#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd. # # Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License # included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source # License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. # # As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with # the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed # by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file # licenses/APL.txt. import argparse import json def load_results(fname): with open(fname) as f: return json.load(f) def compute_diff(value_from, value_to): if value_from is None: return {"value": value_to} diff = (value_to - value_from) / value_from return {"value": value_to, "diff": diff} def recursive_get(data, *args, value=None): for arg in args: if arg not in data: return value data = data[arg] return data def compare_results(results_from, results_to, fields, ignored, different_vendors): ret = {} for dataset, variants in results_to.items(): if dataset == "__run_configuration__": continue for variant, groups in variants.items(): for group, scenarios in groups.items(): if group == "__import__": continue for scenario, summary_to in scenarios.items(): if scenario in ignored: continue summary_from = recursive_get(results_from, dataset, variant, group, scenario, value={}) summary_from = summary_from["without_fine_grained_authorization"] summary_to = summary_to["without_fine_grained_authorization"] if ( len(summary_from) > 0 and (summary_to["count"] != summary_from["count"] and not different_vendors) or summary_to["num_workers"] != summary_from["num_workers"] ): raise Exception("Incompatible results!") testcode = "/".join( [ dataset, variant, group, scenario, "{:02d}".format(summary_to["num_workers"]), ] ) row = {} performance_changed = False for field in fields: key = field["name"] if key in summary_to: row[key] = compute_diff(summary_from.get(key, None), summary_to[key]) elif key in summary_to["database"]: row[key] = compute_diff( recursive_get(summary_from, "database", key, value=None), summary_to["database"][key], ) elif summary_to.get("latency_stats") != None and key in summary_to["latency_stats"]: row[key] = compute_diff( recursive_get(summary_from, "latency_stats", key, value=None), summary_to["latency_stats"][key], ) elif not different_vendors: row[key] = compute_diff( recursive_get(summary_from, "metadata", key, "average", value=None), summary_to["metadata"][key]["average"], ) if row.get(key) != None and ( "diff" not in row[key] or ("diff_treshold" in field and abs(row[key]["diff"]) >= field["diff_treshold"]) ): performance_changed = True if performance_changed: ret[testcode] = row return ret def generate_remarkup(fields, data): ret = "==== Benchmark summary: ====\n\n" if len(data) > 0: ret += "
Testcode | \n" ret += ( "\n".join( map( lambda x: "{} | ".format(x["name"].replace("_", " ").capitalize()), fields, ) ) + "\n" ) ret += "|
{} | \n".format(testcode) for field in fields: result = data[testcode].get(field["name"]) if result != None: value = result["value"] * field["scaling"] if "diff" in result: diff = result["diff"] arrow = "arrow-up" if diff >= 0 else "arrow-down" if not (field["positive_diff_better"] ^ (diff >= 0)): color = "green" else: color = "red" sign = "{{icon {} color={}}}".format(arrow, color) ret += '{:.3f}{} ({:+.2%}) | \n'.format( color, value, field["unit"], diff ) else: ret += '{:.3f}{} //(new)// | \n'.format(value, field["unit"]) ret += "