#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' A script for transfering all data from a Neo4j database into a Memgraph database. ''' import logging import json import os from time import time from datetime import datetime from argparse import ArgumentParser from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase, basic_auth log = logging.getLogger(__name__) TEMP_ID = "__memgraph_temp_id_314235423" TEMP_LABEL = "__memgraph_temp_label_1414213562" def parse_args(): argp = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) argp.add_argument("--neo-url", default = "", help = "Neo4j url, default") argp.add_argument("--neo-user", default = "neo4j", help = "Neo4j username, default neo4j.") argp.add_argument("--neo-password", default = "1234", help = "Neo4j password, default 1234.") argp.add_argument("--neo-ssl", default = False, choices = [True, False], help = "Encryption for neo4j auth data, default False") argp.add_argument("--memgraph-url", default = "", help = "Memgraph url, default") argp.add_argument("--logging", default = "DEBUG", choices = ["INFO", "DEBUG"], help = "Logging level, default debug.") argp.add_argument("--json-storage", default = "json", help = "Storage for JSON files.") return argp.parse_args() def create_vertex_cypher(vertex): """ Helper function that generates a cypher query for creting a vertex based on the given Bolt vertex. """ labels = "" if vertex.labels: labels += ":" + ":".join(vertex.labels) vertex.properties[TEMP_ID] = vertex.id properties = ", ".join('%s: %r' % kv for kv in vertex.properties.items()) return "CREATE (%s {%s})" % (labels, properties) def create_edge_cypher(edge, edge_num): """ Helper function that generates a cypher query for creting a edge based on the given Bolt edge. """ properties = ", ".join('%s: %r' % kv for kv in edge.properties.items()) return ["(from%s {%s: %r}), (to%s {%s: %r})" \ % (edge_num, TEMP_ID, edge.start, edge_num, TEMP_ID, edge.end), "CREATE (from%s)-[:%s {%s}]->(to%s)" \ % (edge_num, edge.type, properties, edge_num)] def vertex_to_dict(vertex): """ Returns dictionary which represents one vertex with labels and properties. :param vertex: Graph vertex """ return {"labels": list(vertex.labels), "properties": vertex.properties} def edge_to_dict(edge): """ Returns dictionary which represents one edge with type, start vertex, end vertex and properties. :param edge: Graph edge """ return {"type": edge.type, "properties": edge.properties, \ "start": edge.start, "end": edge.end} def create_json_file(storage, timestamp, element, batch_index, content): """ Creates json file with given content and path storage/timestamp/element and file name is batch_count.json. Creates directories where files are stored if directories don't exist. :param storage: str, path where all json files are stored :param timestamp: str, timestamp of the current transfer :param element: str, expected vertex or edge, which elements are stored in json :param batch_index: int, index of the current batch, used in file name :param content: list, contet which will be dumped in file """ json_file = os.path.join(storage, timestamp, element, str(batch_index) + ".json") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(json_file), exist_ok = True) print(content) with open(json_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(content, f, indent = 2) def transfer(storage, neo_driver, memgraph_driver): """ Copies all the data from Neo4j to Memgraph. """ # TODO add error handling neo_session = neo_driver.session() memgraph_session = memgraph_driver.session() # Creating index log.debug("Creating memgraph index on TEMP_LABEL and TEMP_ID.") memgraph_session.run("CREATE INDEX ON :%s(%s)" % (TEMP_LABEL, TEMP_ID)) neo_session.run("MATCH(n) SET n :%s, n.%s = ID(n)" % (TEMP_LABEL, TEMP_ID)) neo_session.run("CREATE INDEX ON :%s(%s)" % (TEMP_LABEL, TEMP_ID)) read_vertex_batch = 2 write_vertex_batch = 3 read_edge_batch = 2 write_edge_batch = 3 vertex_count = 0 edge_count = 0 cypher_query = "" batch_count = 0 timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(time()).strftime("%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S") def write_vertices(vertices): nonlocal batch_count cypher_query = "" vertices_list = [] for vertex in vertices: cypher_query += create_vertex_cypher(vertex) vertices_list.append(vertex_to_dict(vertex)) create_json_file(storage, timestamp, "vertices", batch_count, vertices_list) log.debug("Vertex create on cypher: %s" % (cypher_query)) memgraph_session.run(cypher_query).consume() batch_count += 1 vertices[:] = [] def write_edges(edges): nonlocal batch_count cypher_query = "" edge_num = 0 edges_list = [] for edge in edges: edges_list.append(edge_to_dict(edge)) edge_queries = create_edge_cypher(edge, edge_num) edge_num += 1 if cypher_query: cypher_query = edge_queries[0] + ", " + cypher_query + \ " " + edge_queries[1] else: cypher_query = ' '.join(edge_queries) create_json_file(storage, timestamp, "edges", batch_count, edges_list) cypher_query = "MATCH " + cypher_query log.debug("Edge create on cypher: %s" % (cypher_query)) memgraph_session.run(cypher_query).consume() batch_count += 1 edges[:] = [] # Vertex transfer start_id = 0 vertices_batch = [] while True: read_vertices_in_batch = 0 vertices = neo_session.run("MATCH(n) WHERE n.%s>=%s RETURN n " \ "ORDER BY ID(n) LIMIT %s" % (TEMP_ID, start_id, read_vertex_batch)) for vertex in vertices: vertex = vertex['n'] vertices_batch.append(vertex) if len(vertices_batch) >= write_vertex_batch: write_vertices(vertices_batch) start_id = vertex.id read_vertices_in_batch += 1 vertex_count += 1 start_id += 1 if read_vertices_in_batch != read_vertex_batch: break if len(vertices_batch) > 0: write_vertices(vertices_batch) max_id = neo_session.run("MATCH(n) RETURN MAX(ID(n)) AS id").peek()['id'] start_id = 0 batch_count = 0 edges_batch = [] while start_id <= max_id: edges = neo_session.run("MATCH (n)-[r]->() WHERE n.%s>=%s AND " \ "n.%s<%s RETURN r" % (TEMP_ID, start_id, TEMP_ID, start_id + read_edge_batch)) start_id = start_id + read_edge_batch for edge in edges: edge_count += 1 edge = edge['r'] edges_batch.append(edge) if len(edges_batch) >= write_edge_batch: write_edges(edges_batch) if len(edges_batch) > 0: write_edges(edges_batch) # TODO Drop index in memgraph when it will be supported log.debug("Removing TEMP_LABEL and TEMP_ID") memgraph_session.run("MATCH (n) REMOVE n:%s, n.%s" % (TEMP_LABEL, TEMP_ID)) neo_session.run("MATCH (n) REMOVE n:%s, n.%s" % (TEMP_LABEL, TEMP_ID)) neo_session.run("DROP INDEX ON :%s(%s)" % (TEMP_LABEL, TEMP_ID)) log.info("Created %d vertiecs and %d edges", vertex_count, edge_count) def main(): args = parse_args() if args.logging: logging.basicConfig(level=args.logging) logging.getLogger("neo4j").setLevel(logging.WARNING) log.info("Memgraph from Neo4j data import tool") neo_driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt://" + args.neo_url, auth=basic_auth(args.neo_user, args.neo_password), encrypted=args.neo_ssl) memgraph_driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt://" + args.memgraph_url, auth=basic_auth("", ""), encrypted=False) start_time = time() transfer(args.json_storage, neo_driver, memgraph_driver) log.info("Import complete in %.2f seconds", time() - start_time) pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()