#!/usr/bin/python3 -u import argparse import atexit import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PROJECT_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, "..", "..", "..")) # When you create a new permission just add a testcase to this list (a tuple # of query, touple of required permissions) and the test will automatically # detect the new permission (from the query required permissions) and test all # queries against all combinations of permissions. QUERIES = [ # CREATE ( "CREATE (n)", ("CREATE",) ), ( "MATCH (n), (m) CREATE (n)-[:e]->(m)", ("CREATE", "MATCH") ), # DELETE ( "MATCH (n) DELETE n", ("DELETE", "MATCH"), ), ( "MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n", ("DELETE", "MATCH"), ), # MATCH ( "MATCH (n) RETURN n", ("MATCH",) ), ( "MATCH (n), (m) RETURN count(n), count(m)", ("MATCH",) ), # MERGE ( "MERGE (n) ON CREATE SET n.created = timestamp() " "ON MATCH SET n.lastSeen = timestamp() " "RETURN n.name, n.created, n.lastSeen", ("MERGE",) ), # SET ( "MATCH (n) SET n.value = 0 RETURN n", ("SET", "MATCH") ), ( "MATCH (n), (m) SET n.value = m.value", ("SET", "MATCH") ), # REMOVE ( "MATCH (n) REMOVE n.value", ("REMOVE", "MATCH") ), ( "MATCH (n), (m) REMOVE n.value, m.value", ("REMOVE", "MATCH") ), # INDEX ( "CREATE INDEX ON :User (id)", ("INDEX",) ), # AUTH ( "CREATE ROLE test_role", ("AUTH",) ), ( "DROP ROLE test_role", ("AUTH",) ), ( "SHOW ROLES", ("AUTH",) ), ( "CREATE USER test_user", ("AUTH",) ), ( "SET PASSWORD FOR test_user TO '1234'", ("AUTH",) ), ( "DROP USER test_user", ("AUTH",) ), ( "SHOW USERS", ("AUTH",) ), ( "SET ROLE FOR test_user TO test_role", ("AUTH",) ), ( "CLEAR ROLE FOR test_user", ("AUTH",) ), ( "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO test_user", ("AUTH",) ), ( "DENY ALL PRIVILEGES TO test_user", ("AUTH",) ), ( "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM test_user", ("AUTH",) ), ( "SHOW PRIVILEGES FOR test_user", ("AUTH",) ), ( "SHOW ROLE FOR test_user", ("AUTH",) ), ( "SHOW USERS FOR test_role", ("AUTH",) ), ] UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR = "You are not authorized to execute this query! Please " \ "contact your database administrator." def wait_for_server(port, delay=0.1): cmd = ["nc", "-z", "-w", "1", "", str(port)] while subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: time.sleep(0.01) time.sleep(delay) def execute_tester(binary, queries, should_fail=False, failure_message="", username="", password="", check_failure=True): args = [binary, "--username", username, "--password", password] if should_fail: args.append("--should-fail") if failure_message: args.extend(["--failure-message", failure_message]) if check_failure: args.append("--check-failure") args.extend(queries) subprocess.run(args).check_returncode() def execute_checker(binary, grants): args = [binary] + grants subprocess.run(args).check_returncode() def get_permissions(permissions, mask): ret, pos = [], 0 while mask > 0: if mask & 1: ret.append(permissions[pos]) mask >>= 1 pos += 1 return ret def check_permissions(query_perms, user_perms): return set(query_perms).issubset(user_perms) def execute_test(memgraph_binary, tester_binary, checker_binary): storage_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() memgraph_args = [memgraph_binary, "--durability-directory", storage_directory.name] def execute_admin_queries(queries): return execute_tester(tester_binary, queries, should_fail=False, check_failure=True, username="admin", password="admin") def execute_user_queries(queries, should_fail=False, failure_message="", check_failure=True): return execute_tester(tester_binary, queries, should_fail, failure_message, "user", "user", check_failure) # Start the memgraph binary memgraph = subprocess.Popen(list(map(str, memgraph_args))) time.sleep(0.1) assert memgraph.poll() is None, "Memgraph process died prematurely!" wait_for_server(7687) # Register cleanup function @atexit.register def cleanup(): if memgraph.poll() is None: memgraph.terminate() assert