// // Copyright 2017 Memgraph // Created by Florijan Stamenkovic on 14.03.17. // #include #include #include #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "communication/result_stream_faker.hpp" #include "dbms/dbms.hpp" #include "query/context.hpp" #include "query/frontend/interpret/interpret.hpp" #include "query/frontend/logical/planner.hpp" #include "query_common.hpp" using namespace query; using namespace query::plan; /** * Helper function that collects all the results from the given * Produce into a ResultStreamFaker and returns that object. * * @param produce * @param symbol_table * @param db_accessor * @return */ auto CollectProduce(std::shared_ptr produce, SymbolTable &symbol_table, GraphDbAccessor &db_accessor) { ResultStreamFaker stream; Frame frame(symbol_table.max_position()); // top level node in the operator tree is a produce (return) // so stream out results // generate header std::vector header; for (auto named_expression : produce->named_expressions()) header.push_back(named_expression->name_); stream.Header(header); // collect the symbols from the return clause std::vector symbols; for (auto named_expression : produce->named_expressions()) symbols.emplace_back(symbol_table[*named_expression]); // stream out results auto cursor = produce->MakeCursor(db_accessor); while (cursor->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) { std::vector values; for (auto &symbol : symbols) values.emplace_back(frame[symbol]); stream.Result(values); } stream.Summary({{std::string("type"), TypedValue("r")}}); return stream; } void PullAll(std::shared_ptr logical_op, GraphDbAccessor &db, SymbolTable symbol_table) { Frame frame(symbol_table.max_position()); auto cursor = logical_op->MakeCursor(db); while (cursor->Pull(frame, symbol_table)) { continue; } } template auto MakeProduce(std::shared_ptr input, TNamedExpressions... named_expressions) { return std::make_shared( input, std::vector{named_expressions...}); } /** * Creates and returns a tuple of stuff for a scan-all starting * from the node with the given name. * * Returns (node_atom, scan_all_logical_op, symbol). */ auto MakeScanAll(AstTreeStorage &storage, SymbolTable &symbol_table, const std::string &identifier) { auto node = NODE(identifier); auto logical_op = std::make_shared(node); auto symbol = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(identifier); symbol_table[*node->identifier_] = symbol; return std::make_tuple(node, logical_op, symbol); } auto MakeExpand(AstTreeStorage &storage, SymbolTable &symbol_table, std::shared_ptr input, Symbol input_symbol, const std::string &edge_identifier, EdgeAtom::Direction direction, bool edge_cycle, const std::string &node_identifier, bool node_cycle) { auto edge = EDGE(edge_identifier, direction); auto edge_sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(edge_identifier); symbol_table[*edge->identifier_] = edge_sym; auto node = NODE(node_identifier); auto node_sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol(node_identifier); symbol_table[*node->identifier_] = node_sym; auto op = std::make_shared(node, edge, input, input_symbol, node_cycle, edge_cycle); return std::make_tuple(edge, edge_sym, node, node_sym, op); } template auto CountIterable(TIterable iterable) { return std::distance(iterable.begin(), iterable.end()); } /* * Actual tests start here. */ TEST(Interpreter, MatchReturn) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // add a few nodes to the database dba->insert_vertex(); dba->insert_vertex(); dba->advance_command(); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; auto scan_all = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto output = NEXPR("n", IDENT("n")); auto produce = MakeProduce(std::get<1>(scan_all), output); symbol_table[*output->expression_] = std::get<2>(scan_all); symbol_table[*output] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression_1"); ResultStreamFaker result = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba); EXPECT_EQ(result.GetResults().size(), 2); } TEST(Interpreter, StandaloneReturn) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // add a few nodes to the database dba->insert_vertex(); dba->insert_vertex(); dba->advance_command(); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; auto output = NEXPR("n", LITERAL(42)); auto produce = MakeProduce(std::shared_ptr(nullptr), output); symbol_table[*output] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression_1"); ResultStreamFaker result = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba); EXPECT_EQ(result.GetResults().size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(result.GetResults()[0].size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(result.GetResults()[0][0].Value(), 42); } TEST(Interpreter, NodeFilterLabelsAndProperties) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // add a few nodes to the database GraphDb::Label label = dba->label("Label"); GraphDb::Property property = dba->property("Property"); auto v1 = dba->insert_vertex(); auto v2 = dba->insert_vertex(); auto v3 = dba->insert_vertex(); auto v4 = dba->insert_vertex(); auto v5 = dba->insert_vertex(); dba->insert_vertex(); // test all combination of (label | no_label) * (no_prop | wrong_prop | // right_prop) // only v1 will have the right labels v1.add_label(label); v2.add_label(label); v3.add_label(label); v1.PropsSet(property, 42); v2.PropsSet(property, 1); v4.PropsSet(property, 42); v5.PropsSet(property, 1); dba->advance_command(); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; // make a scan all auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); std::get<0>(n)->labels_.emplace_back(label); std::get<0>(n)->properties_[property] = LITERAL(42); // node filtering auto node_filter = std::make_shared( std::get<1>(n), std::get<2>(n), std::get<0>(n)); // make a named expression and a produce auto output = NEXPR("x", IDENT("n")); symbol_table[*output->expression_] = std::get<2>(n); symbol_table[*output] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression_1"); auto produce = MakeProduce(node_filter, output); ResultStreamFaker result = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba); EXPECT_EQ(result.GetResults().size(), 1); } TEST(Interpreter, NodeFilterMultipleLabels) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // add a few nodes to the database GraphDb::Label label1 = dba->label("label1"); GraphDb::Label label2 = dba->label("label2"); GraphDb::Label label3 = dba->label("label3"); // the test will look for nodes that have label1 and label2 dba->insert_vertex(); // NOT accepted dba->insert_vertex().add_label(label1); // NOT accepted dba->insert_vertex().add_label(label2); // NOT accepted dba->insert_vertex().add_label(label3); // NOT accepted auto v1 = dba->insert_vertex(); // YES accepted v1.add_label(label1); v1.add_label(label2); auto v2 = dba->insert_vertex(); // NOT accepted v2.add_label(label1); v2.add_label(label3); auto v3 = dba->insert_vertex(); // YES accepted v3.add_label(label1); v3.add_label(label2); v3.add_label(label3); dba->advance_command(); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; // make a scan all auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); std::get<0>(n)->labels_.emplace_back(label1); std::get<0>(n)->labels_.emplace_back(label2); // node filtering auto node_filter = std::make_shared( std::get<1>(n), std::get<2>(n), std::get<0>(n)); // make a named expression and a produce auto output = NEXPR("n", IDENT("n")); auto produce = MakeProduce(node_filter, output); // fill up the symbol table symbol_table[*output] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression_1"); symbol_table[*output->expression_] = std::get<2>(n); ResultStreamFaker result = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba); EXPECT_EQ(result.GetResults().size(), 2); } TEST(Interpreter, CreateNodeWithAttributes) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); GraphDb::Label label = dba->label("Person"); GraphDb::Property property = dba->label("age"); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; auto node = NODE("n"); symbol_table[*node->identifier_] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("n"); node->labels_.emplace_back(label); node->properties_[property] = LITERAL(42); auto create = std::make_shared(node, nullptr); PullAll(create, *dba, symbol_table); dba->advance_command(); // count the number of vertices int vertex_count = 0; for (VertexAccessor vertex : dba->vertices()) { vertex_count++; EXPECT_EQ(vertex.labels().size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(*vertex.labels().begin(), label); EXPECT_EQ(vertex.Properties().size(), 1); auto prop_eq = vertex.PropsAt(property) == TypedValue(42); ASSERT_EQ(prop_eq.type(), TypedValue::Type::Bool); EXPECT_TRUE(prop_eq.Value()); } EXPECT_EQ(vertex_count, 1); } TEST(Interpreter, CreateReturn) { // test CREATE (n:Person {age: 42}) RETURN n, n.age Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); GraphDb::Label label = dba->label("Person"); GraphDb::Property property = dba->label("age"); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; auto node = NODE("n"); auto sym_n = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("n"); symbol_table[*node->identifier_] = sym_n; node->labels_.emplace_back(label); node->properties_[property] = LITERAL(42); auto create = std::make_shared(node, nullptr); auto named_expr_n = NEXPR("n", IDENT("n")); symbol_table[*named_expr_n] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expr_n"); symbol_table[*named_expr_n->expression_] = sym_n; auto prop_lookup = PROPERTY_LOOKUP("n", property); symbol_table[*prop_lookup->expression_] = sym_n; auto named_expr_n_p = NEXPR("n", prop_lookup); symbol_table[*named_expr_n_p] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expr_n_p"); symbol_table[*named_expr_n->expression_] = sym_n; auto produce = MakeProduce(create, named_expr_n, named_expr_n_p); auto result = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba); EXPECT_EQ(1, result.GetResults().size()); EXPECT_EQ(2, result.GetResults()[0].size()); EXPECT_EQ(TypedValue::Type::Vertex, result.GetResults()[0][0].type()); EXPECT_EQ(1, result.GetResults()[0][0].Value().labels().size()); EXPECT_EQ(label, result.GetResults()[0][0].Value().labels()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(TypedValue::Type::Int, result.GetResults()[0][1].type()); EXPECT_EQ(42, result.GetResults()[0][1].Value()); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(1, CountIterable(dba->vertices())); } TEST(Interpreter, CreateExpand) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); GraphDb::Label label_node_1 = dba->label("Node1"); GraphDb::Label label_node_2 = dba->label("Node2"); GraphDb::Property property = dba->label("prop"); GraphDb::EdgeType edge_type = dba->label("edge_type"); SymbolTable symbol_table; AstTreeStorage storage; auto test_create_path = [&](bool cycle, int expected_nodes_created, int expected_edges_created) { int before_v = CountIterable(dba->vertices()); int before_e = CountIterable(dba->edges()); // data for the first node auto n = NODE("n"); n->labels_.emplace_back(label_node_1); n->properties_[property] = LITERAL(1); auto n_sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("n"); symbol_table[*n->identifier_] = n_sym; // data for the second node auto m = NODE("m"); m->labels_.emplace_back(label_node_2); m->properties_[property] = LITERAL(2); if (cycle) symbol_table[*m->identifier_] = n_sym; else symbol_table[*m->identifier_] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("m"); auto r = EDGE("r", EdgeAtom::Direction::RIGHT); symbol_table[*r->identifier_] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("r"); r->edge_types_.emplace_back(edge_type); r->properties_[property] = LITERAL(3); auto create_op = std::make_shared(n, nullptr); auto create_expand = std::make_shared(m, r, create_op, n_sym, cycle); PullAll(create_expand, *dba, symbol_table); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(CountIterable(dba->vertices()) - before_v, expected_nodes_created); EXPECT_EQ(CountIterable(dba->edges()) - before_e, expected_edges_created); }; test_create_path(false, 2, 1); test_create_path(true, 1, 1); for (VertexAccessor vertex : dba->vertices()) { EXPECT_EQ(vertex.labels().size(), 1); GraphDb::Label label = vertex.labels()[0]; if (label == label_node_1) { // node created by first op EXPECT_EQ(vertex.PropsAt(property).Value(), 1); } else if (label == label_node_2) { // node create by expansion EXPECT_EQ(vertex.PropsAt(property).Value(), 2); } else { // should not happen FAIL(); } for (EdgeAccessor edge : dba->edges()) { EXPECT_EQ(edge.edge_type(), edge_type); EXPECT_EQ(edge.PropsAt(property).Value(), 3); } } } TEST(Interpreter, MatchCreateNode) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // add three nodes we'll match and expand-create from dba->insert_vertex(); dba->insert_vertex(); dba->insert_vertex(); dba->advance_command(); SymbolTable symbol_table; AstTreeStorage storage; // first node auto n_scan_all = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto n_sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("n"); symbol_table[*std::get<0>(n_scan_all)->identifier_] = n_sym; // second node auto m = NODE("m"); symbol_table[*m->identifier_] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("m"); // creation op auto create_node = std::make_shared(m, std::get<1>(n_scan_all)); EXPECT_EQ(CountIterable(dba->vertices()), 3); PullAll(create_node, *dba, symbol_table); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(CountIterable(dba->vertices()), 6); } TEST(Interpreter, MatchCreateExpand) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // add three nodes we'll match and expand-create from dba->insert_vertex(); dba->insert_vertex(); dba->insert_vertex(); dba->advance_command(); // GraphDb::Label label_node_1 = dba->label("Node1"); // GraphDb::Label label_node_2 = dba->label("Node2"); // GraphDb::Property property = dba->label("prop"); GraphDb::EdgeType edge_type = dba->label("edge_type"); SymbolTable symbol_table; AstTreeStorage storage; auto test_create_path = [&](bool cycle, int expected_nodes_created, int expected_edges_created) { int before_v = CountIterable(dba->vertices()); int before_e = CountIterable(dba->edges()); // data for the first node auto n_scan_all = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto n_sym = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("n"); symbol_table[*std::get<0>(n_scan_all)->identifier_] = n_sym; // data for the second node auto m = NODE("m"); if (cycle) symbol_table[*m->identifier_] = n_sym; else symbol_table[*m->identifier_] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("m"); auto r = EDGE("r", EdgeAtom::Direction::RIGHT); symbol_table[*r->identifier_] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("r"); r->edge_types_.emplace_back(edge_type); auto create_expand = std::make_shared( m, r, std::get<1>(n_scan_all), n_sym, cycle); PullAll(create_expand, *dba, symbol_table); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(CountIterable(dba->vertices()) - before_v, expected_nodes_created); EXPECT_EQ(CountIterable(dba->edges()) - before_e, expected_edges_created); }; test_create_path(false, 3, 3); test_create_path(true, 0, 6); } TEST(Interpreter, Expand) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // make a V-graph (v3)<-[r2]-(v1)-[r1]->(v2) auto v1 = dba->insert_vertex(); v1.add_label((GraphDb::Label)1); auto v2 = dba->insert_vertex(); v2.add_label((GraphDb::Label)2); auto v3 = dba->insert_vertex(); v3.add_label((GraphDb::Label)3); auto edge_type = dba->edge_type("Edge"); dba->insert_edge(v1, v2, edge_type); dba->insert_edge(v1, v3, edge_type); dba->advance_command(); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; auto test_expand = [&](EdgeAtom::Direction direction, int expected_result_count) { auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto r_m = MakeExpand(storage, symbol_table, std::get<1>(n), std::get<2>(n), "r", direction, false, "m", false); // make a named expression and a produce auto output = NEXPR("m", IDENT("m")); symbol_table[*output->expression_] = std::get<3>(r_m); symbol_table[*output] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression_1"); auto produce = MakeProduce(std::get<4>(r_m), output); ResultStreamFaker result = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba); EXPECT_EQ(result.GetResults().size(), expected_result_count); }; test_expand(EdgeAtom::Direction::RIGHT, 2); test_expand(EdgeAtom::Direction::LEFT, 2); test_expand(EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH, 4); } TEST(Interpreter, ExpandNodeCycle) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // make a graph (v1)->(v2) that // has a recursive edge (v1)->(v1) auto v1 = dba->insert_vertex(); auto v2 = dba->insert_vertex(); auto edge_type = dba->edge_type("Edge"); dba->insert_edge(v1, v1, edge_type); dba->insert_edge(v1, v2, edge_type); dba->advance_command(); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; auto test_cycle = [&](bool with_cycle, int expected_result_count) { auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto r_n = MakeExpand(storage, symbol_table, std::get<1>(n), std::get<2>(n), "r", EdgeAtom::Direction::RIGHT, false, "n", with_cycle); if (with_cycle) symbol_table[*std::get<2>(r_n)->identifier_] = symbol_table[*std::get<0>(n)->identifier_]; // make a named expression and a produce auto output = NEXPR("n", IDENT("n")); symbol_table[*output->expression_] = std::get<2>(n); symbol_table[*output] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression_1"); auto produce = MakeProduce(std::get<4>(r_n), output); ResultStreamFaker result = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba); EXPECT_EQ(result.GetResults().size(), expected_result_count); }; test_cycle(true, 1); test_cycle(false, 2); } TEST(Interpreter, ExpandEdgeCycle) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // make a V-graph (v3)<-[r2]-(v1)-[r1]->(v2) auto v1 = dba->insert_vertex(); v1.add_label((GraphDb::Label)1); auto v2 = dba->insert_vertex(); v2.add_label((GraphDb::Label)2); auto v3 = dba->insert_vertex(); v3.add_label((GraphDb::Label)3); auto edge_type = dba->edge_type("Edge"); dba->insert_edge(v1, v2, edge_type); dba->insert_edge(v1, v3, edge_type); dba->advance_command(); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; auto test_cycle = [&](bool with_cycle, int expected_result_count) { auto i = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "i"); auto r_j = MakeExpand(storage, symbol_table, std::get<1>(i), std::get<2>(i), "r", EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH, false, "j", false); auto r_k = MakeExpand(storage, symbol_table, std::get<4>(r_j), std::get<3>(r_j), "r", EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH, with_cycle, "k", false); if (with_cycle) symbol_table[*std::get<0>(r_k)->identifier_] = symbol_table[*std::get<0>(r_j)->identifier_]; // make a named expression and a produce auto output = NEXPR("r", IDENT("r")); symbol_table[*output->expression_] = std::get<1>(r_j); symbol_table[*output] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression_1"); auto produce = MakeProduce(std::get<4>(r_k), output); ResultStreamFaker result = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba); EXPECT_EQ(result.GetResults().size(), expected_result_count); }; test_cycle(true, 4); test_cycle(false, 6); } TEST(Interpreter, EdgeFilter) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // make an N-star expanding from (v1) // where only one edge will qualify // and there are all combinations of // (edge_type yes|no) * (property yes|absent|no) std::vector edge_types; for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) edge_types.push_back(dba->edge_type("et" + std::to_string(j))); std::vector vertices; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) vertices.push_back(dba->insert_vertex()); GraphDb::Property prop = dba->property("prop"); std::vector edges; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { edges.push_back( dba->insert_edge(vertices[0], vertices[i + 1], edge_types[i % 2])); switch (i % 3) { case 0: edges.back().PropsSet(prop, 42); break; case 1: edges.back().PropsSet(prop, 100); break; default: break; } } dba->advance_command(); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; // define an operator tree for query // MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN m auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto r_m = MakeExpand(storage, symbol_table, std::get<1>(n), std::get<2>(n), "r", EdgeAtom::Direction::RIGHT, false, "m", false); std::get<0>(r_m)->edge_types_.push_back(edge_types[0]); std::get<0>(r_m)->properties_[prop] = LITERAL(42); auto edge_filter = std::make_shared( std::get<4>(r_m), std::get<1>(r_m), std::get<0>(r_m)); // make a named expression and a produce auto output = NEXPR("m", IDENT("m")); symbol_table[*output->expression_] = std::get<3>(r_m); symbol_table[*output] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression_1"); auto produce = MakeProduce(edge_filter, output); ResultStreamFaker result = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba); EXPECT_EQ(result.GetResults().size(), 1); } TEST(Interpreter, EdgeFilterMultipleTypes) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); auto v1 = dba->insert_vertex(); auto v2 = dba->insert_vertex(); auto type_1 = dba->edge_type("type_1"); auto type_2 = dba->edge_type("type_2"); auto type_3 = dba->edge_type("type_3"); dba->insert_edge(v1, v2, type_1); dba->insert_edge(v1, v2, type_2); dba->insert_edge(v1, v2, type_3); dba->advance_command(); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; // make a scan all auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto r_m = MakeExpand(storage, symbol_table, std::get<1>(n), std::get<2>(n), "r", EdgeAtom::Direction::RIGHT, false, "m", false); // add a property filter auto edge_filter = std::make_shared( std::get<4>(r_m), std::get<1>(r_m), std::get<0>(r_m)); std::get<0>(r_m)->edge_types_.push_back(type_1); std::get<0>(r_m)->edge_types_.push_back(type_2); // make a named expression and a produce auto output = NEXPR("m", IDENT("m")); auto produce = MakeProduce(edge_filter, output); // fill up the symbol table symbol_table[*output] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression_1"); symbol_table[*output->expression_] = std::get<3>(r_m); ResultStreamFaker result = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba); EXPECT_EQ(result.GetResults().size(), 2); } TEST(Interpreter, Delete) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // make