#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>

#include <glog/logging.h>

#include "communication/result_stream_faker.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db.hpp"
#include "database/graph_db_accessor.hpp"
#include "database/single_node/dump.hpp"
#include "query/interpreter.hpp"
#include "query/typed_value.hpp"
#include "storage/common/types/property_value.hpp"

using database::CypherDumpGenerator;
using database::GraphDbAccessor;

const char *kPropertyId = "property_id";

const char *kCreateInternalIndex = "CREATE INDEX ON :__mg_vertex__(__mg_id__);";
const char *kDropInternalIndex = "DROP INDEX ON :__mg_vertex__(__mg_id__);";
const char *kRemoveInternalLabelProperty =
    "MATCH (u) REMOVE u:__mg_vertex__, u.__mg_id__;";

// A helper struct that contains info about database that is used to compare
// two databases (to check if their states are the same). It is assumed that
// each vertex and each edge have unique integer property under key
// `kPropertyId`.
struct DatabaseState {
  struct Vertex {
    int64_t id;
    std::set<std::string> labels;
    std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> props;

  struct Edge {
    int64_t from, to;
    std::string edge_type;
    std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> props;

  struct IndexKey {
    std::string label;
    std::string property;

  struct UniqueConstraint {
    std::string label;
    std::set<std::string> props;

  std::set<Vertex> vertices;
  std::set<Edge> edges;
  std::set<IndexKey> indices;
  std::set<UniqueConstraint> constraints;

bool operator<(const DatabaseState::Vertex &first,
               const DatabaseState::Vertex &second) {
  if (first.id != second.id) return first.id < second.id;
  if (first.labels != second.labels) return first.labels < second.labels;
  return first.props < second.props;

bool operator<(const DatabaseState::Edge &first,
               const DatabaseState::Edge &second) {
  if (first.from != second.from) return first.from < second.from;
  if (first.to != second.to) return first.to < second.to;
  if (first.edge_type != second.edge_type)
    return first.edge_type < second.edge_type;
  return first.props < second.props;

bool operator<(const DatabaseState::IndexKey &first,
               const DatabaseState::IndexKey &second) {
  if (first.label != second.label) return first.label < second.label;
  return first.property < second.property;

bool operator<(const DatabaseState::UniqueConstraint &first,
               const DatabaseState::UniqueConstraint &second) {
  if (first.label != second.label) return first.label < second.label;
  return first.props < second.props;

bool operator==(const DatabaseState::Vertex &first,
                const DatabaseState::Vertex &second) {
  return first.id == second.id && first.labels == second.labels &&
         first.props == second.props;

bool operator==(const DatabaseState::Edge &first,
                const DatabaseState::Edge &second) {
  return first.from == second.from && first.to == second.to &&
         first.edge_type == second.edge_type && first.props == second.props;

bool operator==(const DatabaseState::IndexKey &first,
                const DatabaseState::IndexKey &second) {
  return first.label == second.label && first.property == second.property;

bool operator==(const DatabaseState::UniqueConstraint &first,
                const DatabaseState::UniqueConstraint &second) {
  return first.label == second.label && first.props == second.props;

bool operator==(const DatabaseState &first, const DatabaseState &second) {
  return first.vertices == second.vertices && first.edges == second.edges &&
         first.indices == second.indices;

// Returns next query if the end is not reached, otherwise returns an empty
// string.
std::string DumpNext(CypherDumpGenerator *dump) {
  std::ostringstream oss;
  if (dump->NextQuery(&oss)) return oss.str();
  return "";

class DatabaseEnvironment {
  GraphDbAccessor Access() { return db_.Access(); }

  DatabaseState GetState() {
    // Capture all vertices
    std::map<gid::Gid, int64_t> gid_mapping;
    std::set<DatabaseState::Vertex> vertices;
    auto dba = db_.Access();
    for (const auto &vertex : dba.Vertices(false)) {
      std::set<std::string> labels;
      for (const auto &label : vertex.labels()) {
      std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> props;
      for (const auto &kv : vertex.Properties()) {
        props.emplace(dba.PropertyName(kv.first), kv.second);
      CHECK(props.count(kPropertyId) == 1);
      const auto id = props[kPropertyId].Value<int64_t>();
      gid_mapping[vertex.gid()] = id;
      vertices.insert({id, labels, props});

