# -*- rpm-spec -*-
Name:           @CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_NAME@
# Group field is deprecated
# Group:          @CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_GROUP@
BuildRequires: systemd



# This is needed to prevent Python compilation errors when building the RPM
# package
# https://github.com/scylladb/scylla/issues/2235
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 8
%global __os_install_post    \
    /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-compress \
    /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip %{__strip} \
    /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip-comment-note %{__strip} %{__objdump} \
    } \
    /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-strip-static-archive %{__strip} \
    %{!?__jar_repack:/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/brp-java-repack-jars} \

%if 0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} < 35
%global __os_install_post    \
    /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress \
    /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip %{__strip} \
    /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-comment-note %{__strip} %{__objdump} \
    } \
    /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip-static-archive %{__strip} \

%define _rpmdir %_topdir/RPMS
%define _srcrpmdir %_topdir/SRPMS
%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0


# This is a shortcutted spec file generated by CMake RPM generator
# we skip _install step because CPack does that for us.
# We do only save CPack installed tree in _prepr
# and then restore it in build.
# Put the systemd unit where it is expected on this system
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_unitdir}
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/systemd/system/memgraph.service $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_unitdir}
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib
# Fix the incorrect directory permissions set by cpack (this is fixed in CMake 3.11)
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type d | xargs chmod 755
# After setting up custom prep, continue with CMake's default
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %_topdir/tmpBBroot

if [ -e $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ];
  rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
mv %_topdir/tmpBBroot $RPM_BUILD_ROOT



# memgraph user and group must be set in preinst
chown memgraph:memgraph /var/lib/memgraph || exit 1
chmod 750 /var/lib/memgraph || exit 1
chown memgraph:adm /var/log/memgraph || exit 1
chmod 750 /var/log/memgraph || exit 1

# Generate SSL certificates
if [ ! -d /etc/memgraph/ssl ]; then
    mkdir /etc/memgraph/ssl || exit 1
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -days 3650 -nodes \
        -keyout /etc/memgraph/ssl/key.pem -out /etc/memgraph/ssl/cert.pem \
        -subj "/C=GB/ST=London/L=London/O=Memgraph Ltd./CN=Memgraph DB" || exit 1
    chown memgraph:memgraph /etc/memgraph/ssl/* || exit 1
    chmod 400 /etc/memgraph/ssl/* || exit 1


# Add the 'memgraph' user and group
getent group memgraph >/dev/null || groupadd -r memgraph || exit 1
getent passwd memgraph >/dev/null || \
  useradd -r -g memgraph -d /var/lib/memgraph -s /bin/bash memgraph || exit 1
echo "Don't forget to switch to the 'memgraph' user to use Memgraph" || exit 1


# Since we moved the memgraph.service file, declare it explicitly here.
# NOTE: memgraph.service must not be marked as configuration file.

# Override CPACK_RPM_ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_FILES with our %config(noreplace), cpack
# uses plain %config.
%config(noreplace) "/etc/memgraph/memgraph.conf"
%config(noreplace) "/etc/memgraph/auth_module/ldap.example.yaml"
%config(noreplace) "/etc/logrotate.d/memgraph"

