// Copyright 2021 Memgraph Ltd. // // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source // License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. // // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file // licenses/APL.txt. #define LOG_NO_INFO 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include "query/frontend/stripped.hpp" // clang-format off const char *kQueries[] = { "MATCH (a) RETURN size(collect(a))", "CREATE (a:L), (b1), (b2) CREATE (a)-[:A]->(b1), (a)-[:A]->(b2)", "MATCH (a:L)-[rel]->(b) RETURN a, count(*)", "CREATE ({division: 'Sweden'})", "MATCH (n) RETURN n.division, count(*) ORDER BY count(*) DESC, n.division ASC", "UNWIND ['a', 'b', 'B', null, 'abc', 'abc1'] AS i RETURN max(i)", "CREATE ({created: true})", "MATCH (a)-[r]-(b) DELETE r, a, b RETURN count(*) AS c", "MATCH (u:User) WITH {key: u} AS nodes DELETE nodes.key", "CREATE ()-[:T {id: 42, alive: true, name: kifla, height: 4.2}]->()", "MATCH p = ()-[r:T]-() WHERE r.id = 42 DELETE r", "UNWIND range(0, 1000) AS i CREATE (:A {id: i}) MERGE (:B {id: i % 10})", "MATCH (n) WHERE NOT(n.name = 'apa' AND false) RETURN n", "CREATE ()-[:REL {property1: 12, property2: 24}]->()", "MATCH (n:A) WHERE n.name = 'Andres' SET n.name = 'Michael' RETURN n", "MATCH (n:A) SET (n).name = 'memgraph' RETURN n", "CREATE (a {foo: [1, 2, 3]}) SET a.foo = a.foo + [4, 5] RETURN a.foo", "MATCH (n:X {foo: 'A'}) SET n = {foo: 'B', baz: 'C'} RETURN n", "MATCH (n:X {foo: 'A'}) SET n += {foo: null} RETURN n", "MATCH (n) WITH n LIMIT toInteger(ceil(1.7)) RETURN count(*) AS count", "MATCH (a:A), (b:B) MERGE (a)-[r:TYPE]->(b) ON CREATE SET r.name = 'Lola' RETURN count(r)", "CREATE (:L1:L2:L3:L4:L5:L6:L7 {p1: true, p2: 42, p3: \"Here is some text that is not extremely short\", p4:\"Short text\", p5: 234.434, p6: 11.11, p7: false})", }; // clang-format on auto BM_Strip = [](benchmark::State &state, auto &function, std::string query) { while (state.KeepRunning()) { for (int start = 0; start < state.range(0); start++) { function(query); } } state.SetComplexityN(state.range(0)); }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { auto preprocess = [](const std::string &query) { return query::frontend::StrippedQuery(query); }; for (auto test : kQueries) { benchmark::RegisterBenchmark(test, BM_Strip, preprocess, test)->Range(1, 1)->Complexity(benchmark::oN); } benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv); benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(); return 0; }