#include #include #include #include #include #include "communication/rpc/server.hpp" #include "messages.hpp" #include "utils/signals.hpp" #include "utils/terminate_handler.hpp" using namespace communication::rpc; using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals; DEFINE_string(interface, "", "Communication interface on which to listen."); DEFINE_string(port, "10000", "Communication port on which to listen."); DEFINE_string(log, "log.txt", "Entries log file"); volatile sig_atomic_t is_shutting_down = 0; int main(int argc, char **argv) { google::SetUsageMessage("Raft RPC Server"); gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); // Unhandled exception handler init. std::set_terminate(&utils::TerminateHandler); Server server(io::network::Endpoint(FLAGS_interface, stoul(FLAGS_port))); std::ofstream log(FLAGS_log, std::ios_base::app); // Handler for regular termination signals. auto shutdown = [&log]() { if (is_shutting_down) return; is_shutting_down = 1; log.close(); exit(0); }; // Prevent handling shutdown inside a shutdown. For example, SIGINT handler // being interrupted by SIGTERM before is_shutting_down is set, thus causing // double shutdown. sigset_t block_shutdown_signals; sigemptyset(&block_shutdown_signals); sigaddset(&block_shutdown_signals, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&block_shutdown_signals, SIGINT); CHECK(utils::SignalHandler::RegisterHandler(utils::Signal::Terminate, shutdown, block_shutdown_signals)) << "Unable to register SIGTERM handler!"; CHECK(utils::SignalHandler::RegisterHandler(utils::Signal::Interupt, shutdown, block_shutdown_signals)) << "Unable to register SIGINT handler!"; // Example callback. // TODO: Serialize RPC via Cap'n Proto // server.Register( // [&log](const auto &req_reader, auto *res_builder) { // AppendEntryReq request; // request.Load(req_reader); // log << request.val << std::endl; // log.flush(); // LOG(INFO) << fmt::format("AppendEntry: {}", request.val); // AppendEntryRes res(200, FLAGS_interface, stol(FLAGS_port)); // res.Save(res_builder); // }); LOG(INFO) << "Raft RPC server started"; // Sleep until shutdown detected. std::this_thread::sleep_until( std::chrono::time_point::max()); return 0; }