# Copyright 2021 Memgraph Ltd. # # Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License # included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source # License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. # # As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with # the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed # by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file # licenses/APL.txt. import mgclient import time from multiprocessing import Process, Value # These are the indices of the different values in the result of SHOW STREAM # query NAME = 0 TYPE = 1 BATCH_INTERVAL = 2 BATCH_SIZE = 3 TRANSFORM = 4 OWNER = 5 IS_RUNNING = 6 # These are the indices of the query and parameters in the result of CHECK # STREAM query QUERY = 0 PARAMS = 1 SIMPLE_MSG = b"message" def execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, query): cursor.execute(query) return cursor.fetchall() def connect(**kwargs): connection = mgclient.connect(host="localhost", port=7687, **kwargs) connection.autocommit = True return connection def timed_wait(fun): start_time = time.time() seconds = 10 while True: current_time = time.time() elapsed_time = current_time - start_time if elapsed_time > seconds: return False if fun(): return True time.sleep(0.1) def check_one_result_row(cursor, query): start_time = time.time() seconds = 10 while True: current_time = time.time() elapsed_time = current_time - start_time if elapsed_time > seconds: return False cursor.execute(query) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) < 1: time.sleep(0.1) continue return len(results) == 1 def check_vertex_exists_with_properties(cursor, properties): properties_string = ', '.join([f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in properties.items()]) assert check_one_result_row( cursor, "MATCH (n: MESSAGE {" f"{properties_string}" "}) RETURN n", ) def get_stream_info(cursor, stream_name): stream_infos = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "SHOW STREAMS") for stream_info in stream_infos: if stream_info[NAME] == stream_name: return stream_info return None def get_is_running(cursor, stream_name): stream_info = get_stream_info(cursor, stream_name) assert stream_info return stream_info[IS_RUNNING] def start_stream(cursor, stream_name): execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"START STREAM {stream_name}") assert get_is_running(cursor, stream_name) def stop_stream(cursor, stream_name): execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"STOP STREAM {stream_name}") assert not get_is_running(cursor, stream_name) def drop_stream(cursor, stream_name): execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"DROP STREAM {stream_name}") assert get_stream_info(cursor, stream_name) is None def check_stream_info(cursor, stream_name, expected_stream_info): stream_info = get_stream_info(cursor, stream_name) assert len(stream_info) == len(expected_stream_info) for info, expected_info in zip(stream_info, expected_stream_info): assert info == expected_info def kafka_check_vertex_exists_with_topic_and_payload(cursor, topic, payload_bytes): decoded_payload = payload_bytes.decode('utf-8') check_vertex_exists_with_properties( cursor, {'topic': f'"{topic}"', 'payload': f'"{decoded_payload}"'}) def pulsar_default_namespace_topic(topic): return f'persistent://public/default/{topic}' def test_start_and_stop_during_check( operation, connection, stream_creator, message_sender, already_stopped_error): # This test is quite complex. The goal is to call START/STOP queries # while a CHECK query is waiting for its result. Because the Global # Interpreter Lock, running queries on multiple threads is not useful, # because only one of them can call Cursor::execute at a time. Therefore # multiple processes are used to execute the queries, because different # processes have different GILs. # The counter variables are thread- and process-safe variables to # synchronize between the different processes. Each value represents a # specific phase of the execution of the processes. assert operation in ["START", "STOP"] cursor = connection.cursor() execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, stream_creator('test_stream') ) check_counter = Value("i", 0) check_result_len = Value("i", 0) operation_counter = Value("i", 0) CHECK_BEFORE_EXECUTE = 1 CHECK_AFTER_FETCHALL = 2 CHECK_CORRECT_RESULT = 3 CHECK_INCORRECT_RESULT = 4 def call_check(counter, result_len): # This process will call the CHECK query and increment the counter # based on its progress and expected behavior connection = connect() cursor = connection.cursor() counter.value = CHECK_BEFORE_EXECUTE result = execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, "CHECK STREAM test_stream") result_len.value = len(result) counter.value = CHECK_AFTER_FETCHALL if len(result) > 0 and "payload: 'message'" in result[0][QUERY]: counter.value = CHECK_CORRECT_RESULT else: counter.value = CHECK_INCORRECT_RESULT OP_BEFORE_EXECUTE = 1 OP_AFTER_FETCHALL = 2 OP_ALREADY_STOPPED_EXCEPTION = 3 OP_INCORRECT_ALREADY_STOPPED_EXCEPTION = 4 OP_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION = 5 def call_operation(counter): # This porcess will call the query with the specified operation and # increment the counter based on its progress and expected behavior connection = connect() cursor = connection.cursor() counter.value = OP_BEFORE_EXECUTE try: execute_and_fetch_all(cursor, f"{operation} STREAM test_stream") counter.value = OP_AFTER_FETCHALL except mgclient.DatabaseError as e: if already_stopped_error in str(e): counter.value = OP_ALREADY_STOPPED_EXCEPTION else: counter.value = OP_INCORRECT_ALREADY_STOPPED_EXCEPTION except Exception: counter.value = OP_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION check_stream_proc = Process( target=call_check, daemon=True, args=(check_counter, check_result_len) ) operation_proc = Process( target=call_operation, daemon=True, args=(operation_counter,) ) try: check_stream_proc.start() time.sleep(0.5) assert timed_wait(lambda: check_counter.value == CHECK_BEFORE_EXECUTE) assert timed_wait(lambda: get_is_running(cursor, "test_stream")) assert check_counter.value == CHECK_BEFORE_EXECUTE, ( "SHOW STREAMS " "was blocked until the end of CHECK STREAM" ) operation_proc.start() assert timed_wait(lambda: operation_counter.value == OP_BEFORE_EXECUTE) message_sender(SIMPLE_MSG) assert timed_wait(lambda: check_counter.value > CHECK_AFTER_FETCHALL) assert check_counter.value == CHECK_CORRECT_RESULT assert check_result_len.value == 1 check_stream_proc.join() operation_proc.join() if operation == "START": assert operation_counter.value == OP_AFTER_FETCHALL assert get_is_running(cursor, "test_stream") else: assert operation_counter.value == OP_ALREADY_STOPPED_EXCEPTION assert not get_is_running(cursor, "test_stream") finally: # to make sure CHECK STREAM finishes message_sender(SIMPLE_MSG) if check_stream_proc.is_alive(): check_stream_proc.terminate() if operation_proc.is_alive(): operation_proc.terminate() def test_start_checked_stream_after_timeout(connection, stream_creator): cursor = connection.cursor() execute_and_fetch_all( cursor, stream_creator('test_stream') ) timeout_ms = 2000 def call_check(): execute_and_fetch_all( connect().cursor(), f"CHECK STREAM test_stream TIMEOUT {timeout_ms}") check_stream_proc = Process(target=call_check, daemon=True) start = time.time() check_stream_proc.start() assert timed_wait( lambda: get_is_running( cursor, "test_stream")) start_stream(cursor, "test_stream") end = time.time() assert (end - start) < 1.3 * \ timeout_ms, "The START STREAM was blocked too long" assert get_is_running(cursor, "test_stream") stop_stream(cursor, "test_stream")