#include #include #include "gflags/gflags.h" #include "dbms/dbms.hpp" #include "query/engine.hpp" #include "communication/bolt/v1/session.hpp" #include "communication/server.hpp" #include "io/network/network_endpoint.hpp" #include "io/network/network_error.hpp" #include "io/network/socket.hpp" #include "logging/default.hpp" #include "logging/streams/stdout.hpp" #include "utils/flag_validation.hpp" #include "utils/signals/handler.hpp" #include "utils/stacktrace.hpp" #include "utils/terminate_handler.hpp" namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; using endpoint_t = io::network::NetworkEndpoint; using socket_t = io::network::Socket; using session_t = communication::bolt::Session; using result_stream_t = communication::bolt::ResultStream>>; using bolt_server_t = communication::Server; Logger logger; DEFINE_string(interface, "", "Default interface on which to listen."); DEFINE_string(port, "7687", "Default port on which to listen."); DEFINE_VALIDATED_int32(num_workers, std::max(std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), 1U), "Number of workers", FLAG_IN_RANGE(1, INT32_MAX)); // Load flags in this order, the last one has the highest priority: // 1) /etc/memgraph/config // 2) ~/.memgraph/config // 3) env - MEMGRAPH_CONFIG // 4) command line flags void load_config(int &argc, char **&argv) { std::vector configs = {fs::path("/etc/memgraph/config")}; if (getenv("HOME") != nullptr) configs.emplace_back(fs::path(getenv("HOME")) / fs::path(".memgraph/config")); if (getenv("MEMGRAPH_CONFIG") != nullptr) configs.emplace_back(fs::path(getenv("MEMGRAPH_CONFIG"))); std::vector flagfile_arguments; for (const auto &config : configs) if (fs::exists(config)) { flagfile_arguments.emplace_back( std::string("--flagfile=" + config.generic_string())); } int custom_argc = static_cast(flagfile_arguments.size()) + 1; char **custom_argv = new char *[custom_argc]; custom_argv[0] = strdup(std::string("memgraph").c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)flagfile_arguments.size(); ++i) { custom_argv[i + 1] = strdup(flagfile_arguments[i].c_str()); } // setup flags from config flags gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&custom_argc, &custom_argv, false); // unconsumed arguments have to be freed to avoid memory leak since they are // strdup-ed. for (int i = 0; i < custom_argc; ++i) free(custom_argv[i]); delete[] custom_argv; // setup flags from command line gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { fs::current_path(fs::path(argv[0]).parent_path()); load_config(argc, argv); // Logging init. #ifdef SYNC_LOGGER logging::init_sync(); #else logging::init_async(); #endif logging::log->pipe(std::make_unique()); // Get logger. logger = logging::log->logger("Main"); logger.debug("Using {} logger", logging::log->type()); // Unhandled exception handler init. std::set_terminate(&terminate_handler); // Signal handling init. SignalHandler::register_handler(Signal::SegmentationFault, []() { // Log that we got SIGSEGV and abort the program, because returning from // SIGSEGV handler is undefined behaviour. std::cerr << "SegmentationFault signal raised" << std::endl; std::abort(); // This will continue into our SIGABRT handler. }); SignalHandler::register_handler(Signal::Abort, []() { // Log the stacktrace and let the abort continue. Stacktrace stacktrace; std::cerr << "Abort signal raised" << std::endl << stacktrace.dump() << std::endl; }); // Initialize endpoint. endpoint_t endpoint; try { endpoint = endpoint_t(FLAGS_interface, FLAGS_port); } catch (io::network::NetworkEndpointException &e) { logger.error("{}", e.what()); std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Initialize socket. socket_t socket; if (!socket.Bind(endpoint)) { logger.error("Cannot bind to socket on {} at {}", FLAGS_interface, FLAGS_port); std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!socket.SetNonBlocking()) { logger.error("Cannot set socket to non blocking!"); std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!socket.Listen(1024)) { logger.error("Cannot listen on socket!"); std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } Dbms dbms; QueryEngine query_engine; // Initialize server. bolt_server_t server(std::move(socket), dbms, query_engine); // register SIGTERM handler SignalHandler::register_handler(Signal::Terminate, [&server]() { server.Shutdown(); }); // register SIGINT handler SignalHandler::register_handler(Signal::Interupt, [&server]() { server.Shutdown(); }); // Start worker threads. server.Start(FLAGS_num_workers); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }