# Change Log ## v0.11.0 ### Major Features and Improvements * [Enterprise Ed.] Improve Cartesian support in distributed queries. * [Enterprise Ed.] Improve distributed execution of BFS. * [Enterprise Ed.] Dynamic graph partitioner added. * Static vertices/edges id generators exposed through the Id Cypher function. * Properties on disk added. * Telemetry added. * SSL support added. * Add `toString` function to openCypher. ### Bug Fixes and Other Changes * Document issues with Docker on OS X. * Add BFS and Dijkstra's algorithm examples to documentation. ## v0.10.0 ### Breaking Changes * Snapshot format changed (not backward compatible). ### Major Features and Improvements * [Enterprise Ed.] Distributed storage and execution. * `reduce` and `single` functions added to openCypher. * `wShortest` edge expansion added to openCypher. * Support packaging RPM on CentOS 7. ### Bug Fixes and Other Changes * Report an error if updating a deleted element. * Log an error if reading info on available memory fails. * Fix a bug when `MATCH` would stop matching if a result was empty, but later results still contain data to be matched. The simplest case of this was the query: `UNWIND [1,2,3] AS x MATCH (n :Label {prop: x}) RETURN n`. If there was no node `(:Label {prop: 1})`, then the `MATCH` wouldn't even try to find for `x` being 2 or 3. * Report an error if trying to compare a property value with something that cannot be stored in a property. * Fix crashes in some obscure cases. * Commit log automatically garbage collected. * Add minor performance improvements. ## v0.9.0 ### Breaking Changes * Snapshot format changed (not backward compatible). * Snapshot configuration flags changed, general durability flags added. ### Major Features and Improvements * Write-ahead log added. * `nodes` and `relationships` functions added. * `UNION` and `UNION ALL` is implemented. * Concurrent index creation is now enabled. ### Bug Fixes and Other Changes ## v0.8.0 ### Major Features and Improvements * CASE construct (without aggregations). * Named path support added. * Maps can now be stored as vertex/edge properties. * Map indexing supported. * `rand` function added. * `assert` function added. * `counter` and `counterSet` functions added. * `indexInfo` function added. * `collect` aggregation now supports Map collection. * Changed the BFS syntax. ### Bug Fixes and Other Changes * Use \u to specify 4 digit codepoint and \U for 8 digit * Keywords appearing in header (named expressions) keep original case. * Our Bolt protocol implementation is now completely compatible with the protocol version 1 specification. (https://boltprotocol.org/v1/) * Added a log warning when running out of memory and the `memory_warning_threshold` flag * Edges are no longer additionally filtered after expansion. ## v0.7.0 ### Major Features and Improvements * Variable length path `MATCH`. * Explicitly started transactions (multi-query transactions). * Map literal. * Query parameters (except for parameters in place of property maps). * `all` function in openCypher. * `degree` function in openCypher. * User specified transaction execution timeout. ### Bug Fixes and Other Changes * Concurrent `BUILD INDEX` deadlock now returns an error to the client. * A `MATCH` preceeded by `OPTIONAL MATCH` expansion inconsistencies. * High concurrency Antlr parsing bug. * Indexing improvements. * Query stripping and caching speedups. ## v0.6.0 ### Major Features and Improvements * AST caching. * Label + property index support. * Different logging setup & format. ## v0.5.0 ### Major Features and Improvements * Use label indexes to speed up querying. * Generate multiple query plans and use the cost estimator to select the best. * Snapshots & Recovery. * Abandon old yaml configuration and migrate to gflags. * Query stripping & AST caching support. ### Bug Fixes and Other Changes * Fixed race condition in MVCC. Hints exp+aborted race condition prevented. * Fixed conceptual bug in MVCC GC. Evaluate old records w.r.t. the oldest. transaction's id AND snapshot. * User friendly error messages thrown from the query engine. ## Build 837 ### Bug Fixes and Other Changes * List indexing supported with preceeding IN (for example in query `RETURN 1 IN [[1,2]][0]`). ## Build 825 ### Major Features and Improvements * RETURN *, count(*), OPTIONAL MATCH, UNWIND, DISTINCT (except DISTINCT in aggregate functions), list indexing and slicing, escaped labels, IN LIST operator, range function. ### Bug Fixes and Other Changes * TCP_NODELAY -> import should be faster. * Clear hint bits. ## Build 783 ### Major Features and Improvements * SKIP, LIMIT, ORDER BY. * Math functions. * Initial support for MERGE clause. ### Bug Fixes and Other Changes * Unhandled Lock Timeout Exception. ## Build 755 ### Major Features and Improvements * MATCH, CREATE, WHERE, SET, REMOVE, DELETE.