// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd. // // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source // License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. // // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file // licenses/APL.txt. #include #include #include "mg_procedure.h" #include "utils/on_scope_exit.hpp" namespace { static void ReturnFunctionArgument(struct mgp_list *args, mgp_func_context *ctx, mgp_func_result *result, struct mgp_memory *memory) { mgp_value *value{nullptr}; auto err_code = mgp_list_at(args, 0, &value); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { mgp_func_result_set_error_msg(result, "Failed to fetch list!", memory); return; } err_code = mgp_func_result_set_value(result, value, memory); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { mgp_func_result_set_error_msg(result, "Failed to construct return value!", memory); return; } } static void ReturnOptionalArgument(struct mgp_list *args, mgp_func_context *ctx, mgp_func_result *result, struct mgp_memory *memory) { mgp_value *value{nullptr}; auto err_code = mgp_list_at(args, 0, &value); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { mgp_func_result_set_error_msg(result, "Failed to fetch list!", memory); return; } err_code = mgp_func_result_set_value(result, value, memory); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { mgp_func_result_set_error_msg(result, "Failed to construct return value!", memory); return; } } double GetElementFromArg(struct mgp_list *args, int index) { mgp_value *value{nullptr}; if (mgp_list_at(args, index, &value) != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { throw std::runtime_error("Error while argument fetching."); } double result; int is_int; mgp_value_is_int(value, &is_int); if (is_int) { int64_t result_int; mgp_value_get_int(value, &result_int); result = static_cast(result_int); } else { mgp_value_get_double(value, &result); } return result; } static void AddTwoNumbers(struct mgp_list *args, mgp_func_context *ctx, mgp_func_result *result, struct mgp_memory *memory) { double first = 0; double second = 0; try { first = GetElementFromArg(args, 0); second = GetElementFromArg(args, 1); } catch (...) { mgp_func_result_set_error_msg(result, "Unable to fetch the result!", memory); return; } mgp_value *value{nullptr}; auto summation = first + second; mgp_value_make_double(summation, memory, &value); memgraph::utils::OnScopeExit delete_summation_value([&value] { mgp_value_destroy(value); }); auto err_code = mgp_func_result_set_value(result, value, memory); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { mgp_func_result_set_error_msg(result, "Failed to construct return value!", memory); } } static void ReturnNull(struct mgp_list *args, mgp_func_context *ctx, mgp_func_result *result, struct mgp_memory *memory) { mgp_value *value{nullptr}; mgp_value_make_null(memory, &value); memgraph::utils::OnScopeExit delete_null([&value] { mgp_value_destroy(value); }); auto err_code = mgp_func_result_set_value(result, value, memory); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { mgp_func_result_set_error_msg(result, "Failed to fetch list!", memory); } } } // namespace // Each module needs to define mgp_init_module function. // Here you can register multiple functions/procedures your module supports. extern "C" int mgp_init_module(struct mgp_module *module, struct mgp_memory *memory) { { mgp_func *func{nullptr}; auto err_code = mgp_module_add_function(module, "return_function_argument", ReturnFunctionArgument, &func); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { return 1; } mgp_type *type_any{nullptr}; mgp_type_any(&type_any); err_code = mgp_func_add_arg(func, "argument", type_any); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { return 1; } } { mgp_func *func{nullptr}; auto err_code = mgp_module_add_function(module, "return_optional_argument", ReturnOptionalArgument, &func); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { return 1; } mgp_value *default_value{nullptr}; mgp_value_make_int(42, memory, &default_value); memgraph::utils::OnScopeExit delete_summation_value([&default_value] { mgp_value_destroy(default_value); }); mgp_type *type_int{nullptr}; mgp_type_int(&type_int); err_code = mgp_func_add_opt_arg(func, "opt_argument", type_int, default_value); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { return 1; } } { mgp_func *func{nullptr}; auto err_code = mgp_module_add_function(module, "add_two_numbers", AddTwoNumbers, &func); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { return 1; } mgp_type *type_number{nullptr}; mgp_type_number(&type_number); err_code = mgp_func_add_arg(func, "first", type_number); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { return 1; } err_code = mgp_func_add_arg(func, "second", type_number); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { return 1; } } { mgp_func *func{nullptr}; auto err_code = mgp_module_add_function(module, "return_null", ReturnNull, &func); if (err_code != MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { return 1; } } return 0; } // This is an optional function if you need to release any resources before the // module is unloaded. You will probably need this if you acquired some // resources in mgp_init_module. extern "C" int mgp_shutdown_module() { return 0; }