// Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd. // // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source // License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. // // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file // licenses/APL.txt. #include namespace Schema { /*NodeTypeProperties and RelTypeProperties constants*/ constexpr std::string_view kReturnNodeType = "nodeType"; constexpr std::string_view kProcedureNodeType = "node_type_properties"; constexpr std::string_view kProcedureRelType = "rel_type_properties"; constexpr std::string_view kReturnLabels = "nodeLabels"; constexpr std::string_view kReturnRelType = "relType"; constexpr std::string_view kReturnPropertyName = "propertyName"; constexpr std::string_view kReturnPropertyType = "propertyTypes"; constexpr std::string_view kReturnMandatory = "mandatory"; std::string TypeOf(const mgp::Type &type); template void ProcessPropertiesNode(mgp::Record &record, const std::string &type, const mgp::List &labels, const std::string &propertyName, const T &propertyType, const bool &mandatory); template void ProcessPropertiesRel(mgp::Record &record, const std::string_view &type, const std::string &propertyName, const T &propertyType, const bool &mandatory); void NodeTypeProperties(mgp_list *args, mgp_graph *memgraph_graph, mgp_result *result, mgp_memory *memory); void RelTypeProperties(mgp_list *args, mgp_graph *memgraph_graph, mgp_result *result, mgp_memory *memory); } // namespace Schema /*we have << operator for type in Cpp API, but in it we return somewhat different strings than I would like in this module, so I implemented a small function here*/ std::string Schema::TypeOf(const mgp::Type &type) { switch (type) { case mgp::Type::Null: return "Null"; case mgp::Type::Bool: return "Bool"; case mgp::Type::Int: return "Int"; case mgp::Type::Double: return "Double"; case mgp::Type::String: return "String"; case mgp::Type::List: return "List[Any]"; case mgp::Type::Map: return "Map[Any]"; case mgp::Type::Node: return "Vertex"; case mgp::Type::Relationship: return "Edge"; case mgp::Type::Path: return "Path"; case mgp::Type::Date: return "Date"; case mgp::Type::LocalTime: return "LocalTime"; case mgp::Type::LocalDateTime: return "LocalDateTime"; case mgp::Type::Duration: return "Duration"; default: throw mgp::ValueException("Unsupported type"); } } template void Schema::ProcessPropertiesNode(mgp::Record &record, const std::string &type, const mgp::List &labels, const std::string &propertyName, const T &propertyType, const bool &mandatory) { record.Insert(std::string(kReturnNodeType).c_str(), type); record.Insert(std::string(kReturnLabels).c_str(), labels); record.Insert(std::string(kReturnPropertyName).c_str(), propertyName); record.Insert(std::string(kReturnPropertyType).c_str(), propertyType); record.Insert(std::string(kReturnMandatory).c_str(), mandatory); } template void Schema::ProcessPropertiesRel(mgp::Record &record, const std::string_view &type, const std::string &propertyName, const T &propertyType, const bool &mandatory) { record.Insert(std::string(kReturnRelType).c_str(), type); record.Insert(std::string(kReturnPropertyName).c_str(), propertyName); record.Insert(std::string(kReturnPropertyType).c_str(), propertyType); record.Insert(std::string(kReturnMandatory).c_str(), mandatory); } void Schema::NodeTypeProperties(mgp_list *args, mgp_graph *memgraph_graph, mgp_result *result, mgp_memory *memory) { mgp::MemoryDispatcherGuard guard{memory}; ; const auto record_factory = mgp::RecordFactory(result); try { const mgp::Graph graph = mgp::Graph(memgraph_graph); for (auto node : graph.Nodes()) { std::string type = ""; mgp::List labels = mgp::List(); for (auto label : node.Labels()) { labels.AppendExtend(mgp::Value(label)); type += ":`" + std::string(label) + "`"; } if (node.Properties().size() == 0) { auto record = record_factory.NewRecord(); ProcessPropertiesNode(record, type, labels, "", "", false); continue; } for (auto &[key, prop] : node.Properties()) { auto property_type = mgp::List(); auto record = record_factory.NewRecord(); property_type.AppendExtend(mgp::Value(TypeOf(prop.Type()))); ProcessPropertiesNode(record, type, labels, key, property_type, true); } } } catch (const std::exception &e) { record_factory.SetErrorMessage(e.what()); return; } } void Schema::RelTypeProperties(mgp_list *args, mgp_graph *memgraph_graph, mgp_result *result, mgp_memory *memory) { mgp::MemoryDispatcherGuard guard{memory}; ; const auto record_factory = mgp::RecordFactory(result); try { const mgp::Graph graph = mgp::Graph(memgraph_graph); for (auto rel : graph.Relationships()) { std::string type = ":`" + std::string(rel.Type()) + "`"; if (rel.Properties().size() == 0) { auto record = record_factory.NewRecord(); ProcessPropertiesRel(record, type, "", "", false); continue; } for (auto &[key, prop] : rel.Properties()) { auto property_type = mgp::List(); auto record = record_factory.NewRecord(); property_type.AppendExtend(mgp::Value(TypeOf(prop.Type()))); ProcessPropertiesRel(record, type, key, property_type, true); } } } catch (const std::exception &e) { record_factory.SetErrorMessage(e.what()); return; } } extern "C" int mgp_init_module(struct mgp_module *module, struct mgp_memory *memory) { try { mgp::MemoryDispatcherGuard guard{memory}; ; AddProcedure(Schema::NodeTypeProperties, std::string(Schema::kProcedureNodeType).c_str(), mgp::ProcedureType::Read, {}, {mgp::Return(std::string(Schema::kReturnNodeType).c_str(), mgp::Type::String), mgp::Return(std::string(Schema::kReturnLabels).c_str(), {mgp::Type::List, mgp::Type::String}), mgp::Return(std::string(Schema::kReturnPropertyName).c_str(), mgp::Type::String), mgp::Return(std::string(Schema::kReturnPropertyType).c_str(), mgp::Type::Any), mgp::Return(std::string(Schema::kReturnMandatory).c_str(), mgp::Type::Bool)}, module, memory); AddProcedure(Schema::RelTypeProperties, std::string(Schema::kProcedureRelType).c_str(), mgp::ProcedureType::Read, {}, {mgp::Return(std::string(Schema::kReturnRelType).c_str(), mgp::Type::String), mgp::Return(std::string(Schema::kReturnPropertyName).c_str(), mgp::Type::String), mgp::Return(std::string(Schema::kReturnPropertyType).c_str(), mgp::Type::Any), mgp::Return(std::string(Schema::kReturnMandatory).c_str(), mgp::Type::Bool)}, module, memory); } catch (const std::exception &e) { return 1; } return 0; } extern "C" int mgp_shutdown_module() { return 0; }