#include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include <memory> #include "data_structures/ptr_int.hpp" #include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp" #include "dbms/dbms.hpp" #include "logging/streams/stdout.hpp" using testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray; template <typename TIterable> auto Count(TIterable iterable) { return std::distance(iterable.begin(), iterable.end()); } TEST(GraphDbAccessor, VertexByLabelCount) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); auto lab1 = dba->label("lab1"); auto lab2 = dba->label("lab2"); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab1), 0); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab2), 0); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) dba->insert_vertex().add_label(lab1); for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i) dba->insert_vertex().add_label(lab2); // even though xxx_count functions in GraphDbAccessor can over-estaimate // in this situation they should be exact (nothing was ever deleted) EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab1), 11); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab2), 17); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(), 28); } TEST(GraphDbAccessor, VertexByLabelPropertyCount) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); auto lab1 = dba->label("lab1"); auto lab2 = dba->label("lab2"); auto prop1 = dba->property("prop1"); auto prop2 = dba->property("prop2"); dba->BuildIndex(lab1, prop1); dba->BuildIndex(lab1, prop2); dba->BuildIndex(lab2, prop1); dba->BuildIndex(lab2, prop2); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab1, prop1), 0); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab1, prop2), 0); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab2, prop1), 0); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab2, prop2), 0); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < 14; ++i) { VertexAccessor vertex = dba->insert_vertex(); vertex.add_label(lab1); vertex.PropsSet(prop1, 1); } for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { auto vertex = dba->insert_vertex(); vertex.add_label(lab1); vertex.PropsSet(prop2, 2); } for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { auto vertex = dba->insert_vertex(); vertex.add_label(lab2); vertex.PropsSet(prop1, 3); } for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i) { auto vertex = dba->insert_vertex(); vertex.add_label(lab2); vertex.PropsSet(prop2, 4); } // even though xxx_count functions in GraphDbAccessor can over-estimate // in this situation they should be exact (nothing was ever deleted) EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab1, prop1), 14); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab1, prop2), 15); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab2, prop1), 16); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(lab2, prop2), 17); EXPECT_EQ(dba->vertices_count(), 14 + 15 + 16 + 17); } TEST(GraphDbAccessor, EdgeByEdgeTypeCount) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); auto t1 = dba->edge_type("t1"); auto t2 = dba->edge_type("t2"); EXPECT_EQ(dba->edges_count(t1), 0); EXPECT_EQ(dba->edges_count(t2), 0); EXPECT_EQ(dba->edges_count(), 0); auto v1 = dba->insert_vertex(); auto v2 = dba->insert_vertex(); for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) dba->insert_edge(v1, v2, t1); for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i) dba->insert_edge(v1, v2, t2); // even though xxx_count functions in GraphDbAccessor can over-estaimate // in this situation they should be exact (nothing was ever deleted) EXPECT_EQ(dba->edges_count(t1), 11); EXPECT_EQ(dba->edges_count(t2), 17); EXPECT_EQ(dba->edges_count(), 28); } // Check if build index adds old vertex entries (ones before the index was // created) TEST(GraphDbAccessor, BuildIndexOnOld) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); auto label = dba->label("lab1"); auto property = dba->property("prop1"); auto vertex_accessor = dba->insert_vertex(); vertex_accessor.add_label(label); vertex_accessor.PropsSet(property, 0); ::testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe"; EXPECT_DEATH(dba->vertices_count(label, property), "Index doesn't exist."); dba->commit(); auto dba2 = dbms.active(); dba2->BuildIndex(label, property); dba2->commit(); auto dba3 = dbms.active(); // Index is built and vertex is automatically added inside EXPECT_EQ(dba3->vertices_count(label, property), 1); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba3->vertices(label, property)), 1); dba3->commit(); } // Try to build index two times TEST(GraphDbAccessor, BuildIndexDouble) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); auto label = dba->label("lab1"); auto property = dba->property("prop1"); dba->BuildIndex(label, property); EXPECT_THROW(dba->BuildIndex(label, property), utils::BasicException); } // Inserts vertices with properties with integers and filters to get exact // vertices with an exact integer. TEST(GraphDbAccessor, FilterLabelPropertySpecificValue) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); auto label = dba->label("lab1"); auto property = dba->property("prop1"); dba->BuildIndex(label, property); dba->commit(); auto dba2 = dbms.active(); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) { for (int j = 1; j <= i; ++j) { auto vertex = dba2->insert_vertex(); vertex.add_label(label); vertex.PropsSet(property, i); } } dba2->commit(); auto dba3 = dbms.active(); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba3->vertices(label, property, PropertyValue(i), false)), i); } // Inserts integers, double, lists, booleans into index and check if they are // sorted as they should be sorted. TEST(GraphDbAccessor, SortedLabelPropertyEntries) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); auto label = dba->label("lab1"); auto property = dba->property("prop1"); dba->BuildIndex(label, property); dba->commit(); auto dba2 = dbms.active(); std::vector<PropertyValue> expected_property_value(50, 0); // strings