FROM debian:stretch # FROM debian:stretch # 104MB # FROM ubuntu 16.04 # 130MB # FROM phusion/baseimage # 220MB ARG build_name COPY ${build_name} / # Setup memgraph user and group RUN groupadd -r memgraph RUN useradd -lrm -g memgraph memgraph RUN chown -R memgraph:memgraph /var/log/memgraph RUN chown -R memgraph:memgraph /var/lib/memgraph # Memgraph listens for Bolt Protocol on this port by default. EXPOSE 7687 # Snapshots and logging volumes VOLUME /var/log/memgraph VOLUME /var/lib/memgraph # Configuration volume VOLUME /etc/memgraph USER memgraph WORKDIR /home/memgraph ENTRYPOINT ["memgraph"] CMD [""]