#include #include #include "communication/bolt/client.hpp" #include "io/network/endpoint.hpp" #include "io/network/utils.hpp" DEFINE_string(address, "", "Server address"); DEFINE_int32(port, 7687, "Server port"); DEFINE_string(username, "", "Username for the database"); DEFINE_string(password, "", "Password for the database"); DEFINE_bool(use_ssl, false, "Set to true to connect with SSL to the server."); DEFINE_bool(check_failure, false, "Set to true to enable failure checking."); DEFINE_bool(should_fail, false, "Set to true to expect a failure."); DEFINE_string(failure_message, "", "Set to the expected failure message."); /** * Executes queries passed as positional arguments and verifies whether they * succeeded, failed, failed with a specific error message or executed without a * specific error occurring. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); communication::SSLInit sslInit; io::network::Endpoint endpoint(io::network::ResolveHostname(FLAGS_address), FLAGS_port); communication::ClientContext context(FLAGS_use_ssl); communication::bolt::Client client(&context); client.Connect(endpoint, FLAGS_username, FLAGS_password); for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { std::string query(argv[i]); try { client.Execute(query, {}); } catch (const communication::bolt::ClientQueryException &e) { if (!FLAGS_check_failure) { if (!FLAGS_failure_message.empty() && e.what() == FLAGS_failure_message) { LOG(FATAL) << "The query should have succeeded or failed with an error " "message that isn't equal to '" << FLAGS_failure_message << "' but it failed with that error message"; } continue; } if (FLAGS_should_fail) { if (!FLAGS_failure_message.empty() && e.what() != FLAGS_failure_message) { LOG(FATAL) << "The query should have failed with an error message of '" << FLAGS_failure_message << "' but instead it failed with '" << e.what() << "'"; } return 0; } else { LOG(FATAL) << "The query shoudn't have failed but it failed with an " "error message '" << e.what() << "'"; } } if (!FLAGS_check_failure) continue; if (FLAGS_should_fail) { LOG(FATAL) << "The query should have failed but instead it executed " "successfully!"; } } return 0; }