#include <atomic> #include <random> #include <thread> #include <vector> #include "gflags/gflags.h" #include "distributed_common.hpp" DEFINE_int32(num_tx_creators, 3, "Number of threads creating transactions"); DEFINE_int32(tx_per_thread, 1000, "Number of transactions each thread creates"); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); Cluster cluster(5, "card_fraud_local"); cluster.Execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Card(id)"); cluster.Execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Transaction(id)"); cluster.Execute("CREATE INDEX ON :Pos(id)"); int kCardCount = 20000; int kPosCount = 20000; cluster.Execute("UNWIND range(0, $card_count) AS id CREATE (:Card {id:id})", {{"card_count", kCardCount - 1}}); cluster.Execute("UNWIND range(0, $pos_count) AS id CREATE (:Pos {id:id})", {{"pos_count", kPosCount - 1}}); CheckResults(cluster.Execute("MATCH (:Pos) RETURN count(1)"), {{kPosCount}}, "Failed to create POS"); CheckResults(cluster.Execute("MATCH (:Card) RETURN count(1)"), {{kCardCount}}, "Failed to create Cards"); std::atomic<int> tx_counter{0}; auto create_tx = [&cluster, kCardCount, kPosCount, &tx_counter](int count) { std::mt19937 rand_dev{std::random_device{}()}; std::uniform_int_distribution<> int_dist; auto rint = [&rand_dev, &int_dist](int upper) { return int_dist(rand_dev) % upper; }; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { try { auto res = cluster.Execute( "MATCH (p:Pos {id: $pos}), (c:Card {id: $card}) " "CREATE (p)<-[:At]-(:Transaction {id : $tx})-[:Using]->(c) " "RETURN count(1)", {{"pos", rint(kPosCount)}, {"card", rint(kCardCount)}, {"tx", tx_counter++}}); CheckResults(res, {{1}}, "Transaction creation"); } catch (utils::LockTimeoutException &) { --i; } catch (mvcc::SerializationError &) { --i; } if (i > 0 && i % 200 == 0) LOG(INFO) << "Created " << i << " transactions"; } }; LOG(INFO) << "Creating " << FLAGS_num_tx_creators * FLAGS_tx_per_thread << " transactions in " << FLAGS_num_tx_creators << " threads"; std::vector<std::thread> tx_creators; for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_num_tx_creators; ++i) tx_creators.emplace_back(create_tx, FLAGS_tx_per_thread); for (auto &t : tx_creators) t.join(); CheckResults(cluster.Execute("MATCH (:Transaction) RETURN count(1)"), {{FLAGS_num_tx_creators * FLAGS_tx_per_thread}}, "Failed to create Transactions"); LOG(INFO) << "Test terminated successfully"; return 0; }