for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { auto vertex_accessor = dba2->insert_vertex(); vertex_accessor.add_label(label); vertex_accessor.PropsSet(property, static_cast<std::string>(std::to_string(i))); expected_property_value[i] = vertex_accessor.PropsAt(property); } // bools - insert in reverse to check for comparison between values. for (int i = 9; i >= 0; --i) { auto vertex_accessor = dba2->insert_vertex(); vertex_accessor.add_label(label); vertex_accessor.PropsSet(property, static_cast<bool>(i / 5)); expected_property_value[10 + i] = vertex_accessor.PropsAt(property); } // integers for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { auto vertex_accessor = dba2->insert_vertex(); vertex_accessor.add_label(label); vertex_accessor.PropsSet(property, i); expected_property_value[20 + 2 * i] = vertex_accessor.PropsAt(property); } // doubles for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { auto vertex_accessor = dba2->insert_vertex(); vertex_accessor.add_label(label); vertex_accessor.PropsSet(property, static_cast<double>(i + 0.5)); expected_property_value[20 + 2 * i + 1] = vertex_accessor.PropsAt(property); } // lists of ints - insert in reverse to check for comparision between lists. for (int i = 9; i >= 0; --i) { auto vertex_accessor = dba2->insert_vertex(); vertex_accessor.add_label(label); std::vector<PropertyValue> value; value.push_back(PropertyValue(i)); vertex_accessor.PropsSet(property, value); expected_property_value[40 + i] = vertex_accessor.PropsAt(property); } EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba2->vertices(label, property, false)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba2->vertices(label, property, true)), 50); int cnt = 0; for (auto vertex : dba2->vertices(label, property, true)) { const PropertyValue &property_value = vertex.PropsAt(property); EXPECT_EQ(property_value.type(), expected_property_value[cnt].type()); switch (property_value.type()) { case PropertyValue::Type::Bool: EXPECT_EQ(property_value.Value<bool>(), expected_property_value[cnt].Value<bool>()); break; case PropertyValue::Type::Double: EXPECT_EQ(property_value.Value<double>(), expected_property_value[cnt].Value<double>()); break; case PropertyValue::Type::Int: EXPECT_EQ(property_value.Value<int64_t>(), expected_property_value[cnt].Value<int64_t>()); break; case PropertyValue::Type::String: EXPECT_EQ(property_value.Value<std::string>(), expected_property_value[cnt].Value<std::string>()); break; case PropertyValue::Type::List: { auto received_value = property_value.Value<std::vector<PropertyValue>>(); auto expected_value = expected_property_value[cnt].Value<std::vector<PropertyValue>>(); EXPECT_EQ(received_value.size(), expected_value.size()); EXPECT_EQ(received_value.size(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(received_value[0].Value<int64_t>(), expected_value[0].Value<int64_t>()); break; } case PropertyValue::Type::Null: ASSERT_FALSE("Invalid value type."); } ++cnt; } } TEST(GraphDbAccessor, VisibilityAfterInsertion) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); auto v1 = dba->insert_vertex(); auto v2 = dba->insert_vertex(); auto lab1 = dba->label("lab1"); auto lab2 = dba->label("lab2"); v1.add_label(lab1); auto type1 = dba->edge_type("type1"); auto type2 = dba->edge_type("type2"); dba->insert_edge(v1, v2, type1); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab1, false)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab1, true)), 1); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab2, false)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab2, true)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type1, false)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type1, true)), 1); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type2, false)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type2, true)), 0); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab1, false)), 1); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab1, true)), 1); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab2, false)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab2, true)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type1, false)), 1); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type1, true)), 1); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type2, false)), 0); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type2, true)), 0); } TEST(GraphDbAccessor, VisibilityAfterDeletion) { Dbms dbms; auto dba = dbms.active(); auto lab = dba->label("lab"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) dba->insert_vertex().add_label(lab); dba->advance_command(); auto type = dba->edge_type("type"); for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { auto vertices_it = dba->vertices(false).begin(); dba->insert_edge(*vertices_it++, *vertices_it, type); } dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab, false)), 5); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab, true)), 5); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type, false)), 3); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type, true)), 3); // delete two edges auto edges_it = dba->edges(false).begin(); for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) dba->remove_edge(*edges_it++); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type, false)), 3); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type, true)), 1); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type, false)), 1); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->edges(type, true)), 1); // detach-delete 2 vertices auto vertices_it = dba->vertices(false).begin(); for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) dba->detach_remove_vertex(*vertices_it++); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab, false)), 5); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab, true)), 3); dba->advance_command(); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab, false)), 3); EXPECT_EQ(Count(dba->vertices(lab, true)), 3); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }