SHOW ROLE FOR user_name") try_and_count(cursor, f"SHOW PRIVILEGES FOR role_name") try_and_count(cursor, f"SHOW DATABASE PRIVILEGES FOR user_name") return n_exceptions def test_auth_queries_on_replica(connection): # Goal: check that write auth queries are forbidden on REPLICAs # 0/ Setup replication cluster # 1/ Check queries MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica1", ], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "replica_2": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica2", ], "log_file": "replica2.log", "setup_queries": [ f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};", ], }, "main": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/main", ], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';", ], }, } # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL, keep_directories=False) cursor_main = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main", "UsErA", "pass").cursor() cursor_replica_1 = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "UsErA", "pass").cursor() cursor_replica_2 = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "UsErA", "pass").cursor() # 1/ assert only_main_queries(cursor_main) == 0 assert only_main_queries(cursor_replica_1) == 17 assert only_main_queries(cursor_replica_2) == 17 assert main_and_repl_queries(cursor_main) == 0 assert main_and_repl_queries(cursor_replica_1) == 0 assert main_and_repl_queries(cursor_replica_2) == 0 def test_manual_users_recovery(connection): # Goal: show system recovery in action at registration time # 0/ MAIN CREATE USER user1, user2 # REPLICA CREATE USER user3, user4 # Setup replication cluster # 1/ Check that both MAIN and REPLICA have user1 and user2 # 2/ Check connections on REPLICAS MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica1", ], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE USER user3;", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "replica_2": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica2", ], "log_file": "replica2.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE USER user4 IDENTIFIED BY 'password';", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};", ], }, "main": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/main", ], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE USER user1;", "CREATE USER user2 IDENTIFIED BY 'password';", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';", ], }, } # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL, keep_directories=False) cursor = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main", "user1").cursor() # 1/ expected_data = {("user2",), ("user1",)} mg_sleep_and_assert( expected_data, show_users_func(connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "user1").cursor()) ) mg_sleep_and_assert( expected_data, show_users_func(connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "user1").cursor()) ) # 2/ connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "user1").cursor() connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "user2", "password").cursor() connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "user1").cursor() connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "user2", "password").cursor() def test_env_users_recovery(connection): # Goal: show system recovery in action at registration time # 0/ Set users from the environment # MAIN gets users from the environment # Setup replication cluster # 1/ Check that both MAIN and REPLICA have user1 MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica1", ], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "replica_2": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica2", ], "log_file": "replica2.log", "setup_queries": [ f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};", ], }, "main": { "username": "user1", "password": "password", "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/main", ], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';", ], }, } # 0/ # Start only replicas without the env user interactive_mg_runner.stop_all(keep_directories=False) interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL, "replica_1") interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL, "replica_2") # Setup user try: os.environ["MEMGRAPH_USER"] = "user1" os.environ["MEMGRAPH_PASSWORD"] = "password" # Start main interactive_mg_runner.start(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL, "main") finally: # Cleanup del os.environ["MEMGRAPH_USER"] del os.environ["MEMGRAPH_PASSWORD"] # 1/ expected_data = {("user1",)} assert expected_data == show_users_func(connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main", "user1", "password").cursor())() mg_sleep_and_assert( expected_data, show_users_func(connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "user1", "password").cursor()) ) mg_sleep_and_assert( expected_data, show_users_func(connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "user1", "password").cursor()) ) def test_manual_roles_recovery(connection): # Goal: show system recovery in action at registration time # 0/ MAIN CREATE USER user1, user2 # REPLICA CREATE USER user3, user4 # Setup replication cluster # 1/ Check that both MAIN and REPLICA have user1 and user2 # 2/ Check that role1 and role2 are replicated # 3/ Check that user1 has role1 MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica1", ], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE ROLE role3;", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "replica_2": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica2", ], "log_file": "replica2.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE ROLE role4;", "CREATE USER user4;", "SET ROLE FOR user4 TO role4;", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};", ], }, "main": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/main", ], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE ROLE role1;", "CREATE ROLE role2;", "CREATE USER user2;", "SET ROLE FOR user2 TO role2;", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';", ], }, } # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL, keep_directories=False) connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main", "user2").cursor() # Just check if it connects cursor_replica_1 = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "user2").cursor() cursor_replica_2 = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "user2").cursor() # 1/ expected_data = { ("user2",), } mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_users_func(cursor_replica_1)) mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_users_func(cursor_replica_2)) # 2/ expected_data = {("role2",), ("role1",)} mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_roles_func(cursor_replica_1)) mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, show_roles_func(cursor_replica_2)) # 3/ expected_data = {("role2",)} mg_sleep_and_assert( expected_data, show_role_for_user_func(cursor_replica_1, "user2"), ) mg_sleep_and_assert( expected_data, show_role_for_user_func(cursor_replica_2, "user2"), ) def test_auth_config_recovery(connection): # Goal: show we are replicating Auth::Config # 0/ Setup auth configuration and compliant users # 1/ Check that both MAIN and REPLICA have the same users # 2/ Check that REPLICAS have the same config MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--auth-password-strength-regex", "^[A-Z]+$", "--auth-password-permit-null=false", "--auth-user-or-role-name-regex", "^[O-o]+$", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica1", ], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE USER OPQabc IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD';", "CREATE ROLE defRST;", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "replica_2": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--auth-password-strength-regex", "^[0-9]+$", "--auth-password-permit-null=true", "--auth-user-or-role-name-regex", "^[A-Np-z]+$", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica2", ], "log_file": "replica2.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE ROLE ABCpqr;", "CREATE USER stuDEF;", "CREATE USER GvHwI IDENTIFIED BY '123456';", "SET ROLE FOR GvHwI TO ABCpqr;", f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};", ], }, "main": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--auth-password-strength-regex", "^[a-z]+$", "--auth-password-permit-null=false", "--auth-user-or-role-name-regex", "^[A-z]+$", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/main", ], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ "CREATE USER UsErA IDENTIFIED BY 'pass';", "CREATE ROLE rOlE;", "CREATE USER uSeRB IDENTIFIED BY 'word';", "SET ROLE FOR uSeRB TO rOlE;", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';", ], }, } # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL, keep_directories=False) # 1/ cursor_main = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main", "UsErA", "pass").cursor() cursor_replica_1 = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "UsErA", "pass").cursor() cursor_replica_2 = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "UsErA", "pass").cursor() # 2/ Only MAIN can update users def user_test(cursor): with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError, match="Invalid user name."): add_user(cursor, "UsEr1", "abcdef") with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError, match="Null passwords aren't permitted!"): add_user(cursor, "UsErC") with pytest.raises(mgclient.DatabaseError, match="The user password doesn't conform to the required strength!"): add_user(cursor, "UsErC", "123456") user_test(cursor_main) update_to_main(cursor_replica_1) user_test(cursor_replica_1) update_to_main(cursor_replica_2) user_test(cursor_replica_2) def test_auth_replication(connection): # Goal: show that individual auth queries get replicated MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL = { "replica_1": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_1']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica1", ], "log_file": "replica1.log", "setup_queries": [ f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']};", ], }, "replica_2": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['replica_2']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/replica2", ], "log_file": "replica2.log", "setup_queries": [ f"SET REPLICATION ROLE TO REPLICA WITH PORT {REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']};", ], }, "main": { "args": [ "--experimental-enabled=system-replication", "--bolt-port", f"{BOLT_PORTS['main']}", "--log-level=TRACE", "--data_directory", TEMP_DIR + "/main", ], "log_file": "main.log", "setup_queries": [ f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_1 SYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_1']}';", f"REGISTER REPLICA replica_2 ASYNC TO '{REPLICATION_PORTS['replica_2']}';", ], }, } # 0/ interactive_mg_runner.start_all(MEMGRAPH_INSTANCES_DESCRIPTION_MANUAL, keep_directories=False) cursor_main = connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main", "user1").cursor() cursor_replica1 = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() cursor_replica2 = connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica").cursor() # 1/ def check(f, expected_data): # mg_sleep_and_assert( # REPLICA 1 is SYNC, should already be ready assert expected_data == f(cursor_replica1)() # ) mg_sleep_and_assert(expected_data, f(cursor_replica2)) # CREATE USER execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "CREATE USER user1") check( show_users_func, { ("user1",), }, ) execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "CREATE USER user2 IDENTIFIED BY 'pass'") check( show_users_func, { ("user2",), ("user1",), }, ) connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "user1").cursor() # Just check connection connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "user1").cursor() # Just check connection connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "user2", "pass").cursor() # Just check connection connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "user2", "pass").cursor() # Just check connection # SET PASSWORD execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "SET PASSWORD FOR user1 TO '1234'") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "SET PASSWORD FOR user2 TO 'new_pass'") connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "user1", "1234").cursor() # Just check connection connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "user1", "1234").cursor() # Just check connection connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "user2", "new_pass").cursor() # Just check connection connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "user2", "new_pass").cursor() # Just check connection # DROP USER execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "DROP USER user2") check( show_users_func, { ("user1",), }, ) execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "DROP USER user1") check(show_users_func, set()) connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica").cursor() # Just check connection connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica").cursor() # Just check connection # CREATE ROLE execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "CREATE ROLE role1") check( show_roles_func, { ("role1",), }, ) execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "CREATE ROLE role2") check( show_roles_func, { ("role2",), ("role1",), }, ) # DROP ROLE execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "DROP ROLE role2") check( show_roles_func, { ("role1",), }, ) execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "DROP ROLE role1") check(show_roles_func, set()) # SET ROLE execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "CREATE USER user3") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "CREATE ROLE role3") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "SET ROLE FOR user3 TO role3") check(partial(show_role_for_user_func, username="user3"), {("role3",)}) execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "CREATE USER user3b") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "SET ROLE FOR user3b TO role3") check(partial(show_role_for_user_func, username="user3b"), {("role3",)}) check( partial(show_users_for_role_func, rolename="role3"), { ("user3",), ("user3b",), }, ) # CLEAR ROLE execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "CLEAR ROLE FOR user3") check(partial(show_role_for_user_func, username="user3"), {("null",)}) check( partial(show_users_for_role_func, rolename="role3"), { ("user3b",), }, ) # GRANT/REVOKE/DENY privileges TO user execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "CREATE USER user4") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM user4") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "GRANT CREATE, DELETE, SET TO user4") check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="user4"), { ("CREATE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO USER"), ("DELETE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO USER"), ("SET", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO USER"), }, ) execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "REVOKE SET FROM user4") check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="user4"), {("CREATE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO USER"), ("DELETE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO USER")}, ) execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "DENY DELETE TO user4") check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="user4"), {("CREATE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO USER"), ("DELETE", "DENY", "DENIED TO USER")}, ) # GRANT/REVOKE/DENY privileges TO role execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM role3") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM user3b") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "GRANT CREATE, DELETE, SET TO role3") check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="role3"), { ("CREATE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE"), ("DELETE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE"), ("SET", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE"), }, ) check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="user3b"), { ("CREATE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE"), ("DELETE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE"), ("SET", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE"), }, ) execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "REVOKE SET FROM role3") check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="role3"), {("CREATE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE"), ("DELETE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE")}, ) check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="user3b"), {("CREATE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE"), ("DELETE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE")}, ) execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "DENY DELETE TO role3") check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="role3"), {("CREATE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE"), ("DELETE", "DENY", "DENIED TO ROLE")}, ) check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="user3b"), {("CREATE", "GRANT", "GRANTED TO ROLE"), ("DELETE", "DENY", "DENIED TO ROLE")}, ) # GRANT permission ON LABEL/EDGE to user/role execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM role3") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM user4") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM user3b") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "GRANT READ ON LABELS :l1 TO user4") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "GRANT UPDATE ON LABELS :l2, :l3 TO role3") check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="user4"), { ("LABEL :l1", "READ", "LABEL PERMISSION GRANTED TO USER"), }, ) check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="role3"), { ("LABEL :l3", "UPDATE", "LABEL PERMISSION GRANTED TO ROLE"), ("LABEL :l2", "UPDATE", "LABEL PERMISSION GRANTED TO ROLE"), }, ) check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="user3b"), { ("LABEL :l3", "UPDATE", "LABEL PERMISSION GRANTED TO ROLE"), ("LABEL :l2", "UPDATE", "LABEL PERMISSION GRANTED TO ROLE"), }, ) execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "REVOKE LABELS :l1 FROM user4") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "REVOKE LABELS :l2 FROM role3") check(partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="user4"), set()) check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="role3"), {("LABEL :l3", "UPDATE", "LABEL PERMISSION GRANTED TO ROLE")}, ) check( partial(show_privileges_func, user_or_role="user3b"), {("LABEL :l3", "UPDATE", "LABEL PERMISSION GRANTED TO ROLE")}, ) # GRANT/REVOKE DATABASE execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "CREATE DATABASE auth_test") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "CREATE DATABASE auth_test2") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "GRANT DATABASE auth_test TO user4") check(partial(show_database_privileges_func, user="user4"), [(["auth_test", "memgraph"], [])]) execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "REVOKE DATABASE auth_test2 FROM user4") check(partial(show_database_privileges_func, user="user4"), [(["auth_test", "memgraph"], ["auth_test2"])]) # SET MAIN DATABASE execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO user4") execute_and_fetch_all(cursor_main, "SET MAIN DATABASE auth_test FOR user4") # Reconnect and check current db assert ( execute_and_fetch_all(connection(BOLT_PORTS["main"], "main", "user4").cursor(), "SHOW DATABASE")[0][0] == "auth_test" ) assert ( execute_and_fetch_all(connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_1"], "replica", "user4").cursor(), "SHOW DATABASE")[0][0] == "auth_test" ) assert ( execute_and_fetch_all(connection(BOLT_PORTS["replica_2"], "replica", "user4").cursor(), "SHOW DATABASE")[0][0] == "auth_test" ) if __name__ == "__main__": interactive_mg_runner.cleanup_directories_on_exit() sys.exit(pytest.main([__file__, "-rA"]))