memgraph.wait() == 0, "Memgraph process didn't exit cleanly!" # Prepare all users execute_admin_queries([ "CREATE USER ADmin IDENTIFIED BY 'admin'", "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO admIN", "CREATE USER usEr IDENTIFIED BY 'user'" ]) # Find all existing permissions permissions = set() for query, perms in QUERIES: permissions.update(perms) permissions = list(sorted(permissions)) # Run the test with all combinations of permissions print("\033[1;36m~~ Starting query test ~~\033[0m") for mask in range(0, 2 ** len(permissions)): user_perms = get_permissions(permissions, mask) print("\033[1;34m~~ Checking queries with privileges: ", ", ".join(user_perms), " ~~\033[0m") admin_queries = ["REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM uSer"] if len(user_perms) > 0: admin_queries.append( "GRANT {} TO User".format(", ".join(user_perms))) execute_admin_queries(admin_queries) authorized, unauthorized = [], [] for query, query_perms in QUERIES: if check_permissions(query_perms, user_perms): authorized.append(query) else: unauthorized.append(query) execute_user_queries(authorized, check_failure=False, failure_message=UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR) execute_user_queries(unauthorized, should_fail=True, failure_message=UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR) print("\033[1;36m~~ Finished query test ~~\033[0m\n") # Run the user/role permissions test print("\033[1;36m~~ Starting permissions test ~~\033[0m") execute_admin_queries([ "CREATE ROLE roLe", "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM uSeR", ]) execute_checker(checker_binary, []) for user_perm in ["GRANT", "DENY", "REVOKE"]: for role_perm in ["GRANT", "DENY", "REVOKE"]: for mapped in [True, False]: print("\033[1;34m~~ Checking permissions with user ", user_perm, ", role ", role_perm, "user mapped to role:", mapped, " ~~\033[0m") if mapped: execute_admin_queries(["SET ROLE FOR USER TO roLE"]) else: execute_admin_queries(["CLEAR ROLE FOR user"]) user_prep = "FROM" if user_perm == "REVOKE" else "TO" role_prep = "FROM" if role_perm == "REVOKE" else "TO" execute_admin_queries([ "{} MATCH {} user".format(user_perm, user_prep), "{} MATCH {} rOLe".format(role_perm, role_prep) ]) expected = [] perms = [user_perm, role_perm] if mapped else [user_perm] if "DENY" in perms: expected = ["MATCH", "DENY"] elif "GRANT" in perms: expected = ["MATCH", "GRANT"] if len(expected) > 0: details = [] if user_perm == "GRANT": details.append("GRANTED TO USER") elif user_perm == "DENY": details.append("DENIED TO USER") if mapped: if role_perm == "GRANT": details.append("GRANTED TO ROLE") elif role_perm == "DENY": details.append("DENIED TO ROLE") expected.append(", ".join(details)) execute_checker(checker_binary, expected) print("\033[1;36m~~ Finished permissions test ~~\033[0m\n") # Shutdown the memgraph binary memgraph.terminate() assert memgraph.wait() == 0, "Memgraph process didn't exit cleanly!" if __name__ == "__main__": memgraph_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build", "memgraph") if not os.path.exists(memgraph_binary): memgraph_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build_debug", "memgraph") tester_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build", "tests", "integration", "auth", "tester") if not os.path.exists(tester_binary): tester_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build_debug", "tests", "integration", "auth", "tester") checker_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build", "tests", "integration", "auth", "checker") if not os.path.exists(checker_binary): checker_binary = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "build_debug", "tests", "integration", "auth", "checker") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--memgraph", default=memgraph_binary) parser.add_argument("--tester", default=tester_binary) parser.add_argument("--checker", default=checker_binary) args = parser.parse_args() execute_test(args.memgraph, args.tester, args.checker) sys.exit(0)