#include "bolt_common.hpp" #include "communication/bolt/v1/encoder/chunked_encoder_buffer.hpp" // aliases using BufferT = communication::bolt::ChunkedEncoderBuffer<TestOutputStream>; // constants using communication::bolt::kChunkHeaderSize; using communication::bolt::kChunkMaxDataSize; using communication::bolt::kChunkWholeSize; // test data constexpr const int kTestDataSize = 100000; uint8_t test_data[kTestDataSize]; /** * Verifies a single chunk. The chunk should be constructed from a header * (chunk size) and data. The header is a two byte long number written in big * endian format. Data is an array of elements from test_data whose max size is * 0xFFFF. * * @param data pointer on data array (array of bytes) * @param size of data array * @param offset offset from the begining of the test data */ void VerifyChunkOfTestData(uint8_t *data, int size, uint64_t offset = 0) { // first two bytes are size (big endian) uint8_t lower_byte = size & 0xFF; uint8_t higher_byte = (size & 0xFF00) >> 8; ASSERT_EQ(*data, higher_byte); ASSERT_EQ(*(data + 1), lower_byte); // in the data array should be size number of ones // the header is skipped for (auto i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(data[i + kChunkHeaderSize], test_data[i + offset]); } } TEST(BoltChunkedEncoderBuffer, OneSmallChunk) { int size = 100; // initialize tested buffer TestOutputStream output_stream; BufferT buffer(output_stream); // write into buffer buffer.Write(test_data, size); buffer.Flush(); // check the output array // the array should look like: [0, 100, first 100 bytes of test data] VerifyChunkOfTestData(output_stream.output.data(), size); } TEST(BoltChunkedEncoderBuffer, TwoSmallChunks) { int size1 = 100; int size2 = 200; // initialize tested buffer TestOutputStream output_stream; BufferT buffer(output_stream); // write into buffer buffer.Write(test_data, size1); buffer.Flush(); buffer.Write(test_data + size1, size2); buffer.Flush(); // check the output array // the output array should look like this: // [0, 100, first 100 bytes of test data] + // [0, 100, second 100 bytes of test data] auto data = output_stream.output.data(); VerifyChunkOfTestData(data, size1); VerifyChunkOfTestData(data + kChunkHeaderSize + size1, size2, size1); } TEST(BoltChunkedEncoderBuffer, OneAndAHalfOfMaxChunk) { // initialize tested buffer TestOutputStream output_stream; BufferT buffer(output_stream); // write into buffer buffer.Write(test_data, kTestDataSize); buffer.Flush(); // check the output array // the output array should look like this: // [0xFF, 0xFF, first 65535 bytes of test data, // 0x86, 0xA1, 34465 bytes of test data after the first 65535 bytes] auto output = output_stream.output.data(); VerifyChunkOfTestData(output, kChunkMaxDataSize); VerifyChunkOfTestData(output + kChunkWholeSize, kTestDataSize - kChunkMaxDataSize, kChunkMaxDataSize); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { InitializeData(test_data, kTestDataSize); google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }