// Copyright 2021 Memgraph Ltd. // // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source // License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. // // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file // licenses/APL.txt. #pragma once #include #include "utils/cast.hpp" namespace utils { inline uint8_t HostToLittleEndian(uint8_t value) { return value; } inline uint16_t HostToLittleEndian(uint16_t value) { return htole16(value); } inline uint32_t HostToLittleEndian(uint32_t value) { return htole32(value); } inline uint64_t HostToLittleEndian(uint64_t value) { return htole64(value); } inline int8_t HostToLittleEndian(int8_t value) { return value; } inline int16_t HostToLittleEndian(int16_t value) { return MemcpyCast(htole16(MemcpyCast(value))); } inline int32_t HostToLittleEndian(int32_t value) { return MemcpyCast(htole32(MemcpyCast(value))); } inline int64_t HostToLittleEndian(int64_t value) { return MemcpyCast(htole64(MemcpyCast(value))); } inline uint8_t LittleEndianToHost(uint8_t value) { return value; } inline uint16_t LittleEndianToHost(uint16_t value) { return le16toh(value); } inline uint32_t LittleEndianToHost(uint32_t value) { return le32toh(value); } inline uint64_t LittleEndianToHost(uint64_t value) { return le64toh(value); } inline int8_t LittleEndianToHost(int8_t value) { return value; } inline int16_t LittleEndianToHost(int16_t value) { return MemcpyCast(le16toh(MemcpyCast(value))); } inline int32_t LittleEndianToHost(int32_t value) { return MemcpyCast(le32toh(MemcpyCast(value))); } inline int64_t LittleEndianToHost(int64_t value) { return MemcpyCast(le64toh(MemcpyCast(value))); } inline uint8_t HostToBigEndian(uint8_t value) { return value; } inline uint16_t HostToBigEndian(uint16_t value) { return htobe16(value); } inline uint32_t HostToBigEndian(uint32_t value) { return htobe32(value); } inline uint64_t HostToBigEndian(uint64_t value) { return htobe64(value); } inline int8_t HostToBigEndian(int8_t value) { return value; } inline int16_t HostToBigEndian(int16_t value) { return MemcpyCast(htobe16(MemcpyCast(value))); } inline int32_t HostToBigEndian(int32_t value) { return MemcpyCast(htobe32(MemcpyCast(value))); } inline int64_t HostToBigEndian(int64_t value) { return MemcpyCast(htobe64(MemcpyCast(value))); } inline uint8_t BigEndianToHost(uint8_t value) { return value; } inline uint16_t BigEndianToHost(uint16_t value) { return be16toh(value); } inline uint32_t BigEndianToHost(uint32_t value) { return be32toh(value); } inline uint64_t BigEndianToHost(uint64_t value) { return be64toh(value); } inline int8_t BigEndianToHost(int8_t value) { return value; } inline int16_t BigEndianToHost(int16_t value) { return MemcpyCast(be16toh(MemcpyCast(value))); } inline int32_t BigEndianToHost(int32_t value) { return MemcpyCast(be32toh(MemcpyCast(value))); } inline int64_t BigEndianToHost(int64_t value) { return MemcpyCast(be64toh(MemcpyCast(value))); } } // namespace utils