    // Capture all edges
    std::set<DatabaseState::Edge> edges;
    for (const auto &edge : dba.Edges(false)) {
      const auto &edge_type_name = dba.EdgeTypeName(edge.EdgeType());
      std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> props;
      for (const auto &kv : edge.Properties()) {
        props.emplace(dba.PropertyName(kv.first), kv.second);
      const auto from = gid_mapping[edge.from().gid()];
      const auto to = gid_mapping[edge.to().gid()];
      edges.insert({from, to, edge_type_name, props});

    // Capture all indices
    std::set<DatabaseState::IndexKey> indices;
    for (const auto &key : dba.GetIndicesKeys()) {
          {dba.LabelName(key.label_), dba.PropertyName(key.property_)});

    // Capture all unique constraints
    std::set<DatabaseState::UniqueConstraint> constraints;
    for (const auto &constraint : dba.ListUniqueConstraints()) {
      std::set<std::string> props;
      for (const auto &prop : constraint.properties) {
      constraints.insert({dba.LabelName(constraint.label), props});

    return {vertices, edges, indices, constraints};

  database::GraphDb db_;

void Execute(GraphDbAccessor *dba, const std::string &query) {
  ResultStreamFaker<query::TypedValue> results;
  query::Interpreter()(query, *dba, {}, false).PullAll(results);

VertexAccessor CreateVertex(GraphDbAccessor *dba,
                            const std::vector<std::string> &labels,
                            const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &props,
                            bool add_property_id = true) {
  auto vertex = dba->InsertVertex();
  for (const auto &label_name : labels) {
  for (const auto &kv : props) {
    vertex.PropsSet(dba->Property(kv.first), kv.second);
  if (add_property_id) {
  return vertex;

EdgeAccessor CreateEdge(GraphDbAccessor *dba, VertexAccessor from,
                        VertexAccessor to, const std::string &edge_type_name,
                        const std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> &props,
                        bool add_property_id = true) {
  auto edge = dba->InsertEdge(from, to, dba->EdgeType(edge_type_name));
  for (const auto &kv : props) {
    edge.PropsSet(dba->Property(kv.first), kv.second);
  if (add_property_id) {
  return edge;

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, EmptyGraph) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
  auto dba = db.Access();
  CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
  EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, SingleVertex) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);

    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, VertexWithSingleLabel) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    CreateVertex(&dba, {"Label1"}, {}, false);

    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
              "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__:Label1 {__mg_id__: 0});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, VertexWithMultipleLabels) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    CreateVertex(&dba, {"Label1", "Label2"}, {}, false);

    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
              "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__:Label1:Label2 {__mg_id__: 0});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, VertexWithSingleProperty) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {{"prop", PropertyValue(42)}}, false);

    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
              "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0, prop: 42});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, MultipleVertices) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);
    CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);
    CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);

    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 1});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 2});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, SingleEdge) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    auto u = CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);
    auto v = CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);
    CreateEdge(&dba, u, v, "EdgeType", {}, false);

    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 1});");
              "MATCH (u:__mg_vertex__), (v:__mg_vertex__) WHERE u.__mg_id__ = "
              "0 AND v.__mg_id__ = 1 CREATE (u)-[:EdgeType]->(v);");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, MultipleEdges) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    auto u = CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);
    auto v = CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);
    auto w = CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);
    CreateEdge(&dba, u, v, "EdgeType", {}, false);
    CreateEdge(&dba, v, u, "EdgeType", {}, false);
    CreateEdge(&dba, v, w, "EdgeType", {}, false);

    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 1});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 2});");
              "MATCH (u:__mg_vertex__), (v:__mg_vertex__) WHERE u.__mg_id__ = "
              "0 AND v.__mg_id__ = 1 CREATE (u)-[:EdgeType]->(v);");
              "MATCH (u:__mg_vertex__), (v:__mg_vertex__) WHERE u.__mg_id__ = "
              "1 AND v.__mg_id__ = 0 CREATE (u)-[:EdgeType]->(v);");
              "MATCH (u:__mg_vertex__), (v:__mg_vertex__) WHERE u.__mg_id__ = "
              "1 AND v.__mg_id__ = 2 CREATE (u)-[:EdgeType]->(v);");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, EdgeWithProperties) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    auto u = CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);
    auto v = CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);
    CreateEdge(&dba, u, v, "EdgeType", {{"prop", PropertyValue(13)}}, false);