a fully-connected (one-direction, no cycles) with 4 nodes std::vector vertices; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) vertices.push_back(dba->insert_vertex()); auto type = dba->edge_type("type"); for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) for (int k = j + 1; k < 4; ++k) dba->insert_edge(vertices[j], vertices[k], type); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(4, CountIterable(dba->vertices())); EXPECT_EQ(6, CountIterable(dba->edges())); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; // attempt to delete a vertex, and fail { auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto n_get = storage.Create("n"); symbol_table[*n_get] = std::get<2>(n); auto delete_op = std::make_shared( std::get<1>(n), std::vector{n_get}, false); EXPECT_THROW(PullAll(delete_op, *dba, symbol_table), QueryRuntimeException); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(4, CountIterable(dba->vertices())); EXPECT_EQ(6, CountIterable(dba->edges())); } // detach delete a single vertex { auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto n_get = storage.Create("n"); symbol_table[*n_get] = std::get<2>(n); auto delete_op = std::make_shared( std::get<1>(n), std::vector{n_get}, true); Frame frame(symbol_table.max_position()); delete_op->MakeCursor(*dba)->Pull(frame, symbol_table); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(3, CountIterable(dba->vertices())); EXPECT_EQ(3, CountIterable(dba->edges())); } // delete all remaining edges { auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto r_m = MakeExpand(storage, symbol_table, std::get<1>(n), std::get<2>(n), "r", EdgeAtom::Direction::RIGHT, false, "m", false); auto r_get = storage.Create("r"); symbol_table[*r_get] = std::get<1>(r_m); auto delete_op = std::make_shared( std::get<4>(r_m), std::vector{r_get}, false); PullAll(delete_op, *dba, symbol_table); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(3, CountIterable(dba->vertices())); EXPECT_EQ(0, CountIterable(dba->edges())); } // delete all remaining vertices { auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto n_get = storage.Create("n"); symbol_table[*n_get] = std::get<2>(n); auto delete_op = std::make_shared( std::get<1>(n), std::vector{n_get}, false); PullAll(delete_op, *dba, symbol_table); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(0, CountIterable(dba->vertices())); EXPECT_EQ(0, CountIterable(dba->edges())); } } TEST(Interpreter, DeleteReturn) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // make a fully-connected (one-direction, no cycles) with 4 nodes auto prop = dba->property("prop"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { auto va = dba->insert_vertex(); va.PropsSet(prop, 42); } dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(4, CountIterable(dba->vertices())); EXPECT_EQ(0, CountIterable(dba->edges())); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto n_get = storage.Create("n"); symbol_table[*n_get] = std::get<2>(n); auto delete_op = std::make_shared( std::get<1>(n), std::vector{n_get}, true); auto prop_lookup = storage.Create(storage.Create("n"), prop); symbol_table[*prop_lookup->expression_] = std::get<2>(n); auto n_p = storage.Create("n", prop_lookup); symbol_table[*n_p] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("bla"); auto produce = MakeProduce(delete_op, n_p); auto result = CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba); EXPECT_EQ(4, result.GetResults().size()); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(0, CountIterable(dba->vertices())); } TEST(Interpreter, Filter) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); // add a 6 nodes with property 'prop', 2 have true as value GraphDb::Property property = dba->property("Property"); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) dba->insert_vertex().PropsSet(property, i % 3 == 0); dba->insert_vertex(); // prop not set, gives NULL dba->advance_command(); AstTreeStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; auto n = MakeScanAll(storage, symbol_table, "n"); auto e = storage.Create(storage.Create("n"), property); symbol_table[*e->expression_] = std::get<2>(n); auto f = std::make_shared(std::get<1>(n), e); auto output = storage.Create("x", storage.Create("n")); symbol_table[*output->expression_] = std::get<2>(n); symbol_table[*output] = symbol_table.CreateSymbol("named_expression_1"); auto produce = MakeProduce(f, output); EXPECT_EQ(CollectProduce(produce, symbol_table, *dba).GetResults().size(), 2); }