#include #include "query/frontend/semantic/symbol_table.hpp" #include "query/plan/operator.hpp" #include "query/plan/pretty_print.hpp" #include "query_common.hpp" using namespace query; using namespace query::plan; // The JSON formatted plan is consumed (or will be) by Memgraph Lab, and // therefore should not be changed before synchronizing with whoever is // maintaining Memgraph Lab. Hopefully, one day integration tests will exist and // there will be no need to be super careful. // This is a hack to prevent Googletest from crashing when outputing JSONs. namespace nlohmann { void PrintTo(const json &json, std::ostream *os) { *os << std::endl << json.dump(1); } } // namespace nlohmann using namespace nlohmann; class PrintToJsonTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: PrintToJsonTest() : db(), dba(db.Access()) {} AstStorage storage; SymbolTable symbol_table; storage::Storage db; storage::Storage::Accessor dba; Symbol GetSymbol(std::string name) { return symbol_table.CreateSymbol(name, true); } void Check(LogicalOperator *root, std::string expected) { query::DbAccessor query_dba(&dba); EXPECT_EQ(PlanToJson(query_dba, root), json::parse(expected)); } }; TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Once) { std::shared_ptr last_op; last_op = std::make_shared(); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "Once" })"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, ScanAll) { std::shared_ptr last_op; last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, GetSymbol("node")); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } })"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, ScanAllByLabel) { std::shared_ptr last_op; last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, GetSymbol("node"), dba.NameToLabel("Label")); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "ScanAllByLabel", "label" : "Label", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } })"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange) { { std::shared_ptr last_op; last_op = std::make_shared( nullptr, GetSymbol("node"), dba.NameToLabel("Label"), dba.NameToProperty("prop"), "prop", utils::MakeBoundInclusive(LITERAL(1)), utils::MakeBoundExclusive(LITERAL(20))); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange", "label" : "Label", "property" : "prop", "lower_bound" : { "value" : "1", "type" : "inclusive" }, "upper_bound" : { "value" : "20", "type" : "exclusive" }, "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } })"); } { std::shared_ptr last_op; last_op = std::make_shared( nullptr, GetSymbol("node"), dba.NameToLabel("Label"), dba.NameToProperty("prop"), "prop", std::nullopt, utils::MakeBoundExclusive(LITERAL(20))); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange", "label" : "Label", "property" : "prop", "lower_bound" : null, "upper_bound" : { "value" : "20", "type" : "exclusive" }, "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } })"); } { std::shared_ptr last_op; last_op = std::make_shared( nullptr, GetSymbol("node"), dba.NameToLabel("Label"), dba.NameToProperty("prop"), "prop", utils::MakeBoundInclusive(LITERAL(1)), std::nullopt); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange", "label" : "Label", "property" : "prop", "lower_bound" : { "value" : "1", "type" : "inclusive" }, "upper_bound" : null, "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } })"); } } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue) { std::shared_ptr last_op; last_op = std::make_shared( nullptr, GetSymbol("node"), dba.NameToLabel("Label"), dba.NameToProperty("prop"), "prop", ADD(LITERAL(21), LITERAL(21))); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue", "label" : "Label", "property" : "prop", "expression" : "(+ 21 21)", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, CreateNode) { std::shared_ptr last_op; last_op = std::make_shared( nullptr, NodeCreationInfo{ GetSymbol("node"), {dba.NameToLabel("Label1"), dba.NameToLabel("Label2")}, {{dba.NameToProperty("prop1"), LITERAL(5)}, {dba.NameToProperty("prop2"), LITERAL("some cool stuff")}}}); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "CreateNode", "node_info" : { "symbol" : "node", "labels" : ["Label1", "Label2"], "properties" : { "prop1" : "5", "prop2" : "\"some cool stuff\"" } }, "input" : { "name" : "Once" } })"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, CreateExpand) { Symbol node1_sym = GetSymbol("node1"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, GetSymbol("node1")); last_op = std::make_shared( NodeCreationInfo{ GetSymbol("node2"), {dba.NameToLabel("Label1"), dba.NameToLabel("Label2")}, {{dba.NameToProperty("prop1"), LITERAL(5)}, {dba.NameToProperty("prop2"), LITERAL("some cool stuff")}}}, EdgeCreationInfo{GetSymbol("edge"), {{dba.NameToProperty("weight"), LITERAL(5.32)}}, dba.NameToEdgeType("edge_type"), EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT}, last_op, node1_sym, false); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "CreateExpand", "node_info" : { "symbol" : "node2", "labels" : ["Label1", "Label2"], "properties" : { "prop1" : "5", "prop2" : "\"some cool stuff\"" } }, "edge_info" : { "symbol" : "edge", "properties" : { "weight" : "5.32" }, "edge_type" : "edge_type", "direction" : "out" }, "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node1", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } }, "input_symbol" : "node1", "existing_node" : false })"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Expand) { auto node1_sym = GetSymbol("node1"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node1_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, node1_sym, GetSymbol("node2"), GetSymbol("edge"), EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH, std::vector{dba.NameToEdgeType("EdgeType1"), dba.NameToEdgeType("EdgeType2")}, false, storage::View::OLD); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "Expand", "input_symbol" : "node1", "node_symbol" : "node2", "edge_symbol" : "edge", "direction" : "both", "edge_types" : ["EdgeType1", "EdgeType2"], "existing_node" : false, "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node1", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, ExpandVariable) { auto node1_sym = GetSymbol("node1"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node1_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, node1_sym, GetSymbol("node2"), GetSymbol("edge"), EdgeAtom::Type::BREADTH_FIRST, EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT, std::vector{dba.NameToEdgeType("EdgeType1"), dba.NameToEdgeType("EdgeType2")}, false, LITERAL(2), LITERAL(5), false, ExpansionLambda{ GetSymbol("inner_node"), GetSymbol("inner_edge"), PROPERTY_LOOKUP("inner_node", dba.NameToProperty("unblocked"))}, std::nullopt, std::nullopt); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "ExpandVariable", "input_symbol" : "node1", "node_symbol" : "node2", "edge_symbol" : "edge", "direction" : "out", "edge_types" : ["EdgeType1", "EdgeType2"], "existing_node" : false, "type" : "bfs", "is_reverse" : false, "lower_bound" : "2", "upper_bound" : "5", "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node1", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } }, "filter_lambda" : "(PropertyLookup (Identifier \"inner_node\") \"unblocked\")" })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, ExpandVariableWsp) { auto node1_sym = GetSymbol("node1"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node1_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, node1_sym, GetSymbol("node2"), GetSymbol("edge"), EdgeAtom::Type::WEIGHTED_SHORTEST_PATH, EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT, std::vector{dba.NameToEdgeType("EdgeType1"), dba.NameToEdgeType("EdgeType2")}, false, LITERAL(2), LITERAL(5), false, ExpansionLambda{GetSymbol("inner_node"), GetSymbol("inner_edge"), nullptr}, ExpansionLambda{ GetSymbol("inner_node"), GetSymbol("inner_edge"), PROPERTY_LOOKUP("inner_edge", dba.NameToProperty("weight"))}, GetSymbol("total")); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "ExpandVariable", "input_symbol" : "node1", "node_symbol" : "node2", "edge_symbol" : "edge", "direction" : "out", "edge_types" : ["EdgeType1", "EdgeType2"], "existing_node" : false, "type" : "wsp", "is_reverse" : false, "lower_bound" : "2", "upper_bound" : "5", "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node1", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } }, "filter_lambda" : null, "weight_lambda" : "(PropertyLookup (Identifier \"inner_edge\") \"weight\")", "total_weight_symbol" : "total" })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, ConstructNamedPath) { auto node1_sym = GetSymbol("node1"); auto edge1_sym = GetSymbol("edge1"); auto node2_sym = GetSymbol("node2"); auto edge2_sym = GetSymbol("edge2"); auto node3_sym = GetSymbol("node3"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node1_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, node1_sym, node2_sym, edge1_sym, EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT, std::vector{}, false, storage::View::OLD); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, node2_sym, node3_sym, edge2_sym, EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT, std::vector{}, false, storage::View::OLD); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, GetSymbol("path"), std::vector{node1_sym, edge1_sym, node2_sym, edge2_sym, node3_sym}); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "ConstructNamedPath", "path_symbol" : "path", "path_elements" : ["node1", "edge1", "node2", "edge2", "node3"], "input" : { "name" : "Expand", "input_symbol" : "node2", "node_symbol" : "node3", "edge_symbol" : "edge2", "direction" : "out", "edge_types" : null, "existing_node" : false, "input" : { "name" : "Expand", "input_symbol" : "node1", "node_symbol" : "node2", "edge_symbol": "edge1", "direction" : "out", "edge_types" : null, "existing_node" : false, "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node1", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } } } })"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Filter) { std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, GetSymbol("node1")); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, EQ(PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node1", dba.NameToProperty("prop")), LITERAL(5))); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Filter", "expression" : "(== (PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node1\") \"prop\") 5)", "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node1", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Produce) { std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared( nullptr, std::vector{NEXPR("pet", LITERAL(5)), NEXPR("string", LITERAL("string"))}); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Produce", "named_expressions" : [ { "expression" : "5", "name" : "pet" }, { "expression" : "\"string\"", "name" : "string" } ], "input" : { "name" : "Once" } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Delete) { auto node_sym = GetSymbol("node1"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, node_sym, GetSymbol("node2"), GetSymbol("edge"), EdgeAtom::Direction::BOTH, std::vector{}, false, storage::View::OLD); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, std::vector{IDENT("node2")}, true); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Delete", "expressions" : [ "(Identifier \"node2\")" ], "detach" : true, "input" : { "name" : "Expand", "input_symbol" : "node1", "node_symbol" : "node2", "edge_symbol" : "edge", "direction" : "both", "edge_types" : null, "existing_node" : false, "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node1", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, SetProperty) { storage::PropertyId prop = dba.NameToProperty("prop"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, GetSymbol("node")); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, prop, PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node", prop), ADD(PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node", prop), LITERAL(1))); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "SetProperty", "property" : "prop", "lhs" : "(PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node\") \"prop\")", "rhs" : "(+ (PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node\") \"prop\") 1)", "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, SetProperties) { auto node_sym = GetSymbol("node"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, node_sym, MAP({{storage.GetPropertyIx("prop1"), LITERAL(1)}, {storage.GetPropertyIx("prop2"), LITERAL("propko")}}), plan::SetProperties::Op::REPLACE); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "SetProperties", "input_symbol" : "node", "rhs" : "{\"prop1\": 1, \"prop2\": \"propko\"}", "op" : "replace", "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, SetLabels) { auto node_sym = GetSymbol("node"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, node_sym, std::vector{dba.NameToLabel("label1"), dba.NameToLabel("label2")}); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "SetLabels", "input_symbol" : "node", "labels" : ["label1", "label2"], "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, RemoveProperty) { auto node_sym = GetSymbol("node"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, dba.NameToProperty("prop"), PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node", dba.NameToProperty("prop"))); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "RemoveProperty", "lhs" : "(PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node\") \"prop\")", "property" : "prop", "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, RemoveLabels) { auto node_sym = GetSymbol("node"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, node_sym, std::vector{dba.NameToLabel("label1"), dba.NameToLabel("label2")}); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "RemoveLabels", "input_symbol" : "node", "labels" : ["label1", "label2"], "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, EdgeUniquenessFilter) { auto node1_sym = GetSymbol("node1"); auto node2_sym = GetSymbol("node2"); auto node3_sym = GetSymbol("node3"); auto node4_sym = GetSymbol("node4"); auto edge1_sym = GetSymbol("edge1"); auto edge2_sym = GetSymbol("edge2"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node1_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, node1_sym, node2_sym, edge1_sym, EdgeAtom::Direction::IN, std::vector{}, false, storage::View::OLD); last_op = std::make_shared(last_op, node3_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, node3_sym, node4_sym, edge2_sym, EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT, std::vector{}, false, storage::View::OLD); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, edge2_sym, std::vector{edge1_sym}); Check(last_op.get(), R"( { "name" : "EdgeUniquenessFilter", "expand_symbol" : "edge2", "previous_symbols" : ["edge1"], "input" : { "name" : "Expand", "input_symbol" : "node3", "node_symbol" : "node4", "edge_symbol" : "edge2", "direction" : "out", "edge_types" : null, "existing_node" : false, "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node3", "input" : { "name" : "Expand", "input_symbol" : "node1", "node_symbol" : "node2", "edge_symbol" : "edge1", "direction" : "in", "edge_types" : null, "existing_node" : false, "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node1", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } } } } })"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Accumulate) { storage::PropertyId prop = dba.NameToProperty("prop"); auto node_sym = GetSymbol("node"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, prop, PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node", prop), ADD(PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node", prop), LITERAL(1))); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, std::vector{node_sym}, true); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Accumulate", "symbols" : ["node"], "advance_command" : true, "input" : { "name" : "SetProperty", "property" : "prop", "lhs" : "(PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node\") \"prop\")", "rhs" : "(+ (PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node\") \"prop\") 1)", "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Aggregate) { storage::PropertyId value = dba.NameToProperty("value"); storage::PropertyId color = dba.NameToProperty("color"); storage::PropertyId type = dba.NameToProperty("type"); auto node_sym = GetSymbol("node"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, std::vector{ {PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node", value), nullptr, Aggregation::Op::SUM, GetSymbol("sum")}, {PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node", value), PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node", color), Aggregation::Op::COLLECT_MAP, GetSymbol("map")}, {nullptr, nullptr, Aggregation::Op::COUNT, GetSymbol("count")}}, std::vector{PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node", type)}, std::vector{node_sym}); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Aggregate", "aggregations" : [ { "value" : "(PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node\") \"value\")", "op" : "sum", "output_symbol" : "sum" }, { "value" : "(PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node\") \"value\")", "key" : "(PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node\") \"color\")", "op" : "collect", "output_symbol" : "map" }, { "op": "count", "output_symbol": "count" } ], "group_by" : [ "(PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node\") \"type\")" ], "remember" : ["node"], "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Skip) { std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, GetSymbol("node")); last_op = std::make_shared(last_op, LITERAL(42)); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Skip", "expression" : "42", "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Limit) { std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, GetSymbol("node")); last_op = std::make_shared(last_op, LITERAL(42)); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Limit", "expression" : "42", "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, OrderBy) { Symbol node_sym = GetSymbol("node"); storage::PropertyId value = dba.NameToProperty("value"); storage::PropertyId color = dba.NameToProperty("color"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, node_sym); last_op = std::make_shared( last_op, std::vector{{Ordering::ASC, PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node", value)}, {Ordering::DESC, PROPERTY_LOOKUP("node", color)}}, std::vector{node_sym}); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "OrderBy", "order_by" : [ { "ordering" : "asc", "expression" : "(PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node\") \"value\")" }, { "ordering" : "desc", "expression" : "(PropertyLookup (Identifier \"node\") \"color\")" } ], "output_symbols" : ["node"], "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Merge) { Symbol node_sym = GetSymbol("node"); storage::LabelId label = dba.NameToLabel("label"); std::shared_ptr match = std::make_shared(nullptr, node_sym, label); std::shared_ptr create = std::make_shared( nullptr, NodeCreationInfo{node_sym, {label}, {}}); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared(nullptr, match, create); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Merge", "input" : { "name" : "Once" }, "merge_match" : { "name" : "ScanAllByLabel", "label" : "label", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } }, "merge_create" : { "name" : "CreateNode", "node_info" : { "symbol" : "node", "labels" : ["label"], "properties" : null }, "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Optional) { Symbol node1_sym = GetSymbol("node1"); Symbol node2_sym = GetSymbol("node2"); Symbol edge_sym = GetSymbol("edge"); std::shared_ptr input = std::make_shared(nullptr, node1_sym); std::shared_ptr expand = std::make_shared( nullptr, node1_sym, node2_sym, edge_sym, EdgeAtom::Direction::OUT, std::vector{}, false, storage::View::OLD); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared( input, expand, std::vector{node2_sym, edge_sym}); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Optional", "input" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node1", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } }, "optional" : { "name" : "Expand", "input_symbol" : "node1", "node_symbol" : "node2", "edge_symbol" : "edge", "direction" : "out", "edge_types" : null, "existing_node" : false, "input" : { "name" : "Once" } }, "optional_symbols" : ["node2", "edge"] })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Unwind) { std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared( nullptr, LIST(LITERAL(1), LITERAL(2), LITERAL(3)), GetSymbol("x")); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Unwind", "output_symbol" : "x", "input_expression" : "(ListLiteral [1, 2, 3])", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Distinct) { Symbol x = GetSymbol("x"); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared( nullptr, LIST(LITERAL(2), LITERAL(3), LITERAL(2)), x); last_op = std::make_shared(last_op, std::vector{x}); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Distinct", "value_symbols" : ["x"], "input" : { "name" : "Unwind", "output_symbol" : "x", "input_expression" : "(ListLiteral [2, 3, 2])", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Union) { Symbol x = GetSymbol("x"); std::shared_ptr lhs = std::make_shared( nullptr, LIST(LITERAL(2), LITERAL(3), LITERAL(2)), x); Symbol node = GetSymbol("x"); std::shared_ptr rhs = std::make_shared(nullptr, node); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared( lhs, rhs, std::vector{GetSymbol("x")}, std::vector{x}, std::vector{node}); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Union", "union_symbols" : ["x"], "left_symbols" : ["x"], "right_symbols" : ["x"], "left_op" : { "name" : "Unwind", "output_symbol" : "x", "input_expression" : "(ListLiteral [2, 3, 2])", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } }, "right_op" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "x", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); } TEST_F(PrintToJsonTest, Cartesian) { Symbol x = GetSymbol("x"); std::shared_ptr lhs = std::make_shared( nullptr, LIST(LITERAL(2), LITERAL(3), LITERAL(2)), x); Symbol node = GetSymbol("node"); std::shared_ptr rhs = std::make_shared(nullptr, node); std::shared_ptr last_op = std::make_shared( lhs, std::vector{x}, rhs, std::vector{node}); Check(last_op.get(), R"sep( { "name" : "Cartesian", "left_symbols" : ["x"], "right_symbols" : ["node"], "left_op" : { "name" : "Unwind", "output_symbol" : "x", "input_expression" : "(ListLiteral [2, 3, 2])", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } }, "right_op" : { "name" : "ScanAll", "output_symbol" : "node", "input" : { "name" : "Once" } } })sep"); }