#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import tempfile from tabulate import tabulate from timeit import default_timer as timer # hackish way to resuse existing start code sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../tests/macro_benchmark/") from databases import * from clients import * def main(): durability_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() DURABILITY_DIR_ARG = ["--data-directory", durability_dir.name] MAKE_SNAPSHOT_ARGS = ["--storage-snapshot-on-exit"] + DURABILITY_DIR_ARG RECOVER_SNAPSHOT_ARGS = ["--storage-recover-on-startup"] + \ DURABILITY_DIR_ARG snapshot_memgraph = Memgraph(MAKE_SNAPSHOT_ARGS, 1) recover_memgraph = Memgraph(RECOVER_SNAPSHOT_ARGS, 1) client = QueryClient(None, 1) results = [] for node_cnt in [10**6, 5*10**6, 10**7]: for edge_per_node in [0, 1, 3]: for prop_per_node in [0, 1]: snapshot_memgraph.start() properties = "{}".format(",".join( ["p{}: 0".format(x) for x in range(prop_per_node)])) client(["UNWIND RANGE(1, {}) AS _ CREATE ({{ {} }})".format(node_cnt, properties)], snapshot_memgraph) client(["UNWIND RANGE(1, {}) AS _ MATCH (n) CREATE (n)-[:l]->(n)" .format(edge_per_node)], snapshot_memgraph) snapshot_memgraph.stop() # This waits for the snapshot to be recovered and then exits start = timer() recover_memgraph.start() recover_memgraph.stop() stop = timer() diff = stop - start snapshots_dir = os.path.join(durability_dir.name, "snapshots") assert (len(os.listdir(snapshots_dir)) == 1) snapshot_file = os.path.join(snapshots_dir, os.listdir(snapshots_dir)[0]) snap_size = round(os.path.getsize(snapshot_file) / 1024. / 1024., 2) os.remove(snapshot_file) edge_cnt = edge_per_node * node_cnt results.append((node_cnt, edge_cnt, prop_per_node, snap_size, diff)) print(tabulate(tabular_data=results, headers=["Nodes", "Edges", "Properties", "Snapshot size (MB)", "Elapsed time (s)"])) if __name__ == "__main__": main()