#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.hpp" #include "utils/logging.hpp" #include "utils/thread.hpp" #include "utils/timer.hpp" DEFINE_string(output_file, "memgraph__e2e__replication__read_write_benchmark.json", "Output file where the results should be in JSON format."); int main(int argc, char **argv) { google::SetUsageMessage("Memgraph E2E Replication Read-write Benchmark"); gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); logging::RedirectToStderr(); const auto database_endpoints = mg::e2e::replication::ParseDatabaseEndpoints(FLAGS_database_endpoints); nlohmann::json output; output["nodes"] = FLAGS_nodes; output["edges"] = FLAGS_edges; mg::Client::Init(); { auto client = mg::e2e::replication::Connect(database_endpoints[0]); client->Execute("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;"); client->DiscardAll(); client->Execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Node(id);"); client->DiscardAll(); // Sleep a bit so the index get replicated. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500)); for (const auto &database_endpoint : database_endpoints) { auto client = mg::e2e::replication::Connect(database_endpoint); client->Execute("SHOW INDEX INFO;"); if (auto data = client->FetchAll()) { auto label_name = (*data)[0][1].ValueString(); auto property_name = (*data)[0][2].ValueString(); if (label_name != "Node" || property_name != "id") { LOG_FATAL("{} does NOT have valid indexes created.", database_endpoint); } } else { LOG_FATAL("Unable to get INDEX INFO from {}", database_endpoint); } } spdlog::info("All indexes are in-place."); utils::Timer node_write_timer; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_nodes; ++i) { client->Execute("CREATE (:Node {id:" + std::to_string(i) + "});"); client->DiscardAll(); } output["node_write_time"] = node_write_timer.Elapsed().count(); mg::e2e::replication::IntGenerator edge_generator("EdgeCreateGenerator", 0, FLAGS_nodes - 1); utils::Timer edge_write_timer; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_edges; ++i) { client->Execute("MATCH (n {id:" + std::to_string(edge_generator.Next()) + "}), (m {id:" + std::to_string(edge_generator.Next()) + "}) CREATE (n)-[:Edge]->(m);"); client->DiscardAll(); } output["edge_write_time"] = node_write_timer.Elapsed().count(); } { // Benchmark read queries. const int num_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); std::atomic query_counter{0}; std::vector threads; std::vector thread_duration; threads.reserve(num_threads); thread_duration.resize(num_threads); for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) { const auto &database_endpoint = database_endpoints[i % database_endpoints.size()]; threads.emplace_back([i, &database_endpoint, &query_counter, &local_duration = thread_duration[i]] { utils::ThreadSetName(fmt::format("BenchWriter{}", i)); auto client = mg::e2e::replication::Connect(database_endpoint); mg::e2e::replication::IntGenerator node_generator(fmt::format("NodeReadGenerator {}", i), 0, FLAGS_nodes - 1); utils::Timer t; while (true) { local_duration = t.Elapsed().count(); if (local_duration >= FLAGS_reads_duration_limit) break; try { client->Execute("MATCH (n {id:" + std::to_string(node_generator.Next()) + "})-[e]->(m) RETURN e, m;"); client->DiscardAll(); query_counter.fetch_add(1); } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG_FATAL(e.what()); break; } } }); } for (auto &t : threads) { if (t.joinable()) t.join(); } double all_duration = 0; for (auto &d : thread_duration) all_duration += d; output["total_read_duration"] = all_duration; double per_thread_read_duration = all_duration / num_threads; output["per_thread_read_duration"] = per_thread_read_duration; output["read_per_second"] = query_counter / per_thread_read_duration; output["read_queries"] = query_counter.load(); spdlog::info("Output data: {}", output.dump()); std::ofstream output_file(FLAGS_output_file); output_file << output.dump(); output_file.close(); } { auto client = mg::e2e::replication::Connect(database_endpoints[0]); client->Execute("DROP INDEX ON :Node(id);"); client->DiscardAll(); // Sleep a bit so the drop index get replicated. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500)); for (const auto &database_endpoint : database_endpoints) { auto client = mg::e2e::replication::Connect(database_endpoint); client->Execute("SHOW INDEX INFO;"); if (const auto data = client->FetchAll()) { if ((*data).size() != 0) { LOG_FATAL("{} still have some indexes.", database_endpoint); } } else { LOG_FATAL("Unable to get INDEX INFO from {}", database_endpoint); } } spdlog::info("All indexes were deleted."); } mg::Client::Finalize(); return 0; }