#!/bin/bash ## Helper functions function wait_for_server { port=$1 while ! nc -z -w 1 $port; do sleep 0.1 done sleep 1 } function echo_info { printf "\033[1;36m~~ $1 ~~\033[0m\n"; } function echo_success { printf "\033[1;32m~~ $1 ~~\033[0m\n\n"; } function echo_failure { printf "\033[1;31m~~ $1 ~~\033[0m\n\n"; } ## Environment setup # Get script location. DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" cd "$DIR" # Create a temporary directory. tmpdir=/tmp/memgraph_integration_kafka if [ -d $tmpdir ]; then rm -rf $tmpdir fi mkdir -p $tmpdir cd $tmpdir # Download the kafka binaries. kafka="kafka_2.11-2.0.0" wget -nv http://deps.memgraph.io/$kafka.tgz tar -xf $kafka.tgz mv $kafka kafka # Find memgraph binaries. binary_dir="$DIR/../../../build" if [ ! -d $binary_dir ]; then binary_dir="$DIR/../../../build_debug" fi # Cleanup old kafka logs. if [ -d /tmp/kafka-logs ]; then rm -rf /tmp/kafka-logs fi if [ -d /tmp/zookeeper ]; then rm -rf /tmp/zookeeper fi ## Startup # Start the zookeeper process and wait for it to start. echo_info "Starting zookeeper" ./kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon kafka/config/zookeeper.properties wait_for_server 2181 echo_success "Started zookeeper" # Start the kafka process and wait for it to start. echo_info "Starting kafka" ./kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon kafka/config/server.properties wait_for_server 9092 echo_success "Started kafka" # Start the memgraph process and wait for it to start. echo_info "Starting memgraph" $binary_dir/memgraph & pid=$! wait_for_server 7687 echo_success "Started memgraph" ## Run the test # Create the kafka topic. echo_info "Creating kafka topic" ./kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test echo_success "Created kafka topic" # Start a http server to serve the transform script. echo_info "Starting Python HTTP server" mkdir serve cd serve cp "$DIR/transform.py" transform.py python3 -m http.server & wait_for_server 8000 http_pid=$! cd .. echo_success "Started Python HTTP server" # Create and start the stream in memgraph. echo_info "Defining and starting the stream in memgraph" $binary_dir/tests/integration/kafka/tester --step start code1=$? if [ $code1 -eq 0 ]; then echo_success "Defined and started the stream in memgraph" else echo_failure "Couldn't define and/or start the stream in memgraph" fi # Wait for the streams to start up. sleep 10 # Produce some messages. echo_info "Producing kafka messages" ./kafka/bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list --topic test <