// LdbcUpdate7AddComment{commentId=2199024038763, creationDate=Thu Sep 13 11:36:09 CEST 2012, locationIp='', browserUsed='Firefox', content='About Arnold Schoenberg, ist movement in German poetry and art, andAbout Ecce Cor M', length=83, authorPersonId=8796093030860, countryId=76, replyToPostId=2199024038761, replyToCommentId=-1, tagIds=[146, 11287]} CREATE (c:Comment:Message {id: "2199024038763", creationDate: 1347528969834, locationIP: '', browserUsed: 'Firefox', content: 'About Arnold Schoenberg, ist movement in German poetry and art, andAbout Ecce Cor M', length: 83}); // For replyOfId: if replyToCommentId is -1, then use replyToPostId MATCH (m:Comment {id: "2199024038763"}), (p:Person {id: "8796093030860"}), (r:Message {id: "2199024038761"}), (c:Place {id: "76"}) OPTIONAL MATCH (t:Tag) WHERE t.id IN ["146", "11287"] WITH m, p, r, c, collect(t) as tagSet CREATE (m)-[:HAS_CREATOR]->(p), (m)-[:REPLY_OF]->(r), (m)-[:IS_LOCATED_IN]->(c) // FOREACH (t IN tagSet| CREATE (m)-[:HAS_TAG]->(t)); WITH m, tagSet UNWIND tagSet AS t CREATE (m)-[:HAS_TAG]->(t);