// Copyright 2022 Memgraph Ltd. // // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source // License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License. // // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file // licenses/APL.txt. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "io/rsm/rsm_client.hpp" #include "storage/v3/id_types.hpp" #include "storage/v3/schemas.hpp" namespace memgraph::io::tests { using memgraph::coordinator::Coordinator; using memgraph::coordinator::CoordinatorClient; using memgraph::coordinator::CoordinatorReadRequests; using memgraph::coordinator::CoordinatorReadResponses; using memgraph::coordinator::CoordinatorWriteRequests; using memgraph::coordinator::CoordinatorWriteResponses; using memgraph::coordinator::Hlc; using memgraph::coordinator::HlcResponse; using memgraph::coordinator::Shard; using memgraph::coordinator::ShardMap; using memgraph::io::Io; using memgraph::io::local_transport::LocalSystem; using memgraph::io::local_transport::LocalTransport; using memgraph::machine_manager::MachineConfig; using memgraph::machine_manager::MachineManager; using memgraph::storage::v3::LabelId; using memgraph::storage::v3::SchemaProperty; using memgraph::io::rsm::RsmClient; using memgraph::msgs::ReadRequests; using memgraph::msgs::ReadResponses; using memgraph::msgs::WriteRequests; using memgraph::msgs::WriteResponses; using CompoundKey = std::vector; using ShardClient = RsmClient; ShardMap TestShardMap() { ShardMap sm{}; const std::string label_name = std::string("test_label"); // register new properties const std::vector property_names = {"property_1", "property_2"}; const auto properties = sm.AllocatePropertyIds(property_names); const auto property_id_1 = properties.at("property_1"); const auto property_id_2 = properties.at("property_2"); const auto type_1 = memgraph::common::SchemaType::INT; const auto type_2 = memgraph::common::SchemaType::INT; // register new label space std::vector schema = { SchemaProperty{.property_id = property_id_1, .type = type_1}, SchemaProperty{.property_id = property_id_2, .type = type_2}, }; const size_t replication_factor = 1; std::optional label_id = sm.InitializeNewLabel(label_name, schema, replication_factor, sm.shard_map_version); MG_ASSERT(label_id); // split the shard at N split points // NB: this is the logic that should be provided by the "split file" // TODO(tyler) split points should account for signedness const size_t n_splits = 16; const auto split_interval = std::numeric_limits::max() / n_splits; for (int64_t i = 0; i < n_splits; ++i) { const int64_t value = i * split_interval; const auto key1 = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(value); const auto key2 = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(0); const CompoundKey split_point = {key1, key2}; const bool split_success = sm.SplitShard(sm.shard_map_version, label_id.value(), split_point); MG_ASSERT(split_success); } return sm; } MachineManager MkMm(LocalSystem &local_system, std::vector
coordinator_addresses, Address addr, ShardMap shard_map) { MachineConfig config{ .coordinator_addresses = coordinator_addresses, .is_storage = true, .is_coordinator = true, .listen_ip = addr.last_known_ip, .listen_port = addr.last_known_port, }; Io io = local_system.Register(addr); Coordinator coordinator{shard_map}; return MachineManager{io, config, coordinator}; } void RunMachine(MachineManager mm) { mm.Run(); } void WaitForShardsToInitialize(CoordinatorClient &cc) { // TODO(tyler) call coordinator client's read method for GetShardMap // and keep reading it until the shard map contains proper replicas // for each shard in the label space. } TEST(MachineManager, BasicFunctionality) { LocalSystem local_system; auto cli_addr = Address::TestAddress(1); auto machine_1_addr = cli_addr.ForkUniqueAddress(); Io cli_io = local_system.Register(cli_addr); auto coordinator_addresses = std::vector{ machine_1_addr, }; ShardMap initialization_sm = TestShardMap(); auto mm_1 = MkMm(local_system, coordinator_addresses, machine_1_addr, initialization_sm); Address coordinator_address = mm_1.CoordinatorAddress(); auto mm_thread_1 = std::jthread(RunMachine, std::move(mm_1)); // TODO(tyler) clarify addresses of coordinator etc... as it's a mess CoordinatorClient cc{cli_io, coordinator_address, {coordinator_address}}; WaitForShardsToInitialize(cc); using namespace std::chrono_literals; std::this_thread::sleep_for(2010ms); // get ShardMap from coordinator memgraph::coordinator::HlcRequest req; req.last_shard_map_version = Hlc{ .logical_id = 0, }; BasicResult read_res = cc.SendWriteRequest(req); MG_ASSERT(!read_res.HasError(), "HLC request unexpectedly timed out"); auto coordinator_read_response = read_res.GetValue(); HlcResponse hlc_response = std::get(coordinator_read_response); ShardMap sm = hlc_response.fresher_shard_map.value(); // Get shard for key and create rsm client const auto cm_key_1 = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(3); const auto cm_key_2 = memgraph::storage::v3::PropertyValue(4); const CompoundKey compound_key = {cm_key_1, cm_key_2}; std::string label_name = "test_label"; Shard shard_for_key = sm.GetShardForKey(label_name, compound_key); auto shard_for_client = std::vector
{}; for (const auto &aas : shard_for_key) { spdlog::info("got address for shard: {}", aas.address.ToString()); shard_for_client.push_back(aas.address); } ShardClient shard_client{cli_io, shard_for_client[0], shard_for_client}; // submit a read request and assert that the requested key does not yet exist LabelId label_id = sm.labels.at(label_name); ReadRequests storage_get_req; /* TODO(tyler,kostas) set this to a real request storage_get_req.label_id = label_id; storage_get_req.key = compound_key; storage_get_req.transaction_id = hlc_response.new_hlc; */ auto get_response_result = shard_client.SendReadRequest(storage_get_req); auto get_response = get_response_result.GetValue(); /* auto val = get_response.value; MG_ASSERT(!val.has_value()); */ local_system.ShutDown(); }; } // namespace memgraph::io::tests