import random def init_data(card_count, pos_count): print("UNWIND range(0, {} - 1) AS id " "CREATE (:Card {{id: id, compromised: false}});".format( card_count)) print("UNWIND range(0, {} - 1) AS id " "CREATE (:Pos {{id: id, compromised: false}});".format( pos_count)) def compromise_pos_device(pos_id): print("MATCH (p:Pos {{id: {}}}) SET p.compromised = true;".format(pos_id)) def compromise_pos_devices(pos_count, fraud_count): for pos_id in random.sample(range(pos_count), fraud_count): compromise_pos_device(pos_id) def pump_transactions(card_count, pos_count, tx_count, report_pct): # Create transactions. If the POS is compromised, then the # Card of the transaction gets compromised too. If the card # is compromised, there is a 0.1 chance the transaction is # fraudulent and detected (regardless of POS). q = ("MATCH (c:Card {{id: {}}}), (p:Pos {{id: {}}}) " "CREATE (t:Transaction " "{{id: {}, fraud_reported: c.compromised AND (rand() < %f)}}) " "CREATE (c)<-[:Using]-(t)-[:At]->(p) " "SET c.compromised = p.compromised;" % report_pct) def rint(max): return random.randint(0, max - 1) # NOQA for i in range(tx_count): print(q.format(rint(card_count), rint(pos_count), i)) POS_COUNT = 1000 CARD_COUNT = 10000 FRAUD_POS_COUNT = 20 TX_COUNT = 50000 REPORT_PCT = 0.1 random.seed(12345) init_data(CARD_COUNT, POS_COUNT) compromise_pos_devices(POS_COUNT, FRAUD_POS_COUNT) pump_transactions(CARD_COUNT, POS_COUNT, TX_COUNT, REPORT_PCT)