# Copyright 2021 Memgraph Ltd. # # Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License # included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source # License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. # # As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with # the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed # by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file # licenses/APL.txt. import logging import os import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import time from argparse import ArgumentParser from collections import defaultdict from common import get_absolute_path, set_cpus try: import jail except: import jail_faker as jail def wait_for_server(port, delay=0.1): cmd = ["nc", "-z", "-w", "1", "", port] while subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: time.sleep(0.01) time.sleep(delay) class Memgraph: """ Knows how to start and stop memgraph. """ def __init__(self, args, num_workers): self.log = logging.getLogger("MemgraphRunner") argp = ArgumentParser("MemgraphArgumentParser") argp.add_argument("--runner-bin", default=get_absolute_path("memgraph", "build")) argp.add_argument("--port", default="7687", help="Database and client port") argp.add_argument("--data-directory", default=None) argp.add_argument("--storage-snapshot-on-exit", action="store_true") argp.add_argument("--storage-recover-on-startup", action="store_true") self.log.info("Initializing Runner with arguments %r", args) self.args, _ = argp.parse_known_args(args) self.num_workers = num_workers self.database_bin = jail.get_process() self.name = "memgraph" set_cpus("database-cpu-ids", self.database_bin, args) def start(self): self.log.info("start") database_args = ["--bolt-port", self.args.port, "--query-execution-timeout-sec", "0"] if self.num_workers: database_args += ["--bolt-num-workers", str(self.num_workers)] if self.args.data_directory: database_args += ["--data-directory", self.args.data_directory] if self.args.storage_recover_on_startup: database_args += ["--storage-recover-on-startup"] if self.args.storage_snapshot_on_exit: database_args += ["--storage-snapshot-on-exit"] # find executable path runner_bin = self.args.runner_bin # start memgraph self.database_bin.run(runner_bin, database_args, timeout=600) wait_for_server(self.args.port) def stop(self): self.database_bin.send_signal(jail.SIGTERM) self.database_bin.wait() class Neo: """ Knows how to start and stop neo4j. """ def __init__(self, args, config): self.log = logging.getLogger("NeoRunner") argp = ArgumentParser("NeoArgumentParser") argp.add_argument("--runner-bin", default=get_absolute_path("neo4j/bin/neo4j", "libs")) argp.add_argument("--port", default="7687", help="Database and client port") argp.add_argument("--http-port", default="7474", help="Database and client port") self.log.info("Initializing Runner with arguments %r", args) self.args, _ = argp.parse_known_args(args) self.config = config self.database_bin = jail.get_process() self.name = "neo4j" set_cpus("database-cpu-ids", self.database_bin, args) def start(self): self.log.info("start") # create home directory self.neo4j_home_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir="/dev/shm") try: os.symlink( os.path.join(get_absolute_path("neo4j", "libs"), "lib"), os.path.join(self.neo4j_home_path, "lib") ) neo4j_conf_dir = os.path.join(self.neo4j_home_path, "conf") neo4j_conf_file = os.path.join(neo4j_conf_dir, "neo4j.conf") os.mkdir(neo4j_conf_dir) shutil.copyfile(self.config, neo4j_conf_file) with open(neo4j_conf_file, "a") as f: f.write("\ndbms.connector.bolt.listen_address=:" + self.args.port + "\n") f.write("\ndbms.connector.http.listen_address=:" + self.args.http_port + "\n") # environment cwd = os.path.dirname(self.args.runner_bin) env = {"NEO4J_HOME": self.neo4j_home_path} self.database_bin.run(self.args.runner_bin, args=["console"], env=env, timeout=600, cwd=cwd) except: shutil.rmtree(self.neo4j_home_path) raise Exception("Couldn't run Neo4j!") wait_for_server(self.args.http_port, 2.0) def stop(self): self.database_bin.send_signal(jail.SIGTERM) self.database_bin.wait() if os.path.exists(self.neo4j_home_path): shutil.rmtree(self.neo4j_home_path)