// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd. // // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source // License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. // // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file // licenses/APL.txt. #include #include #include "utils/logging.hpp" #include "utils/timer.hpp" DEFINE_uint64(bolt_port, 7687, "Bolt port"); DEFINE_uint64(timeout, 120, "Timeout seconds"); namespace { auto GetClient() { auto client = mg::Client::Connect({.host = "", .port = static_cast(FLAGS_bolt_port), .use_ssl = false}); MG_ASSERT(client, "Failed to connect!"); return client; } auto GetVertexCount(std::unique_ptr &client) { MG_ASSERT(client->Execute("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)")); auto maybe_row = client->FetchOne(); MG_ASSERT(maybe_row, "Failed to fetch vertex count"); const auto &row = *maybe_row; MG_ASSERT(row.size() == 1, "Got invalid result for vertex count"); client->FetchOne(); return row[0].ValueInt(); } void CleanDatabase() { auto client = GetClient(); MG_ASSERT(client->Execute("MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;")); client->DiscardAll(); } void TestSnapshotIsolation(std::unique_ptr &client) { spdlog::info("Verifying SNAPSHOT ISOLATION"); auto creator = GetClient(); MG_ASSERT(client->BeginTransaction()); MG_ASSERT(creator->BeginTransaction()); static constexpr auto vertex_count = 10; for (size_t i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) { MG_ASSERT(creator->Execute("CREATE ()")); creator->DiscardAll(); auto current_vertex_count = GetVertexCount(client); MG_ASSERT(current_vertex_count == 0, "Invalid number of vertices found for SNAPSHOT ISOLATION (found {}, expected {}). Read vertices from a " "transaction which started " "at a later point.", current_vertex_count, 0); } MG_ASSERT(creator->CommitTransaction()); auto current_vertex_count = GetVertexCount(client); MG_ASSERT(current_vertex_count == 0, "Invalid number of vertices found for SNAPSHOT ISOLATION (found {}, expected {}). Read vertices from a " "transaction which started " "at a later point.", current_vertex_count, 0); MG_ASSERT(client->CommitTransaction()); CleanDatabase(); } void TestReadCommitted(std::unique_ptr &client) { spdlog::info("Verifying READ COMMITTED"); auto creator = GetClient(); MG_ASSERT(client->BeginTransaction()); MG_ASSERT(creator->BeginTransaction()); static constexpr auto vertex_count = 10; for (size_t i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) { MG_ASSERT(creator->Execute("CREATE ()")); creator->DiscardAll(); auto current_vertex_count = GetVertexCount(client); MG_ASSERT(current_vertex_count == 0, "Invalid number of vertices found for READ COMMITTED (found {}, expected {}. Read vertices from a " "transaction which is not " "committed.", current_vertex_count, 0); } MG_ASSERT(creator->CommitTransaction()); auto current_vertex_count = GetVertexCount(client); MG_ASSERT(current_vertex_count == vertex_count, "Invalid number of vertices found for READ COMMITTED (found {}, expected {}). Failed to read vertices " "from a committed transaction", current_vertex_count, vertex_count); MG_ASSERT(client->CommitTransaction()); CleanDatabase(); } void TestReadUncommitted(std::unique_ptr &client) { spdlog::info("Verifying READ UNCOMMITTED"); auto creator = GetClient(); MG_ASSERT(client->BeginTransaction()); MG_ASSERT(creator->BeginTransaction()); static constexpr auto vertex_count = 10; for (size_t i = 1; i <= vertex_count; ++i) { MG_ASSERT(creator->Execute("CREATE ()")); creator->DiscardAll(); auto current_vertex_count = GetVertexCount(client); MG_ASSERT(current_vertex_count == i, "Invalid number of vertices found for READ UNCOMMITTED (found {}, expected {}). Failed to read vertices " "from a different transaction.", current_vertex_count, i); } MG_ASSERT(creator->CommitTransaction()); auto current_vertex_count = GetVertexCount(client); MG_ASSERT(current_vertex_count == vertex_count, "Invalid number of vertices found for READ UNCOMMITTED (found {}, expected {}). Failed to read vertices " "from a different transaction", current_vertex_count, vertex_count); MG_ASSERT(client->CommitTransaction()); CleanDatabase(); } inline constexpr std::array isolation_levels{std::pair{"SNAPSHOT ISOLATION", &TestSnapshotIsolation}, std::pair{"READ COMMITTED", &TestReadCommitted}, std::pair{"READ UNCOMMITTED", &TestReadUncommitted}}; void TestGlobalIsolationLevel() { spdlog::info("\n\n----Test global isolation