// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd. // // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source // License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. // // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file // licenses/APL.txt. /// @file #pragma once #include namespace memgraph::utils { enum class TypeId : uint64_t { // Operators UNKNOWN, LOGICAL_OPERATOR, ONCE, NODE_CREATION_INFO, CREATE_NODE, EDGE_CREATION_INFO, CREATE_EXPAND, SCAN_ALL, SCAN_ALL_BY_LABEL, SCAN_ALL_BY_LABEL_PROPERTY_RANGE, SCAN_ALL_BY_LABEL_PROPERTY_VALUE, SCAN_ALL_BY_LABEL_PROPERTY, SCAN_ALL_BY_ID, EXPAND_COMMON, EXPAND, EXPANSION_LAMBDA, EXPAND_VARIABLE, CONSTRUCT_NAMED_PATH, FILTER, PRODUCE, DELETE, SET_PROPERTY, SET_PROPERTIES, SET_LABELS, REMOVE_PROPERTY, REMOVE_LABELS, EDGE_UNIQUENESS_FILTER, EMPTY_RESULT, ACCUMULATE, AGGREGATE, AGGREGATE_ELEMENT, SKIP, EVALUATE_PATTERN_FILTER, LIMIT, ORDERBY, MERGE, OPTIONAL, UNWIND, DISTINCT, UNION, CARTESIAN, OUTPUT_TABLE, OUTPUT_TABLE_STREAM, CALL_PROCEDURE, LOAD_CSV, FOREACH, APPLY, // Replication REP_APPEND_DELTAS_REQ, REP_APPEND_DELTAS_RES, REP_HEARTBEAT_REQ, REP_HEARTBEAT_RES, REP_FREQUENT_HEARTBEAT_REQ, REP_FREQUENT_HEARTBEAT_RES, REP_SNAPSHOT_REQ, REP_SNAPSHOT_RES, REP_WALFILES_REQ, REP_WALFILES_RES, REP_CURRENT_WAL_REQ, REP_CURRENT_WAL_RES, REP_TIMESTAMP_REQ, REP_TIMESTAMP_RES, // AST AST_LABELIX, AST_PROPERTYIX, AST_EDGETYPEIX, AST_TREE, AST_EXPRESSION, AST_WHERE, AST_BINARY_OPERATOR, AST_UNARY_OPERATOR, AST_OR_OPERATOR, AST_XOR_OPERATOR, AST_AND_OPERATOR, AST_ADDITION_OPERATOR, AST_SUBTRACTION_OPERATOR, AST_MULTIPLICATION_OPERATOR, AST_DIVISION_OPERATOR, AST_MOD_OPERATOR, AST_NOT_EQUAL_OPERATOR, AST_EQUAL_OPERATOR, AST_LESS_OPERATOR, AST_GREATER_OPERATOR, AST_LESS_EQUAL_OPERATOR, AST_GREATER_EQUAL_OPERATOR, AST_IN_LIST_OPERATOR, AST_SUBSCRIPT_OPERATOR, AST_NOT_OPERATOR, AST_UNARY_PLUS_OPERATOR, AST_UNARY_MINUS_OPERATOR, AST_IS_NULL_OPERATOR, AST_AGGREGATION, AST_LIST_SLICING_OPERATOR, AST_IF_OPERATOR, AST_BASE_LITERAL, AST_PRIMITIVE_LITERAL, AST_LIST_LITERAL, AST_MAP_LITERAL, AST_IDENTIFIER, AST_PROPERTY_LOOKUP, AST_LABELS_TEST, AST_FUNCTION, AST_REDUCE, AST_COALESCE, AST_EXTRACT, AST_ALL, AST_SINGLE, AST_ANY, AST_NONE, AST_PARAMETER_LOOKUP, AST_REGEX_MATCH, AST_NAMED_EXPRESSION, AST_PATTERN_ATOM, AST_NODE_ATOM, AST_EDGE_ATOM_LAMBDA, AST_EDGE_ATOM, AST_PATTERN, AST_CLAUSE, AST_SINGLE_QUERY, AST_CYPHER_UNION, AST_QUERY, AST_CYPHER_QUERY, AST_EXPLAIN_QUERY, AST_PROFILE_QUERY, AST_INDEX_QUERY, AST_CREATE, AST_CALL_PROCEDURE, AST_MATCH, AST_SORT_ITEM, AST_RETURN_BODY, AST_RETURN, AST_WITH, AST_DELETE, AST_SET_PROPERTY, AST_SET_PROPERTIES, AST_SET_LABELS, AST_REMOVE_PROPERTY, AST_REMOVE_LABELS, AST_MERGE, AST_UNWIND, AST_AUTH_QUERY, AST_INFO_QUERY, AST_CONSTRAINT, AST_CONSTRAINT_QUERY, AST_DUMP_QUERY, AST_REPLICATION_QUERY, AST_LOCK_PATH_QUERY, AST_LOAD_CSV, AST_FREE_MEMORY_QUERY, AST_TRIGGER_QUERY, AST_ISOLATION_LEVEL_QUERY, AST_CREATE_SNAPSHOT_QUERY, AST_STREAM_QUERY, AST_SETTING_QUERY, AST_VERSION_QUERY, AST_FOREACH, AST_SHOW_CONFIG_QUERY, AST_ANALYZE_GRAPH_QUERY, AST_TRANSACTION_QUEUE_QUERY, AST_EXISTS, AST_CALL_SUBQUERY, // Symbol SYMBOL, }; /// Type information on a C++ type. /// /// You should embed this structure as a static constant member `kType` and make /// sure you generate a unique ID for it. Also, if your type has inheritance, /// you may want to add a `virtual utils::TypeInfo GetType();` method to get the /// runtime type. struct TypeInfo { /// Unique ID for the type. TypeId id; /// Pretty name of the type. const char *name; /// `TypeInfo *` for superclass of this type. /// Multiple inheritance is not supported. const TypeInfo *superclass{nullptr}; }; inline bool operator==(const TypeInfo &a, const TypeInfo &b) { return a.id == b.id; } inline bool operator!=(const TypeInfo &a, const TypeInfo &b) { return a.id != b.id; } inline bool operator<(const TypeInfo &a, const TypeInfo &b) { return a.id < b.id; } inline bool operator<=(const TypeInfo &a, const TypeInfo &b) { return a.id <= b.id; } inline bool operator>(const TypeInfo &a, const TypeInfo &b) { return a.id > b.id; } inline bool operator>=(const TypeInfo &a, const TypeInfo &b) { return a.id >= b.id; } /// Return true if `a` is subtype or the same type as `b`. inline bool IsSubtype(const TypeInfo &a, const TypeInfo &b) { if (a == b) return true; const TypeInfo *super_a = a.superclass; while (super_a) { if (*super_a == b) return true; super_a = super_a->superclass; } return false; } template bool IsSubtype(const T &a, const TypeInfo &b) { return IsSubtype(a.GetTypeInfo(), b); } /// Downcast `a` to `TDerived` using static_cast. /// /// If `a` is `nullptr` or `TBase` is not a subtype of `TDerived`, then a /// `nullptr` is returned. /// /// This downcast is ill-formed if TBase is ambiguous, inaccessible, or virtual /// base (or a base of a virtual base) of TDerived. template TDerived *Downcast(TBase *a) { if (!a) return nullptr; if (IsSubtype(*a, TDerived::kType)) return static_cast(a); return nullptr; } } // namespace memgraph::utils