#include #include #include #include "capnp/serialize.h" #include "communication/rpc/client.hpp" #include "communication/rpc/client_pool.hpp" #include "communication/rpc/messages.hpp" #include "communication/rpc/server.hpp" #include "utils/timer.hpp" struct EchoMessage { using Capnp = ::capnp::AnyPointer; static const utils::TypeInfo kType; EchoMessage() {} // Needed for serialization. EchoMessage(const std::string &data) : data(data) {} std::string data; }; void Save(const EchoMessage &echo, ::capnp::AnyPointer::Builder *builder) { auto list_builder = builder->initAs<::capnp::List<::capnp::Text>>(1); list_builder.set(0, echo.data); } void Load(EchoMessage *echo, const ::capnp::AnyPointer::Reader &reader) { auto list_reader = reader.getAs<::capnp::List<::capnp::Text>>(); echo->data = list_reader[0]; } const utils::TypeInfo EchoMessage::kType{2, "EchoMessage"}; using Echo = communication::rpc::RequestResponse; const int kThreadsNum = 16; DEFINE_string(server_address, "", "Server address"); DEFINE_int32(server_port, 0, "Server port"); DEFINE_bool(run_server, true, "Set to false to use external server"); DEFINE_bool(run_benchmark, true, "Set to false to only run server"); std::optional server; std::optional clients[kThreadsNum]; std::optional client_pool; std::optional thread_pool; static void BenchmarkRpc(benchmark::State &state) { std::string data(state.range(0), 'a'); while (state.KeepRunning()) { clients[state.thread_index]->Call(data); } state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); } static void BenchmarkRpcPool(benchmark::State &state) { std::string data(state.range(0), 'a'); while (state.KeepRunning()) { client_pool->Call(data); } state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); } static void BenchmarkRpcPoolAsync(benchmark::State &state) { std::string data(state.range(0), 'a'); while (state.KeepRunning()) { auto future = thread_pool->Run([&data] { client_pool->Call(data); }); future.get(); } state.SetItemsProcessed(state.iterations()); } BENCHMARK(BenchmarkRpc) ->RangeMultiplier(4) ->Range(4, 1 << 13) ->ThreadRange(1, kThreadsNum) ->Unit(benchmark::kNanosecond) ->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK(BenchmarkRpcPool) ->RangeMultiplier(4) ->Range(4, 1 << 13) ->ThreadRange(1, kThreadsNum) ->Unit(benchmark::kNanosecond) ->UseRealTime(); BENCHMARK(BenchmarkRpcPoolAsync) ->RangeMultiplier(4) ->Range(4, 1 << 13) ->ThreadRange(1, kThreadsNum) ->Unit(benchmark::kNanosecond) ->UseRealTime(); int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv); gflags::AllowCommandLineReparsing(); gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); if (FLAGS_run_server) { server.emplace( io::network::Endpoint(FLAGS_server_address, FLAGS_server_port), kThreadsNum); server->Register([](const auto &req_reader, auto *res_builder) { EchoMessage res; Load(&res, req_reader); Save(res, res_builder); }); server->Start(); } if (FLAGS_run_benchmark) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)); io::network ::Endpoint endpoint; if (FLAGS_run_server) { endpoint = server->endpoint(); } else { endpoint = io::network::Endpoint(FLAGS_server_address, FLAGS_server_port); } for (int i = 0; i < kThreadsNum; ++i) { clients[i].emplace(endpoint); clients[i]->Call("init"); } // The client pool connects to the server only when there are no leftover // unused RPC clients (during concurrent execution). To reduce the overhead // of making connections to the server during the benchmark here we // simultaneously call the Echo RPC on the client pool to make the client // pool connect to the server `kThreadsNum` times. client_pool.emplace(endpoint); std::thread threads[kThreadsNum]; for (int i = 0; i < kThreadsNum; ++i) { threads[i] = std::thread([] { client_pool->Call(std::string(10000, 'a')); }); } for (int i = 0; i < kThreadsNum; ++i) { threads[i].join(); } thread_pool.emplace(kThreadsNum, "RPC client"); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)); ::benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(); } else { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(3600 * 24 * 365)); } if (FLAGS_run_server) { server->Shutdown(); server->AwaitShutdown(); } }