levels----\n"); auto first_client = GetClient(); auto second_client = GetClient(); for (const auto &[isolation_level, verification_function] : isolation_levels) { spdlog::info("--------------------------"); spdlog::info("Setting global isolation level to {}", isolation_level); MG_ASSERT(first_client->Execute(fmt::format("SET GLOBAL TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {}", isolation_level))); first_client->DiscardAll(); verification_function(first_client); verification_function(second_client); spdlog::info("--------------------------\n"); } } void TestSessionIsolationLevel() { spdlog::info("\n\n----Test session isolation levels----\n"); auto global_client = GetClient(); auto session_client = GetClient(); for (const auto &[global_isolation_level, global_verification_function] : isolation_levels) { spdlog::info("Setting global isolation level to {}", global_isolation_level); MG_ASSERT(global_client->Execute(fmt::format("SET GLOBAL TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {}", global_isolation_level))); global_client->DiscardAll(); for (const auto &[session_isolation_level, session_verification_function] : isolation_levels) { spdlog::info("--------------------------"); spdlog::info("Setting session isolation level to {}", session_isolation_level); MG_ASSERT( session_client->Execute(fmt::format("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {}", session_isolation_level))); session_client->DiscardAll(); spdlog::info("Verifying client which is using global isolation level"); global_verification_function(global_client); spdlog::info("Verifying client which is using session isolation level"); session_verification_function(session_client); spdlog::info("--------------------------\n"); } } } // Priority of applying the isolation level from highest priority NEXT -> SESSION -> GLOBAL void TestNextIsolationLevel() { spdlog::info("\n\n----Test next isolation levels----\n"); auto global_client = GetClient(); auto session_client = GetClient(); for (const auto &[global_isolation_level, global_verification_function] : isolation_levels) { spdlog::info("Setting global isolation level to {}", global_isolation_level); MG_ASSERT(global_client->Execute(fmt::format("SET GLOBAL TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {}", global_isolation_level))); global_client->DiscardAll(); for (const auto &[session_isolation_level, session_verification_function] : isolation_levels) { spdlog::info("Setting session isolation level to {}", session_isolation_level); MG_ASSERT( session_client->Execute(fmt::format("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {}", session_isolation_level))); session_client->DiscardAll(); for (const auto &[next_isolation_level, next_verification_function] : isolation_levels) { spdlog::info("--------------------------"); spdlog::info("Verifying client which is using global isolation level"); global_verification_function(global_client); spdlog::info("Verifying client which is using session isolation level"); session_verification_function(session_client); spdlog::info("Setting isolation level of the next transaction to {}", next_isolation_level); MG_ASSERT(global_client->Execute(fmt::format("SET NEXT TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {}", next_isolation_level))); global_client->DiscardAll(); MG_ASSERT( session_client->Execute(fmt::format("SET NEXT TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL {}", next_isolation_level))); session_client->DiscardAll(); spdlog::info("Verifying client which is using global isolation level while next isolation level is set"); next_verification_function(global_client); spdlog::info("Verifying client which is using session isolation level while next isolation level is set"); next_verification_function(session_client); spdlog::info("Verifying client which is using global isolation level after the next isolation level was used"); global_verification_function(global_client); spdlog::info("Verifying client which is using session isolation level after the next isolation level was used"); session_verification_function(session_client); spdlog::info("--------------------------\n"); } } } } } // namespace int main(int argc, char **argv) { google::SetUsageMessage("Memgraph E2E Isolation Levels"); gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); memgraph::logging::RedirectToStderr(); mg::Client::Init(); TestGlobalIsolationLevel(); TestSessionIsolationLevel(); TestNextIsolationLevel(); return 0; }