## Writing New Data For adding new data, you can use the following clauses. * `CREATE`, for creating new nodes and edges. * `SET`, for adding new or updating existing labels and properties. * `DELETE`, for deleting nodes and edges. * `REMOVE`, for removing labels and properties. You can still use the `RETURN` clause to produce results after writing, but it is not mandatory. Details on which kind of data can be stored in *Memgraph* can be found in [Data Storage](../concepts/storage.md) chapter. ### CREATE This clause is used to add new nodes and edges to the database. The creation is done by providing a pattern, similarly to `MATCH` clause. For example, to create 2 new nodes connected with a new edge, use this query. ```opencypher CREATE (node1)-[:edge_type]->(node2) ``` Labels and properties can be set during creation using the same syntax as in `MATCH` patterns. For example, creating a node with a label and a property: ```opencypher CREATE (node :Label {property: "my property value"}) ``` Additional information on `CREATE` is [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/create/). ### SET The `SET` clause is used to update labels and properties of already existing data. Example. Incrementing everyone's age by 1. ```opencypher MATCH (n :Person) SET n.age = n.age + 1 ``` Click [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/create/) for a more detailed explanation on what can be done with `SET`. ### DELETE This clause is used to delete nodes and edges from the database. Example. Removing all edges of a single type. ```opencypher MATCH ()-[edge :type]-() DELETE edge ``` When testing the database, you want to often have a clean start by deleting every node and edge in the database. It is reasonable that deleting each node should delete all edges coming into or out of that node. ```opencypher MATCH (node) DELETE node ``` But, openCypher prevents accidental deletion of edges. Therefore, the above query will report an error. Instead, you need to use the `DETACH` keyword, which will remove edges from a node you are deleting. The following should work and *delete everything* in the database. ```opencypher MATCH (node) DETACH DELETE node ``` More examples are [here](https://neo4j.com/docs/developer-manual/current/cypher/clauses/delete/). ### REMOVE The `REMOVE` clause is used to remove labels and properties from nodes and edges. Example. ```opencypher MATCH (n :WrongLabel) REMOVE n :WrongLabel, n.property ```