#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "communication/bolt/v1/decoder/buffer.hpp" #include "communication/server.hpp" #include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp" #include "io/network/epoll.hpp" #include "io/network/socket.hpp" static constexpr const int SIZE = 60000; static constexpr const int REPLY = 10; using io::network::Endpoint; using io::network::Socket; class TestData {}; class TestSession { public: TestSession(Socket &&socket, TestData &) : socket_(std::move(socket)) { event_.data.ptr = this; } bool Alive() const { return socket_.IsOpen(); } bool TimedOut() const { return false; } int Id() const { return socket_.fd(); } void Execute() { if (buffer_.size() < 2) return; const uint8_t *data = buffer_.data(); size_t size = data[0]; size <<= 8; size += data[1]; if (buffer_.size() < size + 2) return; for (int i = 0; i < REPLY; ++i) ASSERT_TRUE(this->socket_.Write(data + 2, size)); buffer_.Shift(size + 2); } io::network::StreamBuffer Allocate() { return buffer_.Allocate(); } void Written(size_t len) { buffer_.Written(len); } void Close() { DLOG(INFO) << "Close session!"; this->socket_.Close(); } communication::bolt::Buffer buffer_; Socket socket_; io::network::Epoll::Event event_; std::chrono::time_point last_event_time_; }; using ServerT = communication::Server; void client_run(int num, const char *interface, uint16_t port, const unsigned char *data, int lo, int hi) { std::stringstream name; name << "Client " << num; unsigned char buffer[SIZE * REPLY], head[2]; int have, read; Endpoint endpoint(interface, port); Socket socket; ASSERT_TRUE(socket.Connect(endpoint)); socket.SetTimeout(2, 0); DLOG(INFO) << "Socket create: " << socket.fd(); for (int len = lo; len <= hi; len += 100) { have = 0; head[0] = (len >> 8) & 0xff; head[1] = len & 0xff; ASSERT_TRUE(socket.Write(head, 2)); ASSERT_TRUE(socket.Write(data, len)); DLOG(INFO) << "Socket write: " << socket.fd(); while (have < len * REPLY) { read = socket.Read(buffer + have, SIZE); DLOG(INFO) << "Socket read: " << socket.fd(); if (read == -1) break; have += read; } for (int i = 0; i < REPLY; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) ASSERT_EQ(buffer[i * len + j], data[j]); } DLOG(INFO) << "Socket done: " << socket.fd(); socket.Close(); } void initialize_data(unsigned char *data, int size) { std::random_device rd; std::mt19937 gen(rd()); std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 255); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { data[i] = dis(gen); } }