#include #include #include "utils/logging.hpp" #include "utils/timer.hpp" DEFINE_uint64(bolt_port, 7687, "Bolt port"); DEFINE_uint64(timeout, 120, "Timeout seconds"); int main(int argc, char **argv) { google::SetUsageMessage("Memgraph E2E Memory Control"); gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); logging::RedirectToStderr(); mg::Client::Init(); auto client = mg::Client::Connect({.host = "", .port = static_cast(FLAGS_bolt_port), .use_ssl = false}); if (!client) { LOG_FATAL("Failed to connect!"); } client->Execute("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;"); client->DiscardAll(); const auto *create_query = "UNWIND range(1, 50) as u CREATE (n {string: \"Some longer string\"}) RETURN n;"; utils::Timer timer; while (true) { if (timer.Elapsed>().count() > FLAGS_timeout) { LOG_FATAL("The test timed out"); } client->Execute(create_query); if (!client->FetchOne()) { break; } client->DiscardAll(); } spdlog::info("Memgraph is out of memory"); spdlog::info("Cleaning up unused memory"); client->Execute("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;"); client->DiscardAll(); client->Execute("FREE MEMORY;"); client->DiscardAll(); // now it should succeed spdlog::info("Retrying the query with the memory cleaned up"); client->Execute(create_query); if (!client->FetchOne()) { LOG_FATAL("Memgraph is still out of memory"); } return 0; }