#ifndef MEMGRAPH_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_LOG_HPP #define MEMGRAPH_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_LOG_HPP #include #include #include "sync/spinlock.hpp" #include "sync/lockable.hpp" // optimize allocation performance by preallocating chunks in like 2MB or so // optimize memory by purging old transactions after vacuuming or something // this is not sustainable in the long run class CommitLog : Lockable { void begin() { auto guard = this->acquire(); log.push_back(0); } void mark_aborted(uint64_t) { // this would be useful in a different implementation } void mark_committed(uint64_t id) { auto guard = this->acquire(); log.set(id, true); } bool is_committed(uint64_t id) { auto guard = this->acquire(); return log[id]; } private: boost::dynamic_bitset log; }; #endif