# Memgraph Query Modules CMake configuration # You should use the top level CMake configuration with -DQUERY_MODULES=ON # These modules are meant to be shipped with Memgraph installation. project(memgraph_query_modules VERSION ${memgraph_VERSION}) disallow_in_source_build() # Everything that is installed here, should be under the "query_modules" component. set(CMAKE_INSTALL_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_NAME "query_modules") add_library(example SHARED example.c) target_include_directories(example PRIVATE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include) target_compile_options(example PRIVATE -Wall) # Strip the library in release build. string(TOLOWER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} lower_build_type) if (lower_build_type STREQUAL "release") add_custom_command(TARGET example POST_BUILD COMMAND strip -s $<TARGET_FILE:example> COMMENT "Stripping symbols and sections from example module") endif() install(PROGRAMS $<TARGET_FILE:example> DESTINATION lib/memgraph/query_modules RENAME example.so) # Also install the source of the example, so user can read it. install(FILES example.c DESTINATION lib/memgraph/query_modules) add_subdirectory(louvain) add_subdirectory(connectivity)