# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import atexit import datetime import json import logging import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from fcntl import fcntl, F_GETFL, F_SETFL from steps.test_parameters import TestParameters from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase, basic_auth from steps.graph_properties import GraphProperties from test_results import TestResults # Constants - Memgraph flags COMMON_FLAGS = ["--durability-enabled=false", "--snapshot-on-exit=false", "--db-recover-on-startup=false"] DISTRIBUTED_FLAGS = ["--num-workers", str(6), "--rpc-num-client-workers", str(6), "--rpc-num-server-workers", str(6)] MASTER_FLAGS = ["--master", "--master-port", "10000"] MEMGRAPH_PORT = 7687 # Module-scoped variables test_results = TestResults() temporary_directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() # Helper functions def get_script_path(): return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def start_process(cmd, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs): ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **kwargs) # set the O_NONBLOCK flag of process stderr file descriptor if stderr == subprocess.PIPE: flags = fcntl(ret.stderr, F_GETFL) # get current stderr flags fcntl(ret.stderr, F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) return ret def is_tested_system_active(context): return all(proc.poll() is None for proc in context.memgraph_processes) def is_tested_system_inactive(context): return not any(proc.poll() is None for proc in context.memgraph_processes) def get_worker_flags(worker_id): flags = ["--worker", "--worker-id", str(worker_id), "--worker-port", str(10000 + worker_id), "--master-port", str(10000)] return flags def wait_for_server(port, delay=0.01): cmd = ["nc", "-z", "-w", "1", "", port] count = 0 while subprocess.call(cmd) != 0: time.sleep(0.01) if count > 20 / 0.01: print("Could not wait for server on port", port, "to startup!") sys.exit(1) count += 1 time.sleep(delay) def run_memgraph(context, flags): memgraph_cmd = [os.path.join(context.memgraph_dir, "memgraph")] memgraph_subprocess = start_process(memgraph_cmd + flags) context.memgraph_processes.append(memgraph_subprocess) def start_memgraph(context): if context.config.distributed: # Run distributed flags = COMMON_FLAGS.copy() if context.config.memgraph_params: flags += context.extra_flags master_flags = flags.copy() master_flags.append("--durability-directory=" + os.path.join( temporary_directory.name, "master")) run_memgraph(context, master_flags + DISTRIBUTED_FLAGS + MASTER_FLAGS) for i in range(1, int(context.config.num_machines)): worker_flags = flags.copy() worker_flags.append("--durability-directory=" + os.path.join( temporary_directory.name, "worker" + str(i))) run_memgraph(context, worker_flags + DISTRIBUTED_FLAGS + get_worker_flags(i)) else: # Run single machine memgraph flags = COMMON_FLAGS.copy() if context.config.memgraph_params: flags += context.extra_flags flags.append("--durability-directory=" + temporary_directory.name) run_memgraph(context, flags) assert is_tested_system_active(context), "Failed to start memgraph" wait_for_server(str(MEMGRAPH_PORT)) # wait for memgraph to start def cleanup(context): if context.config.database == "memgraph": list(map(lambda p: p.kill(), context.memgraph_processes)) list(map(lambda p: p.wait(), context.memgraph_processes)) assert is_tested_system_inactive(context), "Failed to stop memgraph" context.memgraph_processes.clear() def get_test_suite(context): """ Returns test suite from a test root folder. If test root is a feature file, name of file is returned without .feature extension. """ root = context.config.root if root.endswith("/"): root = root[0:len(root) - 1] if root.endswith("features"): root = root[0: len(root) - len("features") - 1] test_suite = root.split('/')[-1] return test_suite def set_logging(context): """ Initializes log and sets logging level to debug. """ logging.basicConfig(level="DEBUG") log = logging.getLogger(__name__) context.log = log def create_db_driver(context): """ Creates database driver and returns it. """ uri = context.config.database_uri auth_token = basic_auth( context.config.database_username, context.config.database_password) if context.config.database == "neo4j" or \ context.config.database == "memgraph": driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=auth_token, encrypted=0) else: raise "Unsupported database type" return driver # Behave specific functions def before_step(context, step): """ Executes before every step. Checks if step is execution step and sets context variable to true if it is. """ context.execution_step = False if step.name == "executing query": context.execution_step = True def before_scenario(context, scenario): """ Executes before every scenario. Initializes test parameters, graph properties, exception and test execution time. """ if context.config.database == "memgraph": # Check if memgraph is up and running if is_tested_system_active(context): context.is_tested_system_restarted = False else: cleanup(context) start_memgraph(context) context.is_tested_system_restarted = True context.test_parameters = TestParameters() context.graph_properties = GraphProperties() context.exception = None context.execution_time = None def before_all(context): """ Executes before running tests. Initializes driver and latency dict and creates needed directories. """ timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime("%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S") latency_file = "latency/" + context.config.database + "/" + \ get_test_suite(context) + "/" + timestamp + ".json" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(latency_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(latency_file)) context.latency_file = latency_file context.js = dict() context.js["metadata"] = dict() context.js["metadata"]["execution_time_unit"] = "seconds" context.js["data"] = dict() set_logging(context) # set config for memgraph context.memgraph_processes = [] script_path = get_script_path() context.memgraph_dir = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(script_path, "../../../build")) if not os.path.exists(context.memgraph_dir): context.memgraph_dir = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(script_path, "../../../build_debug")) if context.config.memgraph_params: params = context.config.memgraph_params.strip("\"") context.extra_flags = params.split() atexit.register(cleanup, context) if context.config.database == "memgraph": start_memgraph(context) context.driver = create_db_driver(context) def after_scenario(context, scenario): """ Executes after every scenario. Pauses execution if flags are set. Adds execution time to latency dict if it is not None. """ err_output = [p.stderr.read() # noqa unused variable for p in context.memgraph_processes] # print error output for each subprocess if scenario failed if scenario.status == "failed": for i, err in enumerate(err_output): if err: err = err.decode("utf-8") print("\n", "-" * 5, "Machine {}".format(i), "-" * 5) list(map(print, [line for line in err.splitlines()])) test_results.add_test(scenario.status, context.is_tested_system_restarted) if context.config.single_scenario or \ (context.config.single_fail and scenario.status == "failed"): print("Press enter to continue") sys.stdin.readline() if context.execution_time is not None: context.js['data'][scenario.name] = { "execution_time": context.execution_time, "status": scenario.status } def after_feature(context, feature): """ Executes after every feature. If flag is set, pauses before executing next scenario. """ if context.config.single_feature: print("Press enter to continue") sys.stdin.readline() def after_all(context): """ Executes when testing is finished. Creates JSON files of test latency and test results. """ context.driver.close() timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime("%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M") test_suite = get_test_suite(context) file_name = context.config.output_folder + timestamp + \ "-" + context.config.database + "-" + context.config.test_name + \ ".json" js = { "total": test_results.num_total(), "passed": test_results.num_passed(), "restarts": test_results.num_restarts(), "test_suite": test_suite, "timestamp": timestamp, "db": context.config.database } with open(file_name, 'w') as f: json.dump(js, f) with open(context.latency_file, "a") as f: json.dump(context.js, f)