    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 0});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__ {__mg_id__: 1});");
              "MATCH (u:__mg_vertex__), (v:__mg_vertex__) WHERE u.__mg_id__ = "
              "0 AND v.__mg_id__ = 1 CREATE (u)-[:EdgeType {prop: 13}]->(v);");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, IndicesKeys) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    CreateVertex(&dba, {"Label1", "Label2"}, {{"p", PropertyValue(1)}}, false);
    Execute(&dba, "CREATE INDEX ON :Label1(prop);");
    Execute(&dba, "CREATE INDEX ON :Label2(prop);");

    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE INDEX ON :Label1(prop);");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "CREATE INDEX ON :Label2(prop);");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
              "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__:Label1:Label2 {__mg_id__: 0, p: 1});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, UniqueConstraints) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    CreateVertex(&dba, {"Label"}, {{"prop", 1}}, false);
    Execute(&dba, "CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (u:Label) ASSERT u.prop IS UNIQUE;");
    // Create one with multiple properties.
        "CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (u:Label) ASSERT u.prop1, u.prop2 IS UNIQUE;");

    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kCreateInternalIndex);
              "CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (u:Label) ASSERT u.prop IS UNIQUE;");
        "CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (u:Label) ASSERT u.prop1, u.prop2 IS UNIQUE;");
              "CREATE (:__mg_vertex__:Label {__mg_id__: 0, prop: 1});");
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kDropInternalIndex);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), kRemoveInternalLabelProperty);
    EXPECT_EQ(DumpNext(&dump), "");

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, CheckStateVertexWithMultipleProperties) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    std::map<std::string, PropertyValue> prop1 = {
        {"nested1", PropertyValue(1337)}, {"nested2", PropertyValue(3.14)}};
    CreateVertex(&dba, {"Label1", "Label2"},
                 {{"prop1", prop1}, {"prop2", PropertyValue("$'\t'")}});

  DatabaseEnvironment db_dump;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    std::string cmd;
    while (!(cmd = DumpNext(&dump)).empty()) {
      auto dba_dump = db_dump.Access();
      Execute(&dba_dump, cmd);
  EXPECT_EQ(db.GetState(), db_dump.GetState());

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, CheckStateSimpleGraph) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    auto u = CreateVertex(&dba, {"Person"}, {{"name", "Ivan"}});
    auto v = CreateVertex(&dba, {"Person"}, {{"name", "Josko"}});
    auto w = CreateVertex(&dba, {"Person"}, {{"name", "Bosko"}, {"id", 0}});
    auto z = CreateVertex(&dba, {"Person"}, {{"name", "Buha"}, {"id", 1}});
    CreateEdge(&dba, u, v, "Knows", {});
    CreateEdge(&dba, v, w, "Knows", {{"how_long", 5}});
    CreateEdge(&dba, w, u, "Knows", {{"how", "distant past"}});
    CreateEdge(&dba, v, u, "Knows", {});
    CreateEdge(&dba, v, u, "Likes", {});
    CreateEdge(&dba, z, u, "Knows", {});
    CreateEdge(&dba, w, z, "Knows", {{"how", "school"}});
    CreateEdge(&dba, w, z, "Likes", {{"how", "very much"}});
    // Create few indices
    Execute(&dba, "CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (u:Person) ASSERT u.name IS UNIQUE;");
    Execute(&dba, "CREATE INDEX ON :Person(id);");
    Execute(&dba, "CREATE INDEX ON :Person(unexisting_property);");

  const auto &db_initial_state = db.GetState();
  DatabaseEnvironment db_dump;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    CypherDumpGenerator dump(&dba);
    std::string cmd;
    while (!(cmd = DumpNext(&dump)).empty()) {
      auto dba_dump = db_dump.Access();
      Execute(&dba_dump, cmd);
  EXPECT_EQ(db.GetState(), db_dump.GetState());
  // Make sure that dump function doesn't make changes on the database.
  EXPECT_EQ(db.GetState(), db_initial_state);

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(hicpp-special-member-functions)
TEST(DumpTest, ExecuteDumpDatabase) {
  DatabaseEnvironment db;
    auto dba = db.Access();
    CreateVertex(&dba, {}, {}, false);

    auto dba = db.Access();
    const std::string query = "DUMP DATABASE";
    ResultStreamFaker<query::TypedValue> stream;
    auto results = query::Interpreter()(query, dba, {}, false);


    EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetResults().size(), 4U);
    ASSERT_EQ(stream.GetHeader().size(), 1U);
    EXPECT_EQ(stream.GetHeader()[0], "